Pass It On in 2023: Renewing fraud prevention

IF you’re one of the resourceful, dedicated people who uses Pass It On ( and Pásalo materials to help older adults avoid scams, thank you!

You’re part of an enormous network that’s shared more than 17 million fact sheets and bookmarks, in English and Spanish, at coffee chats, financial literacy classes, information fairs, and in libraries, lobby tables, and other community meeting places over the last eight years. Now we’ve got more reasons for you to Pass It On.

Check out the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) refreshed Pass It On website. We’ve added new online and print information about business impersonators and investment scams and updated our existing materials about common scams that often affect older adults — like romance, tech support, and grandkid scams.

You’ll also find updated downloadable Power Point presentations about the 13 topics Pass It On covers — complete with speaker’s notes — and a print Sample Pack with 13 fact sheets to enhance your presentations. Don’t worry, you’ll still find straightforward advice for older adults that respects their lifetime of experience.

For the next few weeks, we’re hosting short webinars about new Pass It On materials for people who do outreach and education with older adults. We’ll talk through the process for ordering free print materials to enhance your trainings and group presentations, demonstrate the Power Point presentations for each topic; and talk about ideas for sharing Pass It On with your community.

Want to learn how to link Pass It On to your website? We’ve got you covered. Check out the schedule below and find one focused on your area of focus: aging services, community support, law enforcement, or library staff and volunteers.

Schedule and information:


(Bridget Small/Consumer Protection Specialist, FTC)

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