For the love of books
To open a book is an act that could change lives. Among the early progenitors of the book were the Egyptians who decided to write on papyrus for ideas to…
To open a book is an act that could change lives. Among the early progenitors of the book were the Egyptians who decided to write on papyrus for ideas to…
I WAS telling my close friend about his personal qualities. “I admire your intelligence, prayerfulness, and convivial nature,” I said. “But what I admire most about you is your genuine…
The antibiotic azithromycin, which came in a Z-pack of 5 one-a-day pill for a five day treatment, has been linked to sudden death. Last year alone, 55.3 million prescriptions have…
To live in a country where peace reigns supreme is a dream for Filipinos who believe in its blessings. Reaching a state of complete peace may sound a bit too…
A DEAR friend introduced me to the writings of Marianne Williamson, a spiritual writer, activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance. Two of her books, A Return to Love:…
When you suddenly feel your heart is pounding and beating faster than usual, and you have an uncomfortable feeling within your chest, it could be SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia), an abnormal…
After a lackluster performance in the Olympics, torrential rains and flooding, and the passing of a beloved government official; the country’s gloom was quite lifted with the news of the…
I have shared with friends on Facebook a profound dialogue I read in Paulo Coelho’s new book, Aleph: “But isn’t prayer a way of bringing us closer to God?” “Allow…
No, that is not a typo. Scientists in the new Human Microbiome Project at the National Institute of Health have sequenced genes from 20 skin sites of volunteers and “found…
The Philippines and China go way back, even before the conquest of the Spaniards. As early as the 10th century, trade was already happening between Filipinos and the seafaring Chinese….
Henri J.M. Nouwen, one of the great spiritual writers of the modern times, has influenced my personal spirituality and writing skill. He has helped me to see grace in my…
SO it has happened again. A bombardment that occurred on tin roofs with assaults on the asphalt; it was an extended blitzkrieg of rain. Water rushed with a flurry carrying…
When the water is calm and the sailing is smooth, we feel happy and stable. We don’t want this state of serenity to end; we just want to stay with…
What is angina pectoris? Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pains or more specifically pains emanating from, and involving, the heart. It is most common for people to…
MAUREEN Pratt, the speaker of the month this August of our parish’s centennial year, impressed many of us with her talk and example. Despite suffering from lupus erythematosus since age…
THERE is a moving painting hanging in our memory. It is filled with hues of blue and green. The masterstrokes glibly flowing as the waves carry the music that bellows…
“WHERE can we buy enough food for them to eat?,” Jesus asked Philip, one the disciples, as he saw a vast crowd of about five thousand in number following them….
The greatest show on Earth will happen again from July 27 to August 12 at the London Olympics. It will be another spectacle and the stage is set for this…
A MAN who goes to the gym, where I work out , would flaunt a t-shirt with bold lettering, IT’S ALL ABOUT ME. “Hmmm,” I would often muse, “what message…
The symbolic significance of the number seven goes way back in the Creation Story when God created the world in seven days and took a breather on the seventh day….
JOINING the Goliaths of the world choirs! That’s what I thought as our children’s choir sung in front of the international judges of the World Choir Games in Cincinnati, Ohio…
ROYALTY graced the country last July 2 to 6 as Queen Sofia of Spain visited various parts of the Philippines. The official trip of the Queen of Spain was named…
FIRST, the admiration, then, the rejection. “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands? Is…
Today, our country and many others around the world are faced with the epidemics of arthritis, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Obviously, our health prevention strategy of…
Let us begin by calling it the way Ifugaos call it, Páy-yo. It has been around for 2,000 years in the Cordilleras. As their masterpiece, it becomes more impressive considering…
We know the man and his characters that are continually rolling on the film reels of our collective memories. He made us cry, whimper, ponder, and above all–laugh. Going beyond…
LITTLE Gavin fixed his eyes on every ritual of the Mass that I was celebrating for our family a few weekends ago. A photo of him on Facebook shows his…
AS celebrations to Jose Rizal’s sesquicentennial came to a close on his 151st birthday last June 19, another chapter opens on his revered status as the National Hero of the…
AT TIMES, we become blind to the enormous graces that are around us. It’s because we tend to measure grace according to the vain values of the world, particularly popularity,…
So it has happened. After an impressive streak of 15 wins in 7 years, the taste of a loss does not only linger in Manny Pacquiao’s mouth, but to ours…