Debunking the Myth of Being a “Salaried” Employee
Q: I AM a salaried employee receiving exactly twice the minimum wage per hour. I have a heavy workload and I supervise a few employees but I can’t hire or…
Q: I AM a salaried employee receiving exactly twice the minimum wage per hour. I have a heavy workload and I supervise a few employees but I can’t hire or…
WHEN debts spiral out of control, bankruptcy can become an invaluable financial recovery tool in stemming the tide and getting you back on the right track. Without the “fresh start”…
LAST week, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Jeh Johnson announced that the USCIS is ready for the first round of applications for extensions of deferred action and…
THE song of Tony Orlando and the Dawns once again kept playing in my mind upon reading about President Benigno Aquino III’s call for Filipinos to wear yellow ribbon to…
WITH an average of 20 typhoons every year, there is no reason why the Philippines should not always be prepared for calamities. On Wednesday, July 16, Typhoon Glenda (international name…
The piece began as an act of friendship, arranged by super lawyer Roman P. Mosqueda. It was a conversation-interview supposed to draw a portrait of Dr. Mariedel Leviste, a portrait without…
“BUT though you are master of might, you judge with clemency, and with much lenience you govern us; for power, whenever you will, attends you. And you taught your people,…
Away from the bustling hubbub of the asphalt jungle where the “predatory struggle” for survival seem unbounded and the tiring restlessness of the daily grind exists exuberantly, a multitude of…
On March 4, 2013, the Final Rule on Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers for Certain Immediate Relatives took effect. The new law provided a significant benefit to spouses, children and parents…
CONGRATULATIONS are in order for actress KC Concepcion and actor/politician ER Ejercito for bagging the Best Actress and Best Actor awards respectively at the 62nd Film Academey of Movie Arts…
Foundation Funding Supports Seven Nonprofit Health Organizations With $35,000 Grants To Cover Chief Executives’ Paid Time Off Los Angeles — Seven nonprofit health-sector executives will be recognized with The California Wellness…
The substitute sponsors include spouse, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother or sister, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or legal guardian. Family based petitions and some employment-based petitions (where a…
WE believe in preventive dentistry and yes, much of that depends on you! Cleaning your teeth after you eat is important, but the effects of good habits also have a lot to…
IT may be perhaps the biggest challenge of his presidency. Benigno “PNoy” Aquino III faces impeachment cases to oust him from office, following the decision of the Supreme Court (SC)…
The noontime sunlight no longer keeps their brows frowned and the stars at night are already absent from their view. More importantly, beds become a favorite and cuddling becomes a…
The Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) allows an applicant for immigration benefit under a preference category, either as a direct or a derivative beneficiary, to retain his classification as a…
Women called it “pause.” It is a new perspective coming into view in every woman’s major life passage: A midlife agitation, literal and poignant. First, the gushing, like the reddening…
LOS ANGELES – A Filipino man being suspected of killing three people is now asking for a public attorney to represent him in court. Carlo Mercado, 30, is the primary…
AFTER kababayans found out via social media about how a Catholic priest from Cebu insulted and humiliated a 17-year old mother during the solemn sacrament of baptism of her baby,…
The physician MEMBERS of the professions are normally doing well financially in the United States because they are highly paid for their skills. However, even with high gross incomes, wrong…
ON July 8, 2014, the Hon. Brian C. Yep, presiding Judge of Department A-10 of the Lancaster Superior Court, ruled that premises liability in Plaintiff’s second amended complaint is included…
HERE is an interesting statistic from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI): In the year 2012, “the US Department of Labor recovered $280 million in back pay for 308,000 workers. That…
ON March 4, 2013, the Final Rule on Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers for Certain Immediate Relatives took effect. The new law provided a significant benefit to spouses, children and parents…
YOU have just lost an audit and have decided to bring your case before the appeals office of the IRS. You have learned the basics of the appeals process and…
WITH the USICE Prosecutorial Discretion program under way, thousands of cases pending before the US Immigration Courts and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) are ripe for review to determine whether…
WHAT a noble trade, the sweeper’s trade. It consists of sweeping the filth we produce, of making our existence less infected. Mindless and ungrateful are those who use the word…
REMEMBERING Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, “An Altar in World,” I caught myself saying to a friend as we were driving along California coast that the world is my “tabernacle.” By…
The Save Power Day will take place July 14. Customers who are enrolled in the program can earn up to $100 in bill credits each year. You may have noticed…
The road to success has always been hurdled with enormous encumbrances and impediments to test one’s endurance and capability to survive. We’re all brought to this world destined to bear…