God and society, religion and politics

“SO WHAT did you talk about?” I asked a Catholic School teacher who came from a whole day of Religious Education seminar. “We talked about unity,” she answered. “Unity? What’s that got to do with teaching Religion,” I responded sarcastically, intrigued by her answer. “Well, we learned that it is important to work together with…

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Choosing our own poison

The World Health Organization observes “World No Tobacco Day” on May 31st each year to remind people around the globe about the deadly effects on smoking and to inspire smokers to quit the habit as a part of a healthy lifestyle. The smokers and their family and other people around them are impacted directly and…

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What God offers

I LIKE how a fellow-priest in­terpreted the Parable of the Wed­ding Banquet of this Sunday’s Gospel. Initially, he didn’t find anything worst about the people who refused the king’s invitation to come to his son’s wedding banquet. In fact he found them to be good people: they took care of their families, worked hard to…

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‘Please help me die…’

This is one request every physician dreads to hear from a patient. No matter how hopelessly ill a person may be, even one dying from terminal cancer which has spread all over the body causing unabated pain and suffering, such a plea for mercy and final relief for the physician to prescribe higher dosage of…

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Eight don’ts after a meal

There are many myths floating around concerning various subjects. Some of them are about what NOT to do after a meal. These were emailed to me by a friend for scientific verification. Myths are obviously the fruit of partial or total ignorance, and speculations, handed down from generation to generation. While many of them are…

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Alex Niño, Renowned Comic Book Artist

FILIPINO comic book artist Alex Niño doesn’t get the credit most of his peers receive. When you think of the Filipino pioneers that entered the US comic industry in the 1970s, you’d automatically think of Tony DeZuniga (the creator of Jonah Hex), Nestor Redondo (an illustrator for Swamp Thing and Tarzan) or the late Alfredo…

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Dying to look good

To take the risk of possible death from surgery that is necessary to save life or to maintain or restore health makes intelligent sense. But to die from an elective cosmetic procedure performed for vanity, or for whatever reason, is obviously reckless and foolhardy. In medicine, one death out of 100,000-300,000 surgeries, or at most,…

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Can aging be delayed?

Why do we age? Just like machines and engines, our body ages because of the cumulative damages to our cells, tissues and organs (resulting from daily “wear and tear” and the self-abuse humans are well known for) that exceed our body’s ability to repair them. These damages lead to obvious signs of aging: sags, bulges…

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Brain youth

One of the powerful attributes that we admire (or even marvel at) among many elderly, age 80, 90, and older, is the “youthfulness” of their mind. Unfortunately, not every one of them is gifted with senior brain power or brain youth when they reach 70 or older, and some have significant physiological “cerebral handicaps” even…

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Aspirin: Anti-cancer? And other questions

Does aspirin protect us against cancer? Yes, according to clinical studies conducted on patients taking daily aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid) for conditions like arthritis, etc., or among heart patients taking aspirin to thin their blood to prevent blood clots and blockages in the coronary (heart) arteries. The findings show that those taking daily dose of aspirin…

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Water is life

ACCESS to water is a basic human need, a fundamental human right. But according to a 2006 United Nation’s Human Development Report, more than 1 billion people are denied clean water, and more than 2.6 billion of our brothers and sisters lack access to adequate sanitation. Every year, 1.8 million children die as a result…

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Athletic Heart Syndrome

What is Athletic Heart Syndrome? This is a condition among athletes who show a constellation of physiologic adaptations in the body system, especially in the heart, in persons trained to perform endurance exercise. What are these changes? One of them is the so-called resting bradycardia (heart rate is slow, well below 60). The usual normal…

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Bangkok Pills

What are Bangkok Pills? Bangkok Pills are a combination drug marketed for weight reduction which had gained notoriety a few years ago for the various serious complications reported attendant to their use. According to the weight control company’s  Dr. Wanit T, who responded to my email, the program is known as “ Bangkok Pills” or…

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Diabetes Warning

Worldwide, in the last few decades, victims of diabetes have increased more than twice, and expected to grow from its current 246 million to 380 million in 18 years, by 2025, according to the report from the International Diabetes Institute in Australia. In this column nine years ago, we stated that the rapid growth in…

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Endings are beginnings

I ADMIT that there are days when I really just want to stop and quit. It’s a double whammy when your loved ones are not by your side, during your most trying times. It draws and drains you of all your courage and strength. But then again, if things were easy, there would be no…

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Boost your immunity

THE integrity of our natural personal immune system confers upon our body a defense mechanism which determines our susceptibility to, or the degree of protection we have against, various diseases. Besides a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, abstinence from tobacco and other harmful substances, moderation in alcohol intake, and taking daily multivitamins-mineral (from A to…

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Bacteria in ground beef

The all-American fast food, the hamburger, has been killing about 60 people a year in the United States alone. And we are not talking about the cardiovascular death toll (one person dies every 60 seconds in the USA) from heart attack and stroke, etc., from a high saturated fat and cholesterol diet. We are talking…

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US First Lady unveils “My Plate”

LAST June 2, US First Lady Michelle Obama introduced My Plate, the new basic food guide to replace the outdated Food Pyramid of 1992. With her in Washington , DC, for the unveiling were Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin. “The new design called My Plate was conceived as a crucial…

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Honoring the feminine within

LOOKING back on my teenage years, I realized that it was my mother who taught me to maintain a beauty ritual. She would always remind me to look beautiful and to smell good all the time. She trained me to always look presentable when I go out. She insisted that I will never know whom…

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Counting calories: A life saver

The lure of food galore during parties and holidays usually weaken our will power a bit and add a few pounds to our weight, except perhaps among those who are watching their diet like a hawk. Discipline and moderation significantly impact every aspect of our life and literally determine our future. All medical data we…

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Brain aneurysm

One of the most treacherous and challenging medical conditions is brain aneurysm, especially the leaking or ruptured variety. What is a brain aneurysm? The medical word aneurysm means ballooning out of an artery, causing the affected wall of the artery to stretch (from the high pressure inside it) to form a “bubble,” whose wall is…

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Dangers of ‘snoring’

What is sleep apnea? Usually associated with snoring, sleep apnea means the cessation of breathing during sleep. This breath-holding initially lasts for 10 seconds and progresses to 20 to 30 seconds, and each episode is immediately followed by gasping for air. This cycle could repeat itself several times (20 to 100 times per hour) the…

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What do you do when you’re granted the opposite of what you’ve been praying for? I fly by the seat of my pants. Last week was a challenging week, and even as I wallow under the weight of my thoughts, I always fail to realize that the world goes on. No matter how I want…

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Friendship at its best

Over the weekend, I decided to celebrate new friendships and of dreams coming true and invited new friends who have become dear to me. I made Chicken and Shrimp Linguini pasta both in creamy alfredo and tomato sauce, mixed spring salad with raspberry dressing and French Vanilla ice cream topped with Nutella and fresh strawberries….

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Rejoice… you’re single!

It’s good to be single. But to be happy being single is another story. Over the holidays, I did get kind of lonely being alone, without a significant other to spend it with. I honestly felt that I could be happier when I am with someone. One of my resolutions for this year was to…

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How to make a dream board

I am living my dream. And I am still bursting with more dreams. I have tons of great ideas, some of which I am still too scared or overwhelmed to start on. I have all these goals and opportunities within reach. But how do I prioritize which dream I will turn into a reality? How…

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The power of imagination

It was definitely one of those special moments, when I had the energy to work for a week straight. No doubt, when you do the things you love, you never measure the time you spend working. A couple of Sundays ago, I was invited by my good friend, Giselle Tongi, to be the costume designer…

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Tae Bo exercise for all

There is no question at all that physical exercise, no matter how minimally strenuous, at least 5 times a week for those who are medically fit, helps ward off diseases, from metabolic, cardiovascular, and even from many forms of cancer. For individuals already with essential hypertension (high blood pressure) and/or diabetes, hypercholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol in…

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