Immigration reform: Senate hearings on S-744 continue

IN THE wake of the senseless bombing at the Boston Marathon, the Bipartisan “Gang of Eight” introduced The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S.744, in the US Senate.  The measure, which had been in the works for many weeks, was brought forward and Congressional hearings continue, notwithstanding opponents’ attempts to use the…

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The enjoyment of reading

It is the art of entertaining oneself with the brains of other men. I dedicate a considerable portion of my time with other people — reading their thoughts and their hearts, dreaming away my life in others’ speculations, as I lose myself in another man’s mind. When I cannot think, books think for me. I…

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Food for the journey

IN OUR Roman Catholic Church tradition, viaticum (Eucharist) is the giving of communion to a person who is dying as part of the last rites. This practice assures the dying person that instead of dying alone he or she dies with Christ who promises him or her eternal life. Thus, as the dying person receives…

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Overseas voting at PCG

LOS ANGELES – The Overseas Voting for the May 13, 2013 elections will run from April 13 at 9am Los Angeles time to May 13, 2013 at 4am Los Angeles time. Generally, the ballot will be mailed to the registered address of the Overseas Voter (OV).  Kindly accomplish the ballot by following the enclosed instructions…

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Immigration advocates advise: ‘Start preparing’

LOS ANGELES – Immigration advocates and leaders are urging members of the community (who have family or will possibly benefit from the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bill) to start preparing documents and saving money, to file the necessary paperwork. They also advised that the community be cautious of “unscrupulous” groups or people who may ask…

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Seniors must guard against financial elder abuse

ELDER abuse is the neglect, exploitation or “painful or harmful” mistreatment of anyone who is 65 years or older or any disabled dependent adult aged 18 to 64.  It may take the form of physical violence, psychological abuse, isolation or neglect by a caregiver. It may also involve financial abuse such as identity theft, or…

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Gun lobby and politics won…again!

POLL after poll following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (where 20 innocent first graders and six adults were massacred by a deranged young man) showed that 90 percent of Americans agree that Congress should pass stricter gun control laws, like a universal background check, to help prevent tragedies like this from happening again. President…

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@China – 2013 Chinese Food and Culture Festival

Long Beach, California – @China – The 2013 Chinese Food and Culture Festival, hosted by China Central Television (CCTV), California State University Long Beach (CSULB) and International Daily News, will be held at CSULB from April 22 – 25, 2013. The Opening Ceremony, held on April 22, 2013, will include presentations and remarks by CSULB…

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An honorable time

WITH all the negative issues and events currently ongoing, both in the Philippines and around the globe, this comes as a refreshing bit of good news. Recently, President Benigno Aquino III (PNoy) emerged as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world for 2013. PNoy ranks second among the world’s 23 most…

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‘Aspiring to new heights’

NOEL Alumit is always on the way up. Maybe it’s because he’s a Capricorn and was born in the Year of the Ram, he theorizes to Radar Online. “I’m a mountain animal all the way! I look at this as reinforcement that I’m constantly aspiring to new heights,” he said to Radar. Alumit is a…

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Why your smile prefers water over soft drinks

HERE are some interesting stats about soft drinks: • The average soft drink serving size has tripled since the 1950s. • The average person drinks about 45 gallons of soda per year. • Seven percent of adults drink four servings or more per day. • At least 20 percent of children drink four servings or…

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Is immigration reform actually here?

Question: I heard that immigration reform is coming. Is this true? Answer: As a framework for reform, this is closer than we’ve come in years to meaningful change.The Senate “Gang of Eight” for introducing its bipartisan immigration reform proposal, allowing the Senate Judiciary Committee to forge ahead on the “markup” process. A proposal like this…

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Tax consequences of divorce on non custodial parents

Consider the common divorce scenario where the divorce judgment provides  primary custody of the children  to one spouse while the other spouse only gets visitation. The parties begin to file separate tax returns. What are the tax consequences of the non custodial parents with regards to claiming the children in his or her return? A…

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In praise of halo-halo

The summer heat sears across the metro and the archipelago, reports of the current day being recorded as the hottest of the year gets topped off by an even hotter day that bombards our senses already on the brink. The heat is prevalent, spreading feverish across cities and posing potential hazards and provoking the liberated…

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Childhood obesity

Some of us may be shortening the life of our children without realizing it, unintentionally, unwittingly, all in the name of love, but nonetheless devastating to them when they reach middle age and beyond. “Love not our children to death” is the message in my coffee-table book on disease prevention published in the United States,…

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Prayers for Boston

APRIL 15 started out as a day of celebration of Patriots Day in Boston — commemorating the first battles of the American Revolution in 1775. Some 23,000 participants from around the world joined the annual Boston Marathon, while more than 500,000 spectators came to cheer them on. Just two hours after the winners crossed the…

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The May 2013 Priority Dates

Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning that immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority…

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Pain-free, decay-free?

You’d schedule a dental appointment if you have a chronic toothache, probably suspecting a cavity. However, do toothache-free mouths signal cavity-free teeth? Not necessarily, and here’s why. Decayed teeth may or may not cause a toothache, depending on the location and depth of the decay. For example, if the cavity is in the tooth enamel…

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