Jessica Cox to visit Ethiopia

LOS ANGELES – Filipino-American motivational speaker Jessica Cox Chamberlain will be bringing her unique inspirational message, “think outside the shoe” to Africa in April. The 32-year-old Cox, who was born with no arms because of a rare birth defect, is visiting Ethiopia as part of Handicap International’s efforts to foster inclusion of children with disabilities…

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K-1 visa: Fiance(e) visa to marry US Citizen

IN PREVIOUS editions of this article, the process of obtaining permanent residence through marriage was explored.  Discussion of that procedure began with the supposition that the couple was married, and continued with the various steps to ultimately gain permanent residence.  In many cases, however, a problem exists in even getting to the point at which…

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ON MONDAY, the Philippines will be commemorating the 27th anniversary of EDSA 1 — The 1986 People Power Revolution which freed us from the clutches of a tyrannical ruler. To mark the momentous occasion, President Benigno Aquino III will likely sign a landmark bill that would provide just compensation to thousands of human rights victims…

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Of love for a human being and for God

AMOUR (French for “love”) is an Oscar contender for best foreign film that you would want to watch if you’re looking for a dramatic movie that confronts one’s humanity to its deepest core with regards to sickness, old age, and death. It is a brutally realistic, torturing, and depressing film, a yet so extraordinarily and brilliantly…

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Fructose corn syrup unsafe

Fructose corn syrup is sugar from corn or corn sugar. This is processed sweetener. Anything processed food item is unhealthy. This ingredient is found in hundreds of food items on the market, including baby formula and baby food. Why are manufacturers using fructose corn syrup? Although HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) has been deemed unhealthy…

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The March 2013 Priority Dates

Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning that immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority…

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Battle for the Bay

Manila, the city’s capital, explodes with the dynamism of a mega-city. She is home to our heritage and our past. Jeepneys, tricycles, and trains run through her street-veins. With the millions of souls squeezing to make a living here, it can get tiring at times. But Manila, the ever-generous city of our affections, provides her…

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The splendor of moonlight

I admire a contented mind — one that reveres enlightenment of simple things. Yet, in quiet meditation, the one emotion that’s hardest to fight against is a longing for all things past. The moon prods, as one spends nights wondering alone or with someone, viewing the moon, from a sick bed. The surprise splendor of…

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Obama ‘back-up’ immigration reform proposal leaked

IN THE wake of an announcement late last month that a Bipartisan “Gang of Eight” Senators has put for a blueprint for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR), a leaked internal Whitehouse memorandum outlining the President’s vision for Immigration reform sparked much controversy over the President’s Day Weekend.  When news of the leak surfaced, President Barack Obama’s…

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Sibling rivalry in the family business

Comparison is a death knell to sibling harmony. – Elizabeth Fishel (Part 2) I WILL conclude my article related to sibling rivalry. Behavioural research have shown that emotion-based sibling rivalry is the struggle to gain attention and love from parents that was missing during childhood. The adult child’s actions and behaviors are directed toward gaining…

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Stand ground

DON’T fight fire with fire. China, through its embassy, recently rejected the Philippine government’s “Notifcation and Statement of Claim” before the UN’s arbitration tribunal. The letter, which was handed out by Foreign Affairs Sec. Albert del Rosario last month to Philippine Embassies and Consulates abroad, urges China to desist from unlawful activities that violate the…

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The undocumented need to earn path to US citizenship

THE momentum for a real immigration reform is finally building up: the gang of eight bi-partisan Senators have introduced their immigration reform plan; Pres. Barack Obama supported the plan and pushed for the passing of a comprehensive immigration reform bill within six months; a  majority of Americans now support granting qualified undocumented immigrants a path…

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Reduce stress by reducing your debt

DO you dream of simplifying your life, reducing your stress and regaining control of your financial future? Everyone dreams of living a debt-free life and yet we know that today, so many people are drowning in debt that they don’t even sleep well at night. If you are one of these people, perhaps you are…

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Free will

“I’m free!” It sounds so simple, yet it’s complicated at the same time. I was in an emotional muck over the last few weeks, answering its deafening banging at the door of my heart. My head thinks too much, so it’s simpler for me to conform only to what my heart tells me. I have…

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Mr. Hydrocephalus / The Shuntman

RODELIO Cadas was born with an oversized head. He had an abnormal accumulation of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) inside the brain. The condition is called Hydrocephalus and it results in the failure of the brain to drain properly, causing a buildup of pressure, intermittent headaches, and death, if not treated properly. Cadas needs help fast. His…

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Part A1 – Individuals

THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER RELIEF ACT OF 2012 THIS fiscal cliff legislation includes lots of tax changes that could turn into a novel; accordingly, I summarized the provisions for simple reading. Even this condensed version is still long. In brief, the new law: – Cancels most other income tax increases that would have resulted in added…

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Love, actually

ACCORDING to a survey conducted by Gallup, Filipinos get the most love in the world. “The world leader in love is the Philippines, where fully 93 percent of the population reported feeling love,” said University of Michigan Professor and author of the study, Justin Wolfers, in a blog post on Tuesday. Rwanda ranked second at…

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Our Catholic Church in this period of Lent

MULTITUDES of people flocked our Catholic Churches again last Ash Wednesday to observe the beginning of Lent, a forty-day period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for Holy Week and Easter. Despite the fact that some came on this day only “to get ash” on their foreheads, still we could see people manifesting their…

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The tragedy of Valentine

Legends of different versions have been around for centuries tracing the origin of Valentine’s Day. Invariably, they all go back to ancient Roman history. The most widely popular one relates the story of a priest named Valentine during the early days of Christianity. It was said that during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius II…

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