
SATURDAY’S outcome of the Pacquiao-Bradley fight came as a shocker, not only to Filipinos across the globe, but even to former boxing champs, fierce critics and former Pacquiao opponents, boxing experts, the media and some celebrities. Among well-respected individuals in the boxing arena who were outraged were Evander Holyfield, Oscar Dela Hoya, Floyd Mayweather Sr….

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9th Circuit to revisit ‘CSPA’ priority date retention

“  The decision, which had held that an “aged out” derivative beneficiary of a family or employment-based petition for immigrant status cannot benefit from the original priority date assigned to his or her parent, contrary to what many argue was Congress’ intent in passing the “Child Status Protection Act” (CSPA) in 2002.” GIVING new hope…

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Still, the People’s Champ

So it has happened. After an impressive streak of 15 wins in 7 years, the taste of a loss does not only linger in Manny Pacquiao’s mouth, but to ours as well. We all witnessed the Pacman’s successful pugilistic campaigns, conquering his opponents as he moved up the scales, and we now have to deal…

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Business as usual

Now it’s time for some serious business. President Benigno Aquino III, who is now holding meetings with the dignitaries of the United States, has accumulated for the country a whopping $1 billion worth of business investments from his recent successful trip in the United Kingdom (UK). During his three-day European trip, President Aquino was able…

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The Ties That Bind

ON TUESDAY, the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution”calling for increased defense and security cooperation with the Philippines.” The US Senate said that “Washington is fully committed to honoring its mutual obligations with Manila.” Senate Resolution 481, which was sponsored by Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Indiana), got a unanimous approval from the chamber, on the eve…

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Miriam Offensor-Santiago

How is Miriam Defensor-Santiago regarded by her colleagues in the Senate? No more than a sick joke. This was obvious in the way they were chuckling and exchanging mischievous whispers while she ranted and roared and called them “gago” to their faces, while rationalizing her verdict of not guilty in the impeachment of ex-Chief Justice…

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Overseas waiver requests to be filed in the US

Starting June 4, 2012, people applying for immigrant visas at the Embassy, but have been found ineligible (or inadmissible) by a US consular officer, will nowfile their waiver requests in the US, vs. filing them in Manila. (In the past when applicants applied for immigrant visas, butwere found to be “inadmissible”at the US Embassy (i.e….

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I am a victim of crime. Can I get a visa?

Question: I was raped years ago. I heard there is some type of visa. Can I get this visa? Answer: You may be eligible for a U nonimmigrant visa. If You are the victim of qualifying criminal activity. You have to have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a…

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Brugada Syndrome

Brugada Syndrome is a baffling condition where a person, who appears to be healthy, unexpectedly develops cardiac arrest, for no apparent reason. Most victims do not survive the episode. This condition is now believed to be responsible for countless sudden deaths among young people – athletes, students, etc., – who suddenly dropped dead. Did the…

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What happens if you did not file a Tax Return?

By this time most of you must have filed your 2011 tax returns already, as the filing deadline on April 17 had long passed. But if you are among those who failed to file their tax returns, including those with unfiled tax returns on previous years, the IRS may go after you and impose penalties….

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Justice delayed

AFTER 44 days of trial, the world witnessed the guilty verdict passed for Chief Justice Renato Corona, who is now impeached. Although it took five months to deliver, the conclusion has brought a sigh of relief, a sign that justice in the country may have gained momentum. It took a long time to enforce the…

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Public Comment period ends for proposed rule to create a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Process

WASHINGTON — Today the formal public comment period closes for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers of Inadmissibility for Certain Immediate Relatives rule. The proposed rule, published in the Federal Register on April 2, 2012, proposes a new filing process for certain immediate relatives of U.S. Citizens (i.e. spouses, children, and…

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Indie Day

June 12 marks the 114th celebration of our independence as a nation. There will be parades not just in the motherland, but overseas as well. Philippine flags will be unfurled and proudly displayed. Our politicians and other significant individuals will be donning our traditional garb and lead the people in programs and activities. Music will…

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Corona teleserye II

With a vote of 20 to 3, impeached Chief Justice Renato C. Corona, the unconstitutional midnight appointee of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, was forcefully kicked out of his office as head magistrate of the Philippine Supreme Court, and majority of the Filipinos all over the world rejoiced. We, in the US Pinoys for Good Governance, even held…

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Paradigm shift

AS THE convoluted chapter called the impeachment trial of now ex-Chief Justice Renato Corona comes to a close, yet another one opens — and with a lot at stake. The search for the next chief magistrate has begun. President Benigno Aquino III said that he is open to appointing an “outsider” candidate, according to deputy…

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Can I appeal this horrible decision?

QUESTION: I lost at the immigration Court level. Can I appeal? Answer: Yes, you can appeal. You can appeal it to the Board of Immigration Appeals in Virginia. Question: When do I appeal and what happens if I don’t appeal on time? Answer: You must appeal to the BIA within the 30 days after the…

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Going Above and Beyond

FIL-AM Shella Condino’s philosophy in teaching is similar to how she lives her life: Dream big, work hard and be the best that you can be, because as she says: “Dreams really do come true.” Condino, a physics and chemistry teacher at Presidio High School in the small town of Presidio, Texas, was given the…

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God and His dynamic and caring nature

JONATHAN’S innocent face always glows, especially when he serves at Mass and sees me presiding. The glow also comes from being part of an active church and from the utmost care that he receives from his parents. After Mass, Jonathan would ask me for my blessing. “Padre, echeme su bendicion,” he would always plea. Of…

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The Governor’s dream of high speed rail versus the reality of homeownership

Governor Brown, facing growing pressure to fund programs necessary for California’s future growth has decided to put 2.2 million homeowners facing foreclosure in further distress. Spotting a soft target for short-term revenue “growth,” he has raided the Attorney General’s homeowner bank settlement fund in the amount of $300 million. The legislature will be voting during…

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Corona and the Al Capone solution

I wrote this piece on the eve of the decision that the Senate impeachment court was scheduled to hand down on the case of Chief Justice Renato Corona. It appeared then that the senator-judges had already made up their minds on their respective votes. According to a late poll, the Filipino people had also framed…

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Do you have a bona fide marriage?

MARRIAGE to a US citizen is an obvious and well- known method of obtaining legal and permanent residence in the United States. Once married to a US citizen many immigration violations are forgiven or overlooked and the path to residency clear. This ease of procedure is well- known and often abused by those with no…

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Did you vote for Jessica?

For the past few weeks, Filipinos in the US (and around the world) have followed Jessica Sanchez’s meteoric rise on American Idol. She instantly became a source of pride and unity within the Filipino community. In fact, a major topicof discussion among Filipinos was reminding one another to vote for Jessica. Indeed, it almost became…

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Vitamin mega dose is dangerous

What is nutriment? The substance in the food we eat that nourishes the body is called nutriment, consisting of micro-and macro-nutrients. Micro-nutrients include vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) and elements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, etc.). Macro-nutrients are the carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Are vitamins important for our health? Yes. The body…

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