He said the President’s mention of the One Town, One Product Law circled him back to his dedicated work with micro, small and medium enterprises in his district.

It also reminded him of his work with the Department and Trade and Industry on so many policies and programs, especially in his annual defense of their budget as vice chairman of the Committee on Appropriations.

“There was even a throwback to my very first law in 2017, when the [law creating the] Philippine Space Agency was enacted. This law is now fully functional actually,” de Venecia said.

He said that as a neophyte, he got thrown into the world of space, science, and technology applications and ended up as chairman of the technical working group for the law.

“As a 30-year-old neophyte, I even got to head a delegation to Japan to meet with JAXA — Japan’s space agency — and discuss benchmarking strategies and synergies,” de Venecia said.

Looking back, de Venecia said he had authored several bills that had been enacted into law despite the hardship and the stress that they had brought upon him.

He said that the SONA was “sort of a culminating and even full circle moment for him.”

“One year left to make it happen. Towards our creative future,” de Venecia said.