On bringing back Catholic fervor

MY recent Marian pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, and the other Marian shrines in Spain convinced me even more of the importance and the urgency to bring back Catholic fervor in our homes and families.  By “Catholic fervor” I refer to the intense practice of our Catholic faith, which we can show through our authentic love…

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Stock market benchmark indices

If you plan to trade stocks, it helps to get an understanding of basic terms that are mentioned frequently on TV, radio,  and social media. There are three Major indices: 1.Dow Jones Industrial Average. 2. S&P 500. 3. Nasdaq Composite. 1. Dow Jones Industrial Average is the oldest index, dating back to 1896. It tracks…

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Are you feeling hopelessly stuck in debt?

A lot of people who consult with me about their debt problems are going through the worst time of their lives. Unlike other problems in life that sometimes just go away on their own, debt problems will only get worse unless you do something about them. While dealing with debt and coming up with a…

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The human obsession for acceptance and recognition

IT’S not just the celebrity allure.  It’s the cut above all.  It’s the public acclaim, the attention, and the limelight. Every time you turn around, someone’s winning an award for something.  There are many reasons why the nation seems caught in an obsessive pursuit of recognition.  There seems to be no field of human endeavor…

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If Filipinos could walk on water

THERE is a caravan of an estimated 4,000 men, women and children from Central America hiking hundreds of miles from their home countries to Mexico and from there to the United States. The “invasion” is one of the main themes of the alarmist rhetoric of President Donald Trump in his desperate effort to drive his…

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How women can change America

(Part I of II)  “You can’t be what you can’t see.” – Marian Wright Edelman  “If they see it, they can be it.” – Geena Davis, March 19, 2015 at Mount St. Mary’s University.  “To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s equal…

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Fil-Am doctor eyes congressional seat in Florida

FLORIDA’S 1st Congressional District — which encompasses its western Panhandle — has long been considered the most Republican district in the state. However, Jennifer Mijares Zimmerman, a Filipina-American pediatrician, is out to flip that seat this coming November 6 when she goes up against the incumbent Rep. Matt Gaetz. “District 1 has always been ignored…

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Halloween: its origin and universal observances

AMONG the numerous holiday celebrations worldwide, Halloween takes a remarkable spot in the roster… contending with Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, and Thanksgiving Day while taking a notable third spot in America. It is irrefutably considered to be exciting while stirringly electrifying because of the bevy of colorful costumes and inimitable accessories…

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What is ‘extreme hardship’?

IF a person commits certain immigration violations (such as fraud, or overstaying in the U.S. for over six months and then departing, etc.), the person may not be eligible to receive a green card, unless the person applies for, and is granted, a “waiver of inadmissibility” (or “forgiveness”) on a Form I-601. To be eligible…

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California Divorce

SOMETIMES, divorce happens. The following seeks to address or clarify some common misconceptions about divorce: “What if my husband/wife does not want to sign the divorce?” or “My husband/wife does not want to sign the divorce papers, what can I do.” California is a no-fault divorce state. A party filing for divorce does not need the…

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Entertaining trivia

Here are some remarkable, educational, and attention-grabbing bits of medical and general factoid that could enrich your cerebral armamentarium: •  Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) starts when a child is five or six years of age, and not after fifty. •  Cholesterol and saturated fats (from pork, beef, eggs and other dairy products) have killed…

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Immigrants make our nation strong

By Katie Porter Ever wonder why donuts in Southern California always come in pink boxes? The answer, as with so many American success stories, is because of immigrants. In the 1980s, Cambodians who came here as refugees began training and supporting each other to open donut shops all over Southern California. They chose pink boxes…

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Children just like you (2 of 2 parts)

“The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy.” —Alfred North Whitehead (Continued from last week’s issue …) “Pay attention, Icarus. Stick close behind me and watch your altitude. Fly too low and the sea with its moisture will make your wings too heavy. Fly too high and the heat of the sun…

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Trump to subvert the Constitution by terminating birthright citizenship using an executive order

ONE WEEK before the consequential midterm elections — amid the news cycle being dominated by criticisms against the massacre of 11 people in a synagogue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the sending of pipe bombs via mail to prominent Democrats critical of Trump, including news organization CNN by a Trump fanatic Filipino-Italian American; the deaths of two black…

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