ILLINOIS 20 September 2018 — “They were barely more than kids, only in their teens and early twenties.”
This was how the 89 young American soldiers of the 192nd Tank Batallion from Maywood, Illinois were described when they arrived in Manila and Clark Field in the Philippines on 20 November 1941 to reinforce General Douglas MacArthur’s forces in the Philippines.
After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on 07 December 1941, the Batallion helped the forces of General MacArthur defend Bataan until it fell on 09 April 1942 and consequently led to the infamous “Bataan Death March” and imprisonment by Japanese forces.

Of the original 89 members of the 192nd Tank Batallion, only 42 would return from the war.
Philippine Consul General to Chicago Gina Jamoralin, attending the annual commemoration event for the first time, delivered her remarks and paid tribute to the fallen soldiers and defenders of Bataan who gave their ultimate sacrifice of life at the altar of freedom.
“Bataan symbolizes the valor and sacrifices of these young men and women and the enduring friendship and common bond between the Filipinos and Americans who fought shoulder-to-shoulder in defending democracy,” she emphasized.

She lauded the bravery of the men and women of Maywood, whose unique story will be forever remembered by Filipinos and Americans and expressed hope that the next generation will continue to remember Bataan and the valor and heroism of the soldiers.
Maywood Mayor Edwenna Perkins thanked the organizers of the annual Maywood Bataan Memorial Service as it brings great pride to the City of Maywood and inspiration for its youth.
Now on its 76th year, the annual memorial event is organized by the Maywood Bataan Day Organization (MBDO) led by its president, Col. Richard A. McMahon and Board of Trustees in coordination with the Filipino-American community and the local government of Maywood.
For more information, visit www.chicagopcg.dfa.gov.ph, www.chicagopcg.com or https://www.facebook.com/PHinChicago.