2017 guide for rental property owners and managers

THE bills described in this Rental Property Owner and Mangers Guide are rental housing related bills that were signed into law in 2016 and become effective January 1, 2017 unless otherwise specified.

Certified Access Specialist Inspections AB 2093. Beginning January 1, 2017 to make sure that properties are in compliance with disability access laws,  commercial property owners/lessors are required to specify in the rental agreement whether or not Certified Access Specialist has inspected the premises.

Bed Bugs AB 551.  After July 1, 2017 and beginning January 1, 2018,  the law require new leases to include notice on bed bug detection, importance of cooperation for prevention and treatment.

Sub-metering and Residential Utility Billing Service Requirements SB 7. Water sub-meters are to be installed beginning January 1, 2018 in multifamily construction or commercial properties.

Landscape Irrigation Equipment AB 1928. Beginning January 1, 2019, the bill requires new labeling requirements for manufacturers  to make sure that irrigation equipment  sold after the effective date established by California Energy Commission is water efficient.

Environmental Hazard Disclosures AB 1750. The law encourages but does not require managers and property owners to provide tenants with booklet  about property-related environmental hazards like asbestos, radon gas, lead-based paint, formaldehyde, fuel and chemical storage tanks, and water and soil contamination.

Development Bonus AB 1934. The local government will grant a development bonus  to a commercial developer in partnership with an affordable housing developer for the construction of affordable housing projects.

Accessory Dwelling Units AB 2299 & SB 1069. This bill permits property owners to build accessory dwelling units or in-law or granny flats in single family and multifamily residential zones. Local cities and counties are required to approve the accessory dwelling unit if the standards are met.

Junior Accessory Dwelling Units AB 2406: The bill permits local governments creation of junior accessory dwelling units laws in a single-family residential neighborhood.

Price Gouging AB 2820. The bill revised the definition on state of emergency and local emergencies for the purpose of criminal price gouging—increasing prices, including residential rental rates and towing services by more than 10 percent.

Water Efficient Landscaping AB 2515. The bill requires the Department  of Water Resources to update water efficient landscaping ordinance every three years to make sure water efficient landscaping remains current and updated. This will impact property owners who remodel or improve exterior landscaping.


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