How to handle IRS correspondence audit
THERE are three basic types of IRS audits: correspondence, office, and field examinations. Let’s discuss correspondence audits. 1. Do not be afraid to open mails from the IRS. If you…
THERE are three basic types of IRS audits: correspondence, office, and field examinations. Let’s discuss correspondence audits. 1. Do not be afraid to open mails from the IRS. If you…
A LOT of people in debt are in denial about their situation so they go about their lives pretending that everything is OK- until one day they find themselves in…
THE bills described in this Rental Property Owner and Mangers Guide are rental housing related bills that were signed into law in 2016 and become effective January 1, 2017 unless…
Businessman considers bankruptcy for $400K lawsuit I ASKED him if he owed any debts. He said he owed $60K of credit card debt but that they were all still current….
CHRISTOPHER Mendoza and Meagan Gordon are former sales associates of Nordstrom, Inc., a retail chain with locations throughout California. Mendoza and Gordon worked more than six consecutive days in a…
1. DON’T volunteer information. A typical agent is a low-key, friendly agent. They get your guard down by playing a nice guy role. Don’t be deceived by it. Remember that…
IF you’ve ever found yourself financially broke or buried in debt at one point in your life, I’m sure you still remember how it felt. The feelings of despair and…
THE landlord or its representative must give the tenant a reasonable written notice in advance before entering the unit, and can enter only during normal business hours generally, 8 a.m….
CLIENTis 48, married, and has a good job paying him $100K gross a year. A family emergency has caused him some financial hardship because money meant to pay for the…
“ If you are saddled with debt, now is the time to get them discharged. Better now than later when you are about to retire. ” CLIENT is 48, married,…
Q: I worked in a company for over 10 years. A new supervisor and I do not get along. Last week, the company let me go without any explanation. I…
“ Avoid low gross receipts and few but unusually high expenses.” 1. DO not hide interest and dividend income from the IRS, even if your spouse may not be aware…
HAVE you ever faced a situation in your life where you needed help so badly but you were just too afraid to ask for it? Perhaps you felt confused and…
YOUR credit card payments are past due. You’re confused and don’t know what to do. The bill collectors are calling you non-stop and writing you threatening letters. What do you…
HOW do you determine if the person visiting you either at your business or at home or calling you are not an IRS imposter? Look for two forms of credentials….
“ If you are saddled with debt, now is the time to get them discharged.Better now than later.” CLIENT is 48, married and has a good job paying him $100K…
Someone uses your social security number to file a fraudulent tax return to claim a refund or get a job. An employer’s tax identification is stolen to create a false…
Q:I WORK as a nurse at a hospital that has a strict policy of no unapproved overtime, and no going on breaks unless we are relieved by another nurse. We…
BE conservative with deductions if you want to avoid audits. Be aggressive and you increase your risk of IRS scrutiny. Play the odds and you invite an audit. The question…
“ Let me get one thing straight, just because you can pay your minimum monthly payments each month doesn’t necessarily mean that you do not have a debt problem” WHILE…
PART 1 CUSTOMER Service Dashboard: The goal is provide tools and resources in resolving tax matters. The “Customer Service Dashboard” was launched in March 1, 2017 with estimated time frames…
FIRST client is 48 and married in the last 4 years. Husband was a foreigner who professed his love for her in so many ways. Unfortunately, his love for her…
“ Trump’s plan will help more low-income workers to avoid taxes, not to pay income taxes.” ACCORDING to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, the Trump tax plan would…
HAVE you heard the story of a poor, old beggar who died one day- and to everyone’s amazement, a money belt found wrapped around his waist contained thousands of dollars…
PART 1 THE focus of an audit is whether independent contractors should actually be treated as employees. The unpaid taxes for misclassified employees include income taxes, federal unemployment, and FICA…
“ The Chapter 13 trustee, unlike the Chapter 7 trustee, does not have the power to sell debtor’s house. So, in Chapter 13, there is no risk of losing debtor’s…
A MAJOR thrust of the Trump Tax Plan is to bring back jobs to America. Large multi-nationals left and set up operations in foreign countries to avoid our corporate tax…
WE’VE all been there. Those moments when almost anything that could go wrong DOES go wrong in our finances. As human beings, we all want to be safe and secure…
EACH year brings hundreds of new laws to Californians and the year 2017 is no exception. Cell phones while driving AB No. 1785: Any electronic devices including smart phones will…