[COLUMN] Still finding your best angle? A chin enhancement can give you the perfect  angle anywhere you look 

Are you one of those who positions her face to that one flattering angle every time (and I mean,  EVERY time) she had her picture taken? And you wished you do could other poses, and you are not  limited to just one specific profile. I feel you sister… or brother (men have their best angle too).

“But I don’t really put much thought into it ‘coz I can easily edit those photos using editing apps and filters.” I hear  you. But as I always advise my clients: You can only do so much editing in the digital world. It would  bring you greater satisfaction knowing that you look the same in your digital photos on social media as  you are in person. Life is too short to be fiddling around these apps each time you need to look your  best on every shot whilst worrying that you may have overdone it and end up surprising the people  you meet coz you look so much different in your photos –– True story.

Well, if you are ready to live in the “real world” and say goodbye to limited poses or endlessly tilting  your head in all directions just to get that perfect shot, or always getting yourself in the predicament I  mentioned earlier, consider this a sign.

I may be speaking too soon but hear me out –– sometimes, all it takes is a little chin enhancement to  get that contoured face you want to project, and flash that confident smile. And yes, this treatment is  way more sustainable than your editing apps and filters, not to mention, “catfish-proof .”

‘Face every side of the REAL world with confidence’

A well-defined chin creates a balance between your nose, neck, and cheeks. On the contrary, a recessed  chin may not provide enough structure to create the visual distinction needed between the face and  neck. This results to an unflattering silhouette or what we commonly call, a double chin. A small chin  can also make the nose appear larger because of a lack of balance between facial features.

There are several options to strengthen the chin and bring more balance to your profile. The two most  popular options are chin enhancement surgery or chin augmentation with fillers. If you only need a  small adjustment, fillers are a fantastic option. It may also be a better option if you simply want to gain  back some of the definition you’ve lost in your face.

Chin fillers are becoming more popular because they offer instant results, it is nonsurgical, and there is  zero downtime. Dermal fillers can be injected in key points to add volume beneath the skin and  modestly enhance chin and jawline contours. Results are definitely long-lasting (some patients report  results lasting up to 24 months).

The results are immediate. Expect a more balanced facial contour, more defined jawline which adds  volume to the chin and helps get rid of double chin, and absolutely improves chin projection.

Some downtime, as with any form of injectables, is expected like bruising, swelling and slight defenses  in the area of injection but totally manageable with pre and post-treatment care.1

Immediately after treatment, you should avoid applying make-up for the next 24 hours. Also try not to  engage in strenuous activities, avoid applying lasers and facial treatments, or exposing yourself to  extreme heat like being under the hot sun for an extended period of time.

The best part is that the results are instant (and definitely “more real than an edited photo”) without any  major swelling or pain. If you are still on the fence about this treatment, you can call us and our  trained staff will examine the areas you’d like treated and answer all your questions. After all, we just  want you to become more confident in every angle –– and live worry-free both online and in person –– which happens when you look the same on both.

Give us a call. We’d love to help you. If you are in the LA area, feel free to swing by at iSkin Beverly  Hills. And if you happen to be in the Inland Empire and Orange County, we have MiSkin Spa for you  self-love and self-pampering needs.

For more information you may visit iskinbeverlyhills.com.

Visit iSkin Med Spa and MiSkin MedSpa for a free consultation. iSkin is located at 8665 Wilshire Blvd.  Penthouse Beverly Hills ,90211 or call 424-382-1002

MiSkin MedSpa is located at 9227 Haven Ave. Suite 120 in Rancho Cucamonga, 91370 or call  909-9898464.

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Imee Ong-Maghanoy is an established aesthetician, a business owner and CEO of iSkin  Beverly Hills, iSkin MedSpa and MiSkin MedSpa. Imee has been in the aesthetics  industry for more than 20 years. She has a degree in Biology and Doctor of Dental  Medicine. iSkin MedSpa and MiSkin MedSpa are fast emerging as a top Spa  destination in LA. iSkin is located at 8665 Wilshire Blvd penthouse Beverly Hills, CA  90211. MiSkin MedSpa is located at 9227 Haven Ave. Suite 120 in Rancho Cucamonga,  CA, 91370.

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