Pope Francis: the ‘sweet scent of Jesus’

FILIPINOS are excited about the coming of Pope Francis to the Philippines on January 15-19, 2015. As many Filipinos would say, “This is a good start for the New Year!” The Holy Father will bless our nation and express his “malasakit” (compassion) to our people, especially the poor and those whose lives have been devastated by Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan.

And I’m one of those who are excited about the Pope’s visit because I’m actually here in the Philippines, getting ready to welcome Pope Francis.

Many citizens of the world endear this holy man of God, including those who are not Catholics. It’s because he has inspired many with his authenticity of leadership and his compassion for the poor and the marginalized of our society. As my friend and former classmate, Archbishop Socrates Villegas, says, Pope Francis is the “sweet scent of Jesus.”

Elizabetta Pique, a correspondent in Italy and the Vatican for La Nacion, who has personally known Pope Francis since 1999, has written an extensive biography of Jorge Bergoglio entitled Life and Revolution, Francis. It is filled with excerpts from people who have known Pope Francis for many years since his life as Jesuit, Archbishop and later on Cardinal of Buenos Aires.

One of the excerpts comes from Jose Maria Poirier, director of the journal Criterio. Recalling Pope Francis’ leadership as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Poirier states: “He had a personality that won over. With a few words, at times, with just a gesture, his charisma as a leader came through. He charmed you with that very intelligent look, and an intimacy, a trust he knew how to create in any relationship. At those times he was completely there with you and for you, and was looking for points of agreement.”

Another excerpt comes from Father Gustavo Carrara, who was the parish priest of Santa Maria Madre del Pueblo and head of the Episcopal Vicariate for the Pastoral Ministry in the Shantytowns of Buenos Aires: “Bergoglio did what a Bishop should do, and with great dedication. He recognized the faith of the people on these districts. He believes that he poor resemble the suffering Christ, Christ on the Cross. He saw a sacrament in the poor.”

Pope Francis will reveal the same compassionate and merciful heart, the “sweet scent of Jesus” when he visits the Philippines. As a shepherd he would like to walk in the midst of us and “smell” like us, his sheep.

We pray for the safety of Pope Francis and all those who will be attending the Papal events. Having a deep love and devotion to our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, I’m absolutely certain that the Holy Father is consecrating this visit to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Let us all pray for Mary’s intercession that God will protect the Holy Father and those attending the Papal Visit from all harm. May Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippines bring success and fruitfulness to the Church!

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From a Filipino immigrant family, Reverend Rodel G. Balagtas was ordained to the priesthood from St. John’s Seminary in 1991. He served as Associate Pastor at St. Augustine, Culver City (1991-1993); St. Martha, Valinda (1993-1999); and St. Joseph the Worker, Canoga Park (1999-2001). In 2001, he served as Administrator Pro Tem of St. John Neumann in Santa Maria, CA, until his appointment as pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Angeles, in 2002, which lasted 12 years. His term as Associate Director of Pastoral Field Education at St. John’s Seminary began in July 2014.

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