As humans, our body parts — such as our eyes, ears, arms (to name a few) — come in pairs as they are made to function on both sides of our face and body. However, there’s no known function, nor a reason, to keep a “double chin.”
Today, we will talk about how to bid farewell to the double chin (also known as submental fat) through a procedure called KYBELLA. And as a Father’s Day tribute, we will feature my favorite human – my husband, Richard Maghanoy.

In the past, the only way to get rid of double chin is through surgery. But thanks to medical innovations, there is a way to bid ‘adios’ to this stubborn and unflattering fat under your chin. Imagine my husband’s excitement when he decided to have the KYBELA procedure done. Apart from looking good, he is actually getting rid of something that bothers him. And since the procedure is safe and non-surgical, it might just be the best gift that you can give to yourself and to any dad out there.
One of the most common problems men face is fat underneath the chin. Double chins are quite common and can cause people a great deal of embarrassment. While double chins are often associated with weight gain, this isn’t always the cause; other factors that can cause a double chin or “submental fullness due to submental fat” include genetics and naturally looser skin due to aging. It is a common, yet undertreated facial aesthetic condition. It can detract from an otherwise balanced and harmonious facial appearance leading to an older and heavier look.
Submental fullness can impact a broad range of adults, and is not limited to people who are overweight. This condition can impact men or women of average weight. It is often resistant to diet and exercise alone.
According to a 2014 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), over two-thirds of consumers are bothered by submental fullness – nearly as many as those bothered by lines and wrinkles around the eyes.
KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your profile. It is a prescription medicine used in adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called “double chin.” It is safe and effective for the treatment of fat outside of the submental area or in children under 18 years of age. It contours submental fullness non-surgically, resulting in a slimmer tighter chin.
How does KYBELLA work?
KYBELLA is a formulation of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. It is an injectable product that is placed directly into the submental fat pocket. When injected into subcutaneous fat, KYBELLA causes the destruction of fat cells. As it dissolves the fat cells, it results in a slimmer chin and tightening of the surrounding tissue. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After the aesthetic response is achieved, re-treatment with KYBELLA is not expected.
Though treatments are customized for each patient, most people will enjoy visible results after one to two treatments, and full results are seen with an average of four treatment sessions. There is minimal to no downtime, side effects or discomfort with KYBELLA and the results are long-lasting.
Is KYBELLA safe?
KYBELLA has been the focus of a global clinical development program involving over 20 clinical studies with more than 2,600 patients worldwide, of which over 1,600 have been treated with KYBELLA.
Men are known to prefer painless and non-surgical procedures for cosmetic treatments. With KYBELLA being safe and FDA approved, it’s everything they can wish for in a treatment. After all, looking good and feeling great shouldn’t just be for women. The man of the house also needs to be pampered from time to time. What better way to do that than a great looking chin sans the fat. With KYBELLA, we have just the right gift!
You may visit our clinics for a free consultation. Image Body Spa is located at 8709 West Hollywood, CA 90048, Phone: (424)382-1002. Image Spa MD is located at 9227 Haven Ave. Suite 120, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, Phone: (909)989-8464.
Imee is an established aesthetician, a business owner and a managing partner for Image Spa MD and CEO of Image Body SPA. She has a degree in Biology and Doctor of Dental Medicine. Image Spa is now one of the most reputable medical spa facilities in LA and has branches in Rancho Cucamonga and Encinitas for Image SPA MD and Image Body SPA-West Hollywood. Imee has been in the aesthetics industry for over 20 years.