God’s protection and power over your life

YOU may have been saved from a fatal accident, healed from cancer, freed from an unjust accusation, or received a much-needed help. 

Any of these miracles happened in your life because you believe in God’s protection and the intercession of saints and angels. You know and understand that there is a higher spiritual power looking over you and using other means and agencies to protect you.  

Some things happened in your life that you could not wholly comprehend, mysteries that have startled you. You know that they are not your own making, and no earthy genius can explain why they occurred.  So you claim that it is solely God who is responsible for them. 

So, believe in God’s power and sovereignty over your life! It’s what would heal you from your paralyzing and anxious thoughts. Don’t allow bad memories linger in your mind. Let them evaporate and fill you with God’s healing grace. 

When fearful, invoke a saint’s name, call on your guardian angel for help, and seek the prayer of Mary, the Mother of God. 

Contemplate the love and mercy of Jesus by recalling a Gospel story. Put yourself in the character of that story—it could be the paralytic, the leper, the tax collector, the prostitute, or the woman with a hemorrhage. Allow Jesus to heal your pain or your broken heart and free you from your fears and anxieties. Let him restore your health and self-confidence and fill your heart and mind with hope. 

Let not the Evil one influence your thoughts. You have only God, His angels, and saints with you! In all the craziness of this world, hang on to your faith in God! 

On these somber days of November, may your faith in God grow stronger! May it be a time for you to enter more deeply in prayer and remembrance of God’s mighty power and love! 

Blessings to you always! 

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Fr. Rodel “Odey” Balagtas is the pastor of Incarnation Church in Glendale, California.

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