The Braganza trademark of creative excellence

Film demands a fundamentally different kind of performance with several nuances, while theater requires exaggerated body movements and expansive gestures to effectively convey emotion. Choreographer-singer-stage performer Miguel Braganza II can do both. He can even top it off with another talent, his powerful singing ability. Because of his pursuit of perfection and intense creativity, Miguel’s…

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The Braganza trademark of creative excellence

Film demands a fundamentally different kind of performance with several nuances, while theater requires exaggerated body movements and expansive gestures to effectively convey emotion. Choreographer-singer-stage performer Miguel Braganza II can do both. He can even top it off with another talent, his powerful singing ability. Because of his pursuit of perfection and intense creativity, Miguel’s…

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Amazing food medicine

In this issue, we shall devote our column to exalting the “medicinal values or therapeutic effects” of regular, ordinary food that people all over the world eat as a part of their diet. The reported health benefits of some of the foods we have listed hereunder are anecdotal, passed down from generations after generations, and…

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And so it goes

The country is in a state of shock. Thousands are still reeling from a typhoon that ravaged the provinces of Visayas and Mindanao claiming a great number of lives while others are still missing and many more are left in dire situations. To add to this gloominess, an almighty thud came as an exclamation point…

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The intelligent Pinoy voters

THIS is one of the few instances where I am agreeing with Miriam Defensor-Santiago. In a recent speech at Far Eastern University, she declared, “Let me summarize the problem with Philippine elections. Of the 50 million voters who will troop to the polls in May next year, the greater majority are not intelligent, they are…

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Rise above

NO one would blame Filipino boxing superstar Manny Pacquiao if he suddenly decides to call it a career and walk away from the ring for good after being knocked out by Juan Manuel Marquez in their fourth meeting last Saturday, December 8. At 33, (turning 34 on Dec. 17), Pacquiao is considered an “old” boxer….

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The Affidavit of Support: Do I need it?

Question: I have already worked in the United States for some time. Does my sponsor still need to submit the affidavit of support? Answer: Under INA §212(a)(4)(C), an alien who seeks permanent residence as an immediate relative or as a family preference immigrant is inadmissible as an alien likely to become a public charge, unless…

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I don't need $1,000,000 for the Green Card?

QUESTION: I heard that there is a type of visa whereby I don’t need to invest $1,000,000 to get the Green Card, but rather can use my business knowledge and business. Is this true? Answer: Yes, it is the much less known Multinational Manager Visa. This is where you have 2 companies in 2 different…

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DACA Program secure as Obama wins re-election

THE Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program was introduced in June 2012 and was implemented August 15, 2012.  Within just one month of the program’s start date, the USCIS had reported that it had received more than 75,000 applications for deferred action status (DAS) and work authorization under DACA. Although experts had predicted that…

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What's happening with Immigration Reform?

Question: Is there any movement on new Immigration Bills since President Obama was re-elected? Answer: The House voted on a STEM bill – standing for science, technology, engineering and mathematics – in September, but under a procedure requiring a two-thirds majority. It was defeated, with more than 80 percent of Democrats voting against it, because…

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Traveling technicians obtain over $8M settlement for unpaid work time

TRAVELING technicians obtain over $8 million settlement for unpaid work time Lojack Corporation manufactures vehicle-tracking systems. Its technicians install and repair alarm and tracking systems for its clients. These installations and repairs are generally done at the clients’ locations. Technicians are required to travel to the job-sites in company-owned vehicles. They are paid hourly beginning…

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Pinay Pride of Hawaii

ONE of Hawaii’s most distinguished business leaders is a Filipina. Joni B. Redick-Yundt has received awards and honors, not only from respected organizations, but from the highest strata of the state. Among her awards are a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from the State of Hawaii; a Recognition of Community Achievement from the State of…

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Social Security (SS) benefits: Are you covered?

YOU have worked for about 10 years and have paid to the Social Security (SS) administration through FICA deductions from your paycheck. Do you ever wonder if you are indeed covered after all these years? If not, how much more do you need to contribute before being fully covered? Here are 20 tips for your…

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The royal infanticipation and Fil-Am baby blues

“PRINCESS KATE is pregnant, and why do we care?,” TIME Magazine asked, following the brouhaha over the news that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their firstborn child. This baby will be heir to the throne — third in line, after his or her father, Prince William. The fascination over Kate’s pregnancy goes beyond the…

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I want out! Dissolution or legal separation?

WHEN the marital relationship sours to the point where one or both spouses believe that the marriage cannot be salvaged, three remedies are available to terminate or alter the marital status: dissolution, nullity, and legal separation. Under Family Code Sec. 2300, dissolution of marriage can be attained and the “single” status of spouses restored by…

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“The spirit of bayanihan will move us out from misery. Not them, not us, but all of us should move out and overcome the difficulties we are facing.” – Pres. Benigno Aquino III While super typhoons are a common occurrence in the Philippines, no one ever gets used to the devastation that they bring to…

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Can debtor compel bank to foreclosure?

WHY would a debtor want to compel bank to foreclose on his house? Recently, the LA times ran a story about a man who filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2009. He had purchased a condo loft in little Tokyo in downtown LA for $670,000 with no money down. His monthly mortgage payment was $3,000….

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Advent: A period of conversion

THERE is still a great need for conversion in each of us. When we think that we’re doing well with the practice of our faith, other people call our attention to some of our unchristian attitudes and ways. We may not like what we hear from them; we may disagree with their assessment about us,…

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Rudolf Golez: Acclaimed Filipino Virtuoso Pianist in concert

Rudolf Golez:  Acclaimed Filipino Virtuoso Pianist in concert THE heavy rain on November 17, 2012 did not stop a knowledgeable and discriminating audience at Gennario’s Ristorante in Glendale, California, from expressing their almost boundless admiration for Rudolf Golez, a Filipino virtuoso pianist based in the Philippines. Indeed, the piano concert entitled Music Tapestry of Rudolf…

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How bankruptcy can end your financial worries

IF you are facing the prospect of filing bankruptcy for the first time in your life, it could be a frightening process. I bet you have a thousand questions going through your mind right now. Is bankruptcy the right thing to do or will it only make my situation worse? Will I lose everything that…

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The Fiscal Cliff is Easily Avoidable

President Obama’s battle with the Republicans about how to avoid the so-called “Fiscal Cliff” is unfortunately more political drama than reality. First, the U.S. faces no short-term financial crisis relative to those faced by Greece, Spain, Italy, China or Japan, for example. Second, some of the issues dividing the two political parties are either artificially…

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Should you appeal or re-file?

Sometimes, a person’s case is denied, whether it is a hardship/fraud waiver, employment or family based petition, or other type of filing. In most denials, the person is given the right to appeal the denial, if he or she believes that the USCIS was wrong. However, the person should also carefully consider whether they should…

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Is hair coloring safe?

In this day and age of social consciousness, where youth and inner and outer beauty are revered, where image is considered very important, hair coloring has become a widely accepted cosmetic aid. Among those who used this hair grooming tool was US President Ronald Reagan, even in his 80s. Many public figures and media celebrities,…

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Home at last

Thousands of Filipinos will venture out into the Rizal Memorial Stadium this Saturday. The crowds will come in full regalia, their faces painted blue with all the adornments. Personalities will be mixing it up with ordinary folks who are just as passionate about this sport that has been elevated to a status befitting religion in…

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