The spirit of the season

SINCE it’s that time of the year again – the season for sharing, giving and hope, we are holding off on the issues, the politics, the disputes, the arguments and everything else disheartening.
Instead, the Asian Journal would like to take this opportunity to focus on the good things that 2012 has brought upon us, before she officially bids us farewell. There is still a lot to be thankful for, and Christmas is the best time to look back and remember them.
Of course, 2012 also had its share of imperfections, but what matters is that Pinoys are resilient and that our spirits remain undaunted at the face of adversity.
Not only that, we also value the concept of teamwork – Pinoys across the globe are doing their share to keep the Philippine economy afloat, despite trying times.
Thousands of miles away from home, yet Pinoys abroad are investing their hard-earned money on remittances and boosting the real estate market in the Philippines. It is this constant striving and toil for the security of our loved ones, which make us a unique people.
However, the spirit of Christmas should not be dependent on material gifts and comforts alone. As as predominantly Christian nation, we should not forget the simplicity and humility of the very first Christmas – how our Savior was born in a humble manger and why He was the best gift we ever had.
The best gift we can give to our loved ones this Christmas, is the gift of time. The gift of lengthy conversations and laughter, despite the distance. Technology is at our disposal and we are fortunate to live in a generation where miles are bridged by technological capabilities.
Most Pinoys abroad feel a longing to spend Christmas back in their homeland. For those who can afford it, coming home is perhaps, the best gift their families and friends could ever have.
As we celebrate Christmas in our own ways here in the US – a bountiful Christmas dinner, a slew of holiday parties and a lot of gift-giving – let us not forget the joys of having a simple, yet heartfelt Christmas.
Unlike the world’s economy, Christmas needs no saving. It is up to us to see its true meaning.
Have a blessed holiday season!

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