PWC continues call for action on TPS

LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles-based Filipino community organization Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) continues its call for action on the advocacy campaign that asks the US government to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to the Philippines.

In a news release on Monday, PWC called on their supporters to join the “Kulit Brigade,” keep on calling the government hotlines, and take to social media to voice their support for Relief 2 Recovery, the US-wide grassroots movement that pushes for the granting of TPS.

Under TPS, eligible Filipino nationals will not be subject to removal from the US for a certain period of time, can obtain employment authorization documents (EADs), and may be granted travel authorization. This will allow them to play a more significant role in relief work in the Philippines. With the EADs, Filipinos can secure income opportunities to be able to send financial aid to their families back home. They will also be able to return to the Philippines to physically help in their families’ recovery, or grieve for the loved ones they lost during the calamity.

“Join the Kulit Brigade! Let’s call and tweet EVERYDAY until we get a decision!” PWC said in a statement.

PWC asked the community to call the keep calling the call-in lines of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), who will come up with the final decision on whether or not the Philippines satisfies the legal requirements for the TPS statute.

The DHS call-in numbers are as follows:

Public Comment Line  –  (202) 282-8495
Office of Public Affairs  –  (202) 282-8010

PWC also asked supporters to show their support on Twitter, to make sure that the government hears their calls for TPS.

Supporters were asked to use the hashtags #haiyan, #TPSnow, #philippines, #6months, and were also asked to mention DHS (@DHSgov) and Relief 2 Recovery (@Relief2Recovery) in their tweets.

PWC noted that it has been a while — around six months — since Typhoon Haiyan struck Central Philippines caused devastation to thousands of Filipinos. The group lamented the slow progress of the process that grants TPS to the Philippines.

“Who [knew] that the US government was going to be as slow as the house rebuilding efforts in the Philippines?” PWC said.

However, they reminded the community that it will take a big community push in order for the process to move forward.

“Join us! If the Filipino community can get so many Filipinos on the finals of American Idol, then we can also do this! Full TPS now!” PWC said.

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