When can the landlord enter the rental unit?

THE landlord or its representative must give the tenant a reasonable written notice in advance before entering the unit, and can enter only during normal business hours generally, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. The notice must state the date, approximate time and purpose of entry. Under  California Civ. Code § 1954 landlord may…

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Clients seek relief for credit card debt

CLIENTis 48, married, and has a good job paying him $100K gross a year. A family emergency has caused him some financial hardship because money meant to pay for the house and credit cards were used instead for medical expenses of his brother abroad. Brother is only 35 and single and lives abroad, waiting his…

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12 ways to avoid an IRS audit

“ Avoid low gross receipts and few but unusually high expenses.” 1. DO not hide interest and dividend income from the IRS, even if your spouse may not be aware of some savings and stock brokerage accounts. Remember Murphy’s Law—your bitter half will learn about it at a worse time later when IRS sends notice…

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How to avoid IRS audits: Deduction issues

BE conservative with deductions if you want to avoid audits. Be aggressive and you increase your risk of IRS scrutiny. Play the odds and you invite an audit. The question then is—is it worth the risk? No, it’s not. Saving a few dollars compared with what could be a disastrous experience of dealing with the…

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New California laws

PART 1 CUSTOMER Service Dashboard: The goal is provide tools and resources in resolving tax matters. The “Customer Service Dashboard” was launched in March 1, 2017 with estimated time frames for your wait time. For more information go to: https://www.ftb.ca.gov Deductions for Taxes Paid or California Other State Tax Credit (OSTC) Legal Ruling 2017-01: California resident…

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Winners under the Trump tax plan

“ Trump’s plan will help more low-income workers to avoid taxes, not to pay income taxes.” ACCORDING to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, the Trump tax plan would increase the long-run size of the economy by 7% under a higher-rate assumption, or 8% under a lower-rate assumption. The larger economy would result in…

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Store manager needs bankruptcy relief

“ The Chapter 13 trustee, unlike the Chapter 7 trustee, does not have the power to sell debtor’s house. So, in Chapter 13, there is no risk of losing debtor’s house. But in Chapter 13, client must pay at least $30K over 60 months, or $500 a month.” CLIENT no. 1 is 50 years old…

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Business tax changes under Trump tax plan

A MAJOR thrust of the Trump Tax Plan is to bring back jobs to America. Large multi-nationals left and set up operations in foreign countries to avoid our corporate tax rates – the highest in the developed world. We need tax incentives to get them back. Corporate Tax Rates: Trump wants to cut corporate income…

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New California laws

EACH year brings hundreds of new laws to Californians and the year 2017 is no exception. Cell phones while driving AB No. 1785: Any electronic devices including smart phones will be illegal to hold and use while driving. Drivers who want to use their smart phones must have it mounted on the dashboard or vehicle…

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Individual tax changes under Trump tax plan

HERE are proposed tax changes that could affect individuals like you and me. Individual Tax Rates: President Trump plans to simplify the tax code by condensing the current seven rates into three – 12%, 25%, and 33%. Most Americans will go down in bracket but a few will go up to a higher tax rate….

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Here are 4 ways to get out of debt

ARE you seriously in debt and don’t know what to do about your situation? Are you afraid that unless you do something about it, thing will just continue to get worse every day? When people are going through financial difficulty and are unable to pay their bills, their first reaction is often to ignore their…

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