Athletic Heart Syndrome

What is Athletic Heart Syndrome? This is a condition among athletes who show a constellation of physiologic adaptations in the body system, especially in the heart, in persons trained to perform endurance exercise. What are these changes? One of them is the so-called resting bradycardia (heart rate is slow, well below 60). The usual normal…

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The tourism challenge

AS an important weapon of the Philippines’ economic arsenal, tourism is becoming to be an industry built through the country’s natural and cultural environment, where the most negligible and innocent gestures can easily wreak havoc on the site’s resources. Tourism holds the assurance of increased employment and income opportunities for Filipinos particularly those living in…

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Bangkok Pills

What are Bangkok Pills? Bangkok Pills are a combination drug marketed for weight reduction which had gained notoriety a few years ago for the various serious complications reported attendant to their use. According to the weight control company’s  Dr. Wanit T, who responded to my email, the program is known as “ Bangkok Pills” or…

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A new challenge

AS an important weapon of the Philippines’ economic arsenal, tourism has become an industry built through the country’s natural and cultural environment. Tourism holds the assurance of increased employment and income opportunities for Filipinos, particularly to those living in rural and coastal areas of the country. But, with last week’s resignation of Department of Tourism…

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Knowing your rights to reimbursements during divorce

DIVORCE can be a bit complicated specially if there are community assets and debts involved. Generally, accumulations and earning after the date of separation is each spouse’s separate property. What happens when you use separate funds to pay for community debts after the date of separation such as when one spouse continues to pay the…

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Bad breath

A LOT of patients share your concern about bad breath. As a social embarrassment, it’s surely near the top of the list. Since mouthwashes won’t eliminate the problem, let us have a look at some possible reasons for the condition. Bacteria, plain and simple, are the culprit. Bacteria do their work in the mouth, lungs,…

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Poverty reduction

With the 2012 national budget set to be filed on December of 2011, the economic managers of the current administration recently expressed confidence that poverty incidence in the Philippines can be lessened to 16.6 percent by 2015. The positive outlook on the decrease of poverty cases in the country was based on recent reports by…

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Religion vs Right

“Some people just don’t understand what we are doing here. I think we can all work together to uphold artistic freedom and appreciation of art’s place in a democratic society.” – Emily Abrera, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Cultural Center of the Philippines Art is a human inclination that has been around since the…

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Diabetes Warning

Worldwide, in the last few decades, victims of diabetes have increased more than twice, and expected to grow from its current 246 million to 380 million in 18 years, by 2025, according to the report from the International Diabetes Institute in Australia. In this column nine years ago, we stated that the rapid growth in…

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Surviving an economic downward spiral

NOT everyone understands the implications of fiscal developments in an economy. What a simple citizen realizes (and cares more about) is when there’s not enough money to spend, and not enough food to eat. This is the kind of scenario when the country and its constituents are in danger. In the wake of the US’…

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Endings are beginnings

I ADMIT that there are days when I really just want to stop and quit. It’s a double whammy when your loved ones are not by your side, during your most trying times. It draws and drains you of all your courage and strength. But then again, if things were easy, there would be no…

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A first generation dilemma: Succession or conflict

LEE-CHUA, (1997) defined a successful family business as “one that has existed for at least 10 years, is still existing, and has made a name for itself in its field. The founder may still be alive and thinking of succession, the second generation may already be in charge, or the third generation may even be…

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Endless Possibilities

2010 posted a good year for the Philippines as its economy grew by 7.3 percent (the highest in 34 years) during the last quarter. Aside from the renewed investor confidence over a new government, the surge of remittances coming from the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) was also largely credited in contributing to the overall economic…

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Boost your immunity

THE integrity of our natural personal immune system confers upon our body a defense mechanism which determines our susceptibility to, or the degree of protection we have against, various diseases. Besides a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, abstinence from tobacco and other harmful substances, moderation in alcohol intake, and taking daily multivitamins-mineral (from A to…

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Auspicious era

IN his 53-minute speech last July 25, President Benigno Aquino III gathered a collection of both criticisms and praises on his second State of the Nation Address (SONA), before the joint session of Congress at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City. Former President Joseph Estrada, Vice President Jejomar Binay, and most members of the Senate…

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Why family businesses are special

WE ALL have opinions and sometimes we hold very divergent views, as you would imagine when you bring together a group of people who are active within different industry spheres and in different geographical locations. That ability to see the industry from many different perspectives is actually a great advantage, because although you might believe…

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One more time

As another proposed strategy to tourism, the national tourism development plan (NTDP) is expected to double tourist arrivals in the country to 6.5million and generate 2.9million new jobs before President Benigno Aquino III’s term ends in 2016. Albeit the NTDP may seem “ambitious,” Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Alberto Lim said in an interview that…

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Surface tension

ONE by one, they’re coming out of the woodwork. On July 12, former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Governor Zaldy Ampatuan claimed that former Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) and her husband, former first gentleman Mike Arroyo “ordered the rigging of the 2007 senatorial election.” The former ARMM governor, through a two-page declaration, said…

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Bacteria in ground beef

The all-American fast food, the hamburger, has been killing about 60 people a year in the United States alone. And we are not talking about the cardiovascular death toll (one person dies every 60 seconds in the USA) from heart attack and stroke, etc., from a high saturated fat and cholesterol diet. We are talking…

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Redemption in the offing

EVER since former President Ferdinand Marcos’ reign as leader, politics in the Philippines is being felt to be dismal and troubling that the fate of the country hangs on such a precarious balance. With many of its key players having questionable reputations, the government is a place where corruption is rife and controversy is at…

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US First Lady unveils “My Plate”

LAST June 2, US First Lady Michelle Obama introduced My Plate, the new basic food guide to replace the outdated Food Pyramid of 1992. With her in Washington , DC, for the unveiling were Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin. “The new design called My Plate was conceived as a crucial…

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What is a smile design?

Cosmetic dentists understand that communication with the patient over what they expect, what they want their teeth to look like, is critical to their success. In order for you to be happy with the result, you need to have strong input into the artistic planning of your smile. To help you accomplish that, I’d like…

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Honoring the feminine within

LOOKING back on my teenage years, I realized that it was my mother who taught me to maintain a beauty ritual. She would always remind me to look beautiful and to smell good all the time. She trained me to always look presentable when I go out. She insisted that I will never know whom…

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The defender

Last July 1, national news sources reported that Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte was caught on video camera punching a court sheriff of the Davao Regional Trial Court Branch 15 who was serving a demolition order in Barangay Kapitan Tomas Monteverde Sr. Suliman in Agdao. The demolition order was issued to eradicate the shanties of…

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On testing friendship

ALONG with the celebration of the United States of America’s 235th Independence Day, last July 4 was also the Filipino-American Friendship Day, the commemoration of the enduring alliance between the two countries. During the joint celebration of the American Independence Day and the Filipino-American Friendship Day at the US Embassy in Manila on July 1,…

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Counting calories: A life saver

The lure of food galore during parties and holidays usually weaken our will power a bit and add a few pounds to our weight, except perhaps among those who are watching their diet like a hawk. Discipline and moderation significantly impact every aspect of our life and literally determine our future. All medical data we…

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United we stand

AS the ongoing dispute between China and the Philippines on the Spratly row heats up, Filipino-Americans, spearheaded by the US Pinoys for Good Governance (USP4GG) will hold demonstrations at China’s consular offices on July 8 (12nn) in 5 US cities: Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. This is to protest the…

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ACCLAIMED Pinoy journalist, Jose Antonio Vargas’ revelation last week (about being an undocumented immigrant) has stirred up a hornet’s nest on the issue of immigration in the United States. After all, Vargas’ curriculum vitae as a journalist is nothing short of exemplary. He has worked for The San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, New Yorker and…

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Justice league

It was in December 14 last year when the Supreme Court acquitted Hubert Webb and six others who were accused in the murders of Estrellita Vizconde and her daughters Carmela and Jennifer at their home in BF Homes, Parañaque in June 30, 1991. The decision reversed the Court of Appeals’ December 2005 decision and January…

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