The July 2017 priority dates

Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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What to do if ICE comes to your home, workplace or public space

ON April 10, 2017, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) released a “Know Your Rights Handouts” available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Portuguese to inform the public about the rights of undocumented immigrants who may come into contact with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during home visits, workplace raids and public stops. …

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Red meat and cancer

A DIET high in processed meat (sausages, luncheon meats, etc.) may increase the risk of carnivores developing pancreatic cancer by almost 70 percent, reported a recent major study that was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and released to the public in October 2005. The report showed “an average of 41 cases…

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‘To be or not to be’

Hamlet, the prince of problems, stimulates us to think about the challenges of living in the real world. In his soliloquy “To be or not to be” — the single most recognizable passage in western literature — we contemplate  a serious issue. Is it better to endure suffering or end one’s life to take a…

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2017 guide for rental property owners and managers

THE bills described in this Rental Property Owner and Mangers Guide are rental housing related bills that were signed into law in 2016 and become effective January 1, 2017 unless otherwise specified. Certified Access Specialist Inspections AB 2093. Beginning January 1, 2017 to make sure that properties are in compliance with disability access laws,  commercial…

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Getting caught flatfooted

IT looks like we will not yet see the end of the speculation and argument over whether the Resorts World incident was a terrorist attack or one perpetrated by a despondent gambler. While forensic amateurs, Facebook detectives and the sensationalist media are fanning the embers of intrigue and conspiracy, Resorts World lawyers and the government…

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Silent partner

AS FILIPINOS celebrated their nation’s 119th Independence Day on Monday, June 12, the U.S. congratulated the Philippines and emphasized the enduring U.S.-PH alliance built on “shared democratic values, growing commerce, and strong people-to-people ties.” “The United States proudly stands with the Philippines as a longstanding ally, especially as the country confronts challenges associated with terrorism…

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Rights of employees who work 7 days a week

CHRISTOPHER Mendoza and Meagan Gordon are former sales associates of Nordstrom, Inc., a retail chain with locations throughout California. Mendoza and Gordon worked more than six consecutive days in a week with some shifts that lasted six hours or less. Both employees sued Nordstrom claiming that the employer failed to provide them the required day…

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15 dont’s during an IRS office audit

1. DON’T volunteer information. A typical agent is a low-key, friendly agent. They get your guard down by playing a nice guy role. Don’t be deceived by it. Remember that he (includes her) is not on your side. He may appear to be, but he is not. 2. Don’t be a blabbermouth. Taxpayers are scared…

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Is the travel ban still alive?

QUESTION:  I have friends in the countries which Trump wants to still do his travel ban. I know it was denied. Is it still ongoing or could it still happen? Answer: Yes, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals had granted the injunction and made it nationwide. However, the government has now submitted the request for…

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Stuck in debt? Here’s how you can turn things around

IF you’ve ever found yourself financially broke or buried in debt at one point in your life, I’m sure you still remember how it felt. The feelings of despair and helplessness, the sleepless nights, the endless anxiety about the future- A lot of people will never understand until they have experienced it for themselves. From…

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A revolution of love

“God so loved the world that he gave his  only son, so that everyone who believes in  him might not perish but might have eternal life.” – John 3:16 I PREACHED about love last Pentecost Sunday—a revolution of love that the world urgently needs in these times of violence, hatred, and terror. I told people that we need…

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California divorce frequently asked questions

I JUST moved to California last month, and I’d like to file for divorce. Can I file now? To file for divorce in the State of California, the person filing (called the “Petitioner”) must first meet the jurisdictional requirements: (i) residence in the state of California from the past 6 months; and (ii) residence in…

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Am I a US citizen?

Whatever  the immigration status of an alien is so  long as they are residing or simply physically present in the United States, a  child born in the U.S. is a  citizen.  The U.S. Constitution bestows citizenship based on  place of birth (‘jus soli’ or ‘law of the soil’).  Other countries which were or are  highly…

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Queries from readers

What causes palpitation? Palpitation (pounding heart beat, harder and faster than normal) could be due to extrinsic causes like ingestion of a stimulant (coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolates, some medications, etc.) and/or cigarette smoking, or due to intrinsic causes like coronary or heart valve diseases. The person feels the heart thumping in the chest that…

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119th Philippine Independence Day: A celebration of progress through peace and freedom

The Philippines will celebrate its 119th Independence Day to commemorate its independence from colonial Spain.  Also known as “Araw ng Kasarinlan” or “Araw ng Kalayaan,” it is an annual national holiday in the country observed every June 12.  The theme for this year is “Kalayaan 2017:  Pagbabagong Sama-Samang Balikatin.” Background and history Originally, Philippine Independence…

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The unhappy king

ONCE there was a mighty, oh so, mighty king with a short fuse. One night in autumn, the king fell into a deep melancholy.  He could neither eat nor sleep, and tears of unknown origin fell frequently, which infuriated him, triggering angry fits that made those around him quake in fear. Each day, the king…

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Disclosure of text messages, e-mails and Facebook info of a spouse or significant other may constitute domestic violence

DOMESTIC violence is abuse perpetrated against a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, the mother or father of your child, your child.  Family Code Section 6211.  Abuse is not limited to the actual infliction of physical injury or assault. Family Code, § 6203(b). A court may issue an order enjoining specific acts of “abuse” (§ 6218,…

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When can the landlord enter the rental unit?

THE landlord or its representative must give the tenant a reasonable written notice in advance before entering the unit, and can enter only during normal business hours generally, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. The notice must state the date, approximate time and purpose of entry. Under  California Civ. Code § 1954 landlord may…

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Clients seek relief for credit card debt

CLIENTis 48, married, and has a good job paying him $100K gross a year. A family emergency has caused him some financial hardship because money meant to pay for the house and credit cards were used instead for medical expenses of his brother abroad. Brother is only 35 and single and lives abroad, waiting his…

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