UC system plans to increase tuition by 5%

Gov. Brown, student against hike  Administrators at the University of California proposed a new plan to increase tuition by as much as 5 percent in the next five years, drawing criticism from newly-reelected Gov. Jerry Brown, as well as top state legislative leaders and student activists. UC President Janet Napolitano sent out emails and messages…

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Cuomo re-elected New York Governor

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was re-elected for a second term Tuesday in the 2014 midterm election. Cuomo garnered 54 percent of the vote with 98 percent of precincts reporting on Wednesday, 41 percent for his Republican opponent Rob Astorino, and 5 percent for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins. Reports showed that Cuomo was a…

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Fil-Ams vie for local seats in Southern California elections

For the Filipino-American community, voter turnout slightly increased during recent elections, but things slowed down during this year’s midterms. Analysts believe a non-competitive race for governor and the lack of controversial ballot initiatives—for instance, same-sex marriage—kept voters away from the polls. But despite the low turnout on Election Day, Southern California Fil-Am candidates remained hopeful…

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Why biting down on aluminum foil hurts

HAVE you ever accidentally bitten down on a little piece of aluminum foil? Have you experienced that quick zap of pain? Perhaps a little piece of foil was clinging to the tortilla when you unwrapped your taco during lunch. When that foil came in contact with metal in your mouth (such as an amalgam filling, a metal crown, or…

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Law offices don’t need to be like Starbucks

  Immigration attorneys can handle immigration cases anywhere throughout the US. This is because immigration law is federal law, as opposed to state law. Therefore, even if an attorney’s office is in California, and the client is in Florida, the attorney can still represent that person.  Everyone is familiar with Starbucks coffee houses, which are located…

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Reflux heartburns

What is Reflux Heartburns? Reflux Heartburns is a milder stage of Reflux Esophagitis, which is an inflammatory condition where Hydrocholoric Acid, normally produced by the stomach to aid in the digestion of food, regurgitates (goes back up) to the lower end of the esophagus (food pipe) which is connected to the stomach. In majority cases…

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Fil-Ams vie for local seats in Southern California elections

For the Filipino-American community, voter turnout slightly increased during recent elections, but things slowed down during this year’s midterms. Analysts believe a non-competitive race for governor and the lack of controversial ballot initiatives—for instance, same-sex marriage—kept voters away from the polls. But despite the low turnout on Election Day, Southern California Fil-Am candidates remained hopeful…

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SF raises minimum wage to $15 by 2018

ON Tuesday, Nov. 4, San Francisco voters approved Proposition J, a measure that will raise the city’s minimum wage to $15 by July 2018.  More than 100,000 are expected to benefit from the measure. “Tonight, San Francisco voters sent a message loudly and clearly to the nation that we can take on the growing gap…

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Job training facility opened in South Los Angeles

$36 million to be invested in workforce system  LOS ANGELES — Mayor Eric Garcetti unveiled the new Vernon-Central WorkSource Center at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday afternoon at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Located in South Los Angeles, the center will provide its residents with job training and referrals, interview preparation, career counselors, education…

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Zipping Bohol on a bike

Bohol is a piece of art. Take its roads. To the left, you will see the blue skies and the green trees wonderfully blended; to the right, the heavens and the seas magically meeting in the horizon. All these elements are beautiful fragments of nature. They marry each other – and they make up Bohol….

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IN most modern societies, politics depend on media for publicity, to encourage supporters and votes. On the other hand, journalists rely on politics to provide them with news to keep their industry alive. Both parties commit to such relationship because of a shared goal—to influence public opinion. But it is a complicated rapport. As observed…

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Job training facility opened in South Los Angeles

$36 million to be invested in workforce system  LOS ANGELES — Mayor Eric Garcetti unveiled the new Vernon-Central WorkSource Center at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday afternoon at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Located in South Los Angeles, the center will provide its residents with job training and referrals, interview preparation, career counselors, education…

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Bay Area Fil-Am bets ahead in unofficial election results

A MAJORITY of Filipino-American candidates in the Bay Area are poised to win seats in their races based on unofficial election results released by the different County Election Divisions. Incumbent Rob Bonta (District 18) has garnered 85 percent of total votes as of press time, easily trumping  his Republican opponent David Erlich.  However,  Republican challenger…

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October to Remember

It was a month of passion, erudition, pastimes but mostly politics and government at every turn both here and across our country: in a trove of bemused reflection, of follies, tragedies and triumphs, a timeless  thirty one days that intrigued me, enjoyed me, filling my days… some troubled my nights, but gave me pause, pleasure…

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World Trade Center reopens for business

THIRTEEN years after the 9/11 terrorist attack, the World Trade Center in New York City is once again open for business. On Monday, Nov. 3, the mass media publishing giant Condé Nast began moving into the new One World Trade Center, a 104-story, $3.9 billion steel skyscraper built at the same site where the decimated Twin Towers once…

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IRS may have refunds waiting for you

IF YOU earned income in the last few years but didn’t file a tax return because your wages were below the filing requirement, the Internal Revenue Service may have some money for you. The IRS also has millions of dollars in checks that are mailed but returned each year as undeliverable. There are two types…

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Same-sex marriage recogized for immigration purposes

THE US Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act’s (DOMA) limitation of the definition of “marriage” as a union between male and female spouses in Windsor v. US last year.  Since then, all Federal agencies administering immigration benefits are required to recognize same-sex unions as legal marriages for US immigration purposes.  On July…

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Dealing with child support arrears and CSSD

Child Support Services Department (CSSD) are often sought by the custodial parent to obtain and or enforce child support order against the non-custodial parent.  If the non-custodial parent has not been paying the child support order or has not sought modification of the child support order, then the child support accumulates as arrears and compounds…

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