Financial stress can affect your health, experts say

ARE your debt problems keeping you up at night?  Stressed out and worried about your financial future?  According to a recent article written by a doctor, this can affect your health, leading to stress-related illnesses.  This may seem like a stretch, even funny at first, but this is no joke and I’ll tell you why in the next 3 minutes so keep reading.
In a recent poll taken by the Associated Press/IPSOS, the results showed that half of all people in this country say they worry frequently about their debts. Many of them acknowledged that they worry “most of the time”.  Are you one of these people?
The average household has 10 credit cards, and the average interest rate is 19%. At this interest rate, it could take decades for people to pay off their debt if all they paid every month was the required minimum on each card.  As if this was not enough to keep people in the so-called credit card “debt trap” for the rest of their lives, the greedy credit card companies are constantly looking for ways to make even more money, such as increasing interest rates even when you have not paid late or making cancelled accounts payable in full.
There is no doubt that credit has become a huge headache for most people.  Our body’s reaction to this type of stress is part of the flight or fight instinct that we have as humans. But in dealing with debt problems, we are obviously not fighting off bears or enemies.  When the same physical effects occur as a result of debt-related stress, they do more harm than good.
According to medical experts, the physical effects of stress are reduced by the release of hormones, cortisol and adrenaline.  These chemicals travel to your brain and cause your heart rate and blood pressure to increase.  As this process repeats itself over and over again, over time, this can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and even some forms of cancer.  So the next time you feel your blood “boil” when feeling stressed with debt problems, this is exactly what is going on inside your body.
Of course, we also know that when you are stressed out, chances are that you will also be moody, angry and unproductive in whatever you do.  Sound familiar?  Now you may ask:  What does any of the above have to do with my debt problems?  The answer:  Everything.  As a bankruptcy attorney, I have counseled thousands of people facing different types of financial crises in their lives.  I often see the stress and anguish in their faces.  Some break down and cry right in my office as we talk about possible solutions.  A lot of them look older than their time.  Some have gotten sick working 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet and stay afloat.  Quality of life is diminished.  The future looks bleak.
If you are in the situation I described above, you need to understand that there is nothing more important than your health.  You may be able to afford losing some things in life and still survive but once your health is gone, it may be impossible to get it back. (My wife reminds me about this all the time when I work more than I should at the expense of my health.)  And I think she is right- as she is most of the time. (And she reminds me about that too!)
If you would like to speak with a legal professional regarding options in getting out of debt, please call us TOLL FREE 1-866-477-7772 to schedule an appointment.  We have offices in Glendale, Cerritos & Valencia.

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None of the information herein is intended to give legal advice for any specific situation.  Atty. Ray Bulaon has successfully helped thousands of clients in getting out of debt. For a free attorney evaluation of your situation, please call  Ray Bulaon Law Offices at  TOLL FREE 1 (866) 477-7772.

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