Chinese expansionism

NORBERTO Gonzales, the national security adviser during the incumbency of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, has rung alarm bells about a possible attack on the Philippines by China. This was his reaction to the co-exploration agreement signed by President Rodrigo Duterte and President Xi Jinping.  Gonzales warned that the agreement is just another step in China’s covetous…

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Fil-Am lawyer George Conway leads conservative and libertarian lawyers to call out Trump’s attack on the rule of law

SPECIAL COUNSEL Robert Mueller may now be in the stage of putting the pieces of the Russia probe evidence together and with this, President Donald Trump has gone ballistic in his tweets against those conducting the investigation on the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to discredit his political opponent Hillary Clinton and…

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Trump intensifies attack on Mueller probe and dangles pardon for Manafort as his former attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty

PRESIDENT Donald Trump has reportedly been all the more consumed by the Russia probe and his nonstop Twitter storm — discrediting Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the latter’s independent investigation on the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to win in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections — may be a clear indicator. From…

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For the sake of your children and grandchildren, who would you believe on climate change: Scientists or Donald Trump?

LAST Friday, November 23, hundreds of government and external scientists involved in the U.S. Global Change Research Program, released a report that concluded that climate change could cost the United States billions of dollars annually within decades if greenhouse gases aren’t dramatically reduced, and could worsen environmental disasters like wildfires and flooding. Its findings aligned…

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Giving up on the impossible dream?

“IN union there is strength,”  has become such a cliche that even otherwise sensible people tend to forget its inherent wisdom. In the wake of the declaration of martial law by President Ferdinand Marcos, assorted government entities, from the Office of Civil Relations of the Philippine Constabulary to the Department of Public Information to various…

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As the Republican leadership refuses to protect the Mueller probe, Senate Democrats sue President Trump for defying the Constitution in appointing Whitaker

POST-MIDTERM elections, President Donald Trump finally forced Attorney General (AG) Jeff Sessions to resign, and at the heart of this was Sessions’s recusing himself from the Russia probe because of conflict of interest. Trump had repeatedly lashed out at Sessions, saying had he known Sessions would do so, he wouldn’t have appointed him for this…

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Trump loses control of the House in the midterm elections, unleashes his wrath against the free press

PRESIDENT Donald Trump held an explosive press conference a day after the midterm elections, claiming tremendous victory for the Republican majority in the Senate and some gubernatorial races. He congratulated himself for the victory of the candidates who won and berated those Republican candidates who lost because he said they did not embrace him. When…

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Engaging Governments and Political Parties to Govern ‘Green’

Remarks of Former Philippine Speaker Jose de Venecia Founding Chairman and Chairman of Standing Committee, International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP); Co-Chairman, International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP); Special Envoy of the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and for Intercultural Dialogue  ICAPP Special Workshop on Green Cities Seoul,…

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Russia Into The Fold

Remarks of Former Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives Jose de Venecia Founding Chairman and Chairman of Standing Committee, International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP); Co-Chairman, International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP); Special Envoy of the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and for Intercultural Dialogue 10th…

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If Filipinos could walk on water

THERE is a caravan of an estimated 4,000 men, women and children from Central America hiking hundreds of miles from their home countries to Mexico and from there to the United States. The “invasion” is one of the main themes of the alarmist rhetoric of President Donald Trump in his desperate effort to drive his…

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Immigrants make our nation strong

By Katie Porter Ever wonder why donuts in Southern California always come in pink boxes? The answer, as with so many American success stories, is because of immigrants. In the 1980s, Cambodians who came here as refugees began training and supporting each other to open donut shops all over Southern California. They chose pink boxes…

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Trump to subvert the Constitution by terminating birthright citizenship using an executive order

ONE WEEK before the consequential midterm elections — amid the news cycle being dominated by criticisms against the massacre of 11 people in a synagogue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the sending of pipe bombs via mail to prominent Democrats critical of Trump, including news organization CNN by a Trump fanatic Filipino-Italian American; the deaths of two black…

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Immigrants built this country

By Gil Cisneros For centuries, the United States of America has been a shining beacon of freedom and hope for millions of people around the world. Immigrants have come to this country in search of the American dream, and in return they have built the America that we live in today.  When the Pilgrims famously…

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College admission and the negative consequences of affirmative action for Asian American high school seniors

Every year millions of high school seniors are eagerly anticipating a college acceptance letter from their dream university. Many of the top universities across the country have strict admission requirements to accept high school seniors. These admission requirements comprise of academic standing, extracurricular activities, and leadership experience. One of the most controversial issues facing the…

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Poll insights: Fil-Ams may prefer Republicans in Senate races & be split in House races, but stand with Democrats on issues

KABABAYANS from both sides of the aisle expressed strong sentiments, questioning the results of the 2018 Asian American Voter Survey by the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Vote, which found that while 58 percent of registered Asian Americans overall disapprove of President Donald Trump’s performance as president, registered Filipino-American voters were split 48-48 on…

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Poll: Asian Americans overall prefer the Democratic party in the Senate race, while Fil-Ams favor the party of Trump

Views split for the House THE November 6 midterm elections are just three weeks away but many Americans have already cast their votes through early voting and mail-in ballots.  Asian Americans, including Filipinos, show high enthusiasm to make their voices heard and cast their vote that may change the political landscape of America. The Filipino…

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