
SEN. Pia Cayetano is tired of all the bickering and delays in the Senate, over the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill. Outspoken Sen. Miriam Santiago is getting as equally impatient, saying that the Senate “cannot be held hostage by the fact that one senator is not ready with his interpellation (she was referring to Senate President…

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An Expert in International Trade Relations and Development

A LONG-time and well-respected Filipino diplomat continues to rise through international ranks. Esteban Conejos Jr., the former Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs, has recently been named as a member of the legal advisory board of the World Trade Organization, the DFA announced earlier this week. Conejos will serve a two-year…

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Bank president convicted of bankruptcy fraud

THE bankruptcy petition must be as accurate as possible, otherwise, debtor may have to go to jail for bankruptcy fraud. I cannot overemphasize the fact that the bankruptcy petition must provide an accurate picture of the financial transactions of the debtor as of the date of filing of the petition. Debtor has the opportunity of…

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Anything but joy!

THE Scripture readings this Sunday are filled with positive images. Mark’s Gospel might distress us with images of the darkening of the sun and the moon and the falling of stars, but it dominantly reflects  triumphant pictures of “the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory”; of angels coming down…

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How important is it to have a living trust?

Thinking about one’s demise is not something people want to spend time thinking about. However reality is that we all have to face this one day. It is just a matter of whether you depart this world prepared or unprepared. If you pass away with at least $100,000 in gross assets and you do not…

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Role of Strategic Planning in a Family Business

Strategy development is a question-based process: Where are we now? Where would we like to go? How do we get there? Strategic planning—for both business and family—can help to strengthen the family enterprise and extend its lifespan. Strategic planning for family-owned businesses differs from planning for other types of companies largely because the family firm…

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Skills, not charms

In order to be the best, a team must have the best. Perhaps such idea was running through the minds of the Philippine Amateur Baseball Association officials who wanted to make America’s most loved game a favorite sport in the country too. Noting how foreign-based Filipino players were recruited to play for the Philippine football…

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Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks

Thanksgiving is when people take a step back and reflect on all of the wonderful things and events to be grateful for, and to give thanks to those people who played such a key role in helping us achieve them. At this Thanksgiving, I would like to once again give thanks to all of the…

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8 steps to quit smoking

Smoking kills. It is that plain and simple. There is no doubt today that tobacco (cigarette smoking) is the predominant cause of lung cancer, besides other malignancies and cardiovascular diseases that maim, kill men and women and hurt our society, especially our children. In the United States alone, almost half a million die each year…

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Just reward

THIS week, we glorify the heroism and gallantry displayed by American and Filipino World War II veterans. This celebration encourages those of us who are now enjoying freedom, to pay tribute to all these freedom fighters — those who survived and perished when world peace was compromised. Former President Franklin Roosevelt vowed that Filipino soldiers…

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DACA Program secure as Obama wins re-election

THE Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program was introduced in June 2012 and was implemented August 15, 2012. Within just one month of the program’s start date, the USCIS had reported that it had received more than 75,000 applications for deferred action status (DAS) and work authorization under DACA.  Although experts had predicted that…

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Hooked on reading

WE are slowly moving away from the page at this day and age. The book, as we know it, is undergoing a digital transfer. The smell of paper and the intoxicating if not nostalgia-inducing waft of ink are now on the same page with their electronic counterparts. Tablets and e-book readers are proliferating at a…

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PERM Job Posting

Under the basic labor certification process, the employer may file an application only after conducting efforts to recruit US workers by means of the following mandatory steps: (1) placing an advertisement on 2 different Sundays in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment; (2) placing a 30-day job order with the…

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Trying to decide if bankruptcy is for you?

ARE you struggling with debt problems? Are you doing your best to pay but simply can’t?  Have you thought of filing bankruptcy but are afraid that this might not be the right solution to your problems? Filing bankruptcy is a personal decision that should be taken seriously. Whether or not it is necessary for you…

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How your internet activities can harm your case

ACCORDING to recent statistics, there are about 950 million active users on Facebook, 500 million on Twitter, and 150 million on LinkedIn. Not to mention the active users on MySpace, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, and Flickr, to name just a few of the most popular social media sites that people frequent. The internet has become the…

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‘Best is yet to come'

And just like that, the highly-anticipated 2012 US presidential elections is finally over. In what turned out to be one of the closest and costliest presidential races in history, President Barack Hussein Obama secured a second-term, snatching the gilded seat of chief executive away from Gov. Mitt Romney by almost a hundred electoral votes. At…

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Real estate forecast for 2013

I BELIEVE that the housing market will improve moderately in 2013, but nobody will mistake this for a boom. A favored 3-5% growth and appreciation definitely is better than a negative growth in your home equity.  Some better areas might see about an 8 percent increase in equity it will all depend on your location….

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Fil-Ams speak about Obama’s re-election

AFTER a fierce battle in the Presidential Election, American voters have made their choice — four more years for President Barack Obama after he defeated Republican challenger Mitt Romney in both the electoral and popular votes. The President has been re-elected after  going over the top of the required absolute majority (magic number 270) of…

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10 facts about gambling winnings

1. GAMBLING winnings are always taxable and must be reported on your tax return – with or without form W-2G. 2. Gambling income includes winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse and dog races and casinos. It also includes the fair market value of prizes such as cars, houses, trips or other noncash prizes. 3. Complimentary goods…

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A Guardian of Electoral Transparency

While the entire world was eagerly watching the US presidential elections this week, a most noteworthy event was also happening in America. From November 4-7,  the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) US Election Program, brought together over 300 election officials, parliamentarians and diplomats from over 50 countries to observe and learn about the US…

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THE story of a widow in the Book of Kings in this Sunday’s Scriptures touches the heart. Here was a widow who was preparing a last meal for herself and her son and yet still was willing to respond to Elijah’s request to give him “cupful of water” and a “crust of bread”. Now, we…

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Death Of An Impossible Dreamer

Alex Esclamado is dead. He passed away last Sunday, November 4, in Cebu City from a lingering ailment. His demise is a loss for Filipinos in America, as well as those in the Philippines who endured the Marcos dictatorship. On May 9, 1989, President Cory Aquino conferred the Philippine Legion of Honor on Alex. The…

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Now that Obama has been re-elected, file for DACA!

On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration announced a new policy of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which is now being referred to as “DACA.” Under this program, the government will defer, or not seek to deport/remove, (and grant work authorization to) certain individuals who were brought to the US at a young age. Although…

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How to help prevent giant utility rate increases and advance the interests of Asian Americans

Six million Asian Americans in California are deeply affected by the actions of one of the most powerful California government agencies, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The CPUC influences a broad range of multibillion dollar utility and telecommunications companies. This includes PG&E, SoCalEdison, SoCalGas, SDG&E, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. This powerful five member commission…

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