H-1B cap reached in one week again: Alternatives?
ONCE again, the USCIS has announced that the H-1B cap has been reached within one week of opening on April 1, 2014. Even though we are talking about visas that…
ONCE again, the USCIS has announced that the H-1B cap has been reached within one week of opening on April 1, 2014. Even though we are talking about visas that…
Even as the Obama Administration has espoused some more lenient policies toward persons who have violated their immigration status in the US, such as prosecutorial discretion, USCIS over the past…
ALTHOUGH attorneys take an oath upon admission to the bar to zealously advocate on behalf of their clients, I have heard an overwhelming number of stories in which potential clients…
IN accordance with the US Supreme Court’s 2011 decision in Judulang v. Holder, the BIA issued a decision on February 28, 2014 that makes Section 212(c) relief available to thousands…
THE debate over the United States economy and dearth of high-tech workers has spotlighted the H-1B professional working visa in the press. Nonetheless, Congress has been slow to respond in…
WITH the US House of Representatives showing zero initiative towards overhauling the nation’s immigrations laws, it appears that H-1B visas for FY 2015 will run out on April 1, 2014,…
IN November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan tore across the Philippines, resulting in at least 6,000 confirmed deaths and the displacement of at least 4 million people. While the Philippine Government continues…
“If the alien’s failure to appear was caused by ‘exceptional circumstances,’ the Motion to Reopen must be filed within 180 days of the order. ‘Exceptional circumstances’ is defined as…
THE US House of Representatives has ignored a call to pass immigration reform over the past two years, opting instead to politicize the issue. As a result, the Boehner-led House…
THE most important advice I can give to a person seeking legal advice is that the first opinion they obtain is not necessarily the best opinion. Often, as an attorney…
WITH the US House of Representatives showing zero initiative towards overhauling the Nation’s immigrations laws, it appears that H-1B visas for FY 2015 will run out on April 1, 2014,…
IN the coming New Year, we can expect some improvement in overall economic conditions in the US and throughout the World, however, there will continue to be turbulence and volatility…
ALTHOUGH nearly two weeks has passed since the Philippines formally requested that that US extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Filipinos residing in the US due to devastation of Typhoon…
FURTHER developing case law to interpret the meaning of statutory changes brought about by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (“IIRIRA”) the Board of Immigration Appeals…
NOTWITHSTANDING blustery weather conditions in the Nation’s capital that have forced the closure of many governmental offices, the US Supreme Court will hear oral argument December 10, 2013 in Mayorkis…
ALTHOUGH the volume of newly-filed applications for benefits is down at the USCIS, the processing times for some applications pending at the US Citizenship & Immigration Services (“USCIS”) are longer…
IN THE coming New Year, we can expect some improvement in overall economic conditions in the US and throughout the World, however, there will continue to be turbulence and volatility…
ON December 16, 2010, USCIS issued an official Memorandum to implement the provisions of INA §204(l), or the Surviving Relatives Law. The memo amends the USCIS’ Adjudicators’ Field Manual (AFM)…
AS the Federal Government bogged down in its tiresome partisan war over the budget and Debt Ceiling last month, any hope for “immigration reform” was placed on indefinite hold. In…
“ A spouse or child who has been ‘battered or subject to extreme mental cruelty’ is eligible to ‘self-petition’ and adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident independent…
OVER the past several years, the USICE and related law enforcement agencies have embarked on an aggressive campaign to apprehend and remove from the United States thousands of aliens against…
WHILE the Federal Government wallows in its tiresome partisan war over the Budget and prepares to continue the act with the Debt Ceiling later this week, little movement can be…
FOR the first time since the Clinton Administration, the Federal Government began a partial shutdown on October 1, 2013, with the Senate and House of Representatives unable to reach an…
“ Most attorneys practicing Immigration Law offer “free initial consultations,” or charge a nominal fee for such service to prospective clients. People taking advantage of “free” consultations; however, often walk…
ON September 13, 2013, California state lawmakers passed a bill to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain legal driver’s licenses. AB 60, introduced by Assemblyman Luis Alejo (D-Watsonville) will defer to…
THE USCIS recently issued guidance to provide new instructions to its adjudicators relating to the timing of creating new jobs and explaining the meaning of “full-time” for positions created through…
ALTHOUGH attorneys take an oath upon admission to the bar to zealously advocate on behalf of their clients, I have heard an overwhelming number of stories in which potential clients…
ONLY a little more than one year into the Obama Administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) more than 550,00 DACA requests accepted for processing, of which over 430,000…
THE United States Department of State has issued guidance for same-sex visa applications in light of the June 26, 2013 ruling of the Supreme Court that held Section 3 of…
Even viewed in its best light, AB 1159 interferes with the attorney-client relationship and redundantly ‘prohibits’ conduct that is already condemned as unethical under the State Bar rules and the…