Countdown to the perfect wedding smile

Every bride dreams of walking down the aisle, stunning white dress cascading behind her, beaming groom waiting to take her hand.  But wait – are the smiles photographer-ready, all set to feature in photos that will be viewed for generations to come? Whether you’re the bride, groom, member of the wedding party or honored family…

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A true King

In the game of chess, the game is over when the king falls or is checkmated. It is a representation of accepting defeat, but what it signifies is that when the king does fall, he takes a large part of the game with him. On Tuesday, July 9, the Philippines’ entertainment industry was dealt a…

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DREAM Policy to be implemented by August 15, 2012

ON June 15, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that the DHS would consider granting Deferred Action Status (DAS) to many young people in the United States who would have qualified for the ill-fated policy. In the absence of any Congressional movement on Immigration Reform and Congress’ repeated failure to…

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Common fears about bankruptcy are false

IF you are struggling with serious debt problems and the idea of filing for bankruptcy has crossed your mind, like most people, you may have some “fears” about bankruptcy that you have not been able to discuss with anyone.  Usually, these “fears” stem from what we have heard about bankruptcy from co-workers, family or friends. …

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The Republic welcomes Royalty

ROYALTY graced the country last July 2 to 6 as Queen Sofia of Spain visited various parts of the Philippines. The official trip of the Queen of Spain was named Viaje de Cooperación de Su Majestad la Reina a la República de Filipinas (Travel Cooperation of Her Majesty the Queen to the Republic of the…

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From admiration to rejection

FIRST, the admiration, then, the rejection. “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands? Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and John?” And they took offense at him. As Jesus experienced this…

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Cha-cha for China?

EARLIER this week (in an interview with dzBB radio) Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile raised a question in jest: “Now that China has sent its own astronauts into space, would it eventually go to the moon and claim it as its territory?” The senate president asserted that it’s the Philippines “lack of military muscle to…

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Foreclosure Protection Bill passing in California

NOW when lenders pursue foreclosures and simultaneously negotiate with clients to modify their mortgages so that payments become more affordable. Homeowners will not wind up being evicted even though they had been working with the bank to modify their loans in order to avoid foreclosure. This Bill will favor banks because no lawsuit can go…

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A Role Model for Public Servants

Retiring a few days ago, Anita Sanchez is the highest ranking and longest-serving government employee of the city and county of San Francisco. She lives to serve people, to empower them so that they can contribute in making the world a better place. Former Mayor Art Agnos praised Anita by saying that ” her greatest…

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DREAM Act is a reality

FOR those that have anticipated the DREAM Act to become reality, we are one step closer.  On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration revealed a new initiate which will orders the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to STOP DEPORTING YOUNG PEOPLE. The initiative is meant to allow children who came to the United States with…

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Why have a Family Advisory Board?

“IF there were only one “success strategy” I could recommend to a family business, creating an Advisory Board would be that strategy.  In times of crisis, the Advisory Board can act as a safety net for both the family and the family business,” says top family business expert Don Schwerzler., founder of the Family Business…

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How to pay your taxes by installment

PREVIOUSLY, I discussed ways on how to request the IRS to reduce your tax liabilities, which is accomplished by means of an Offer in Compromise (OIC).  In this article, I will discuss how you can pay your tax liabilities by installment if an OIC does not work for you. As discussed before, an OIC allows…

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Searching for the best

After the dramatic impeachment trial of former Chief Justice Renato Corona, comes the big question: Who will be the 24th Chief Justice of the Philippines? Last July 2, the Judicial Bar Council (JBC) had received 70 nominations and two applications for the post of chief justice. Members of the Judiciary who have chosen to accept…

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Our failed health strategy

Today, our country and many others around the world are faced with the epidemics of arthritis, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Obviously, our health prevention strategy of more than half a century has failed in our race and battle against these diseases. While the world has succeeded significantly in the area of…

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DREAMers: Gather your ‘verifiable documentation’ now!

As most people are aware, on June 15, 2012, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that “effective immediately,” certain young people would be eligible for “Deferred Action” (relief from removal), provided they meet certain eligibility requirements: Be between the ages of 15 and 30, and entered the US before their 16th birthday. Were physically present…

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Fourth of July

ON this day, we are behooved to recall the history of how the United States of America came to be. The clarion call for independence is just as fundamental, and just as radical as it was 236 years ago. “Independence Day will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt…

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Who needs to file bankruptcy?

NO ONE ever likes to talk about bankruptcy. However, it’s simply a fact of life. Things happen. Whether it’s losing your job, going through a divorce, having huge medical bills that you can’t pay – or sometimes simply making poor financial decisions- any of these can lead to bankruptcy. It’s a scary thing to a…

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Tribute to Pidol

ARE national honors, such as the title of National Artist, appropriate for a comedian?  The French thought it was proper to confer the Legion of Honor on Jerry Lewis. Queen Elizabeth named Charlie Chaplin a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. And Bob Hope not only received the Congressional Gold Medal, the…

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The presumption of ‘Undue Influence’ in transactions between spouses during the marriage

California law on the nature of spouses’ rights and obligations with respect to management and control of community property has evolved over the last thirty years from less stringent “good faith” standards to heightened “confidential duty” and “fiduciary duty’ standards. Under current law, the duties owed between spouses in transactions between themselves are the same…

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Paying it forward to Páy-yo

Let us begin by calling it the way Ifugaos call it, Páy-yo. It has been around for 2,000 years in the Cordilleras. As their masterpiece, it becomes more impressive considering that it was built using “indigenous engineering” way before the arrival of our colonizers, the Spaniards. We all know this place as the 8th Wonder…

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Year two

ACCORDING to reports, President Benigno S. Aquino III’s second year in office will be met with “little fanfare.” Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said that unlike last year, when PNoy had a town-hall meeting to discuss his accomplishments so far, there were no scheduled activities for the Chief Executive’s second year. However, Malacañang has released…

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DREAM Act: Deferred Action is here

(Part 2) QUESTION: If I am about to be 30 years old, but over 30 when it is ruled upon, will that be ok? Answer: That is unclear at this point. However, it would be in your benefit to immediately file while you are under 30 years old. Question: If I have a crime that…

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Living The American Dream

IT STARTED out simple. A local restaurant was up for sale near their home so Flores, then a commercial real estate agent in 1976, purchased it. It was a gift from a son to a mother — a gift to fulfill her immigrant dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and owning a restaurant one day. The…

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The Rice Expert

WHAT started out as a possible excuse to go back to the Philippines brought international recognition and honor for a Filipino-American instead. A scientist, genetic engineer, professor, researcher, and evolutionary biologist, Dr. Michael D. Purugganan has uncovered the secrets of rice that has made him a leading authority on the subject. His work documented the…

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Deferred Action for the young and undocumented

ON JUNE 15, 2012, President Obama announced that his administration through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will grant deferred action for undocumented youth that meet strict eligibility requirements. Deferred action is meant to address the immigration concerns of certain young people who were brought to the United States as children without any fault on…

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The July 2012 Priority Dates

EACH month, the visa Of- fice of the State Department publishes, in the visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that par- ticular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning that immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons…

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