Mortgage debt relief act one step closer to an extension

“ The mortgage debt relief extension ultimately could affect millions of families who are underwater on their loans, delinquent on their payments and heading for foreclosure, short sales or deeds-in-lieu-of-foreclosure settlements. Under the federal tax code, all types of forgiven debt are treated as ordinary income, subject to regular tax rates.” SOME encouraging news for financially…

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Autistic debtor discharges student loans

“In Re Todd, the 63-year old debtor had an autism disorder since early childhood. The court described the debtor as articulate and intelligent. If one were to read select portions of the transcript without having watched the trial, one might be fooled into thinking that she can function normally. But that conclusion would be a…

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The blessings of the centennial year

I FEEL so blessed! This has been my sentiment during the past days of Advent. I feel blessed because of having been a historic and significant part of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church for almost eleven years now, especially in its centennial year. These years of service went by so quickly; and every year brought…

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SINCE you’re reading this, it means the world did not end on December 21, 2012, as predicted by the Mayans. However, our troubles are far from over. On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) surprisingly faced rejection from Republicans for legislation which would have raised taxes for Americans earning incomes above $1 million. “What Boehner…

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What do I have to be thankful for this year?

QUESTION: I have been fighting for years to obtain residency and it seems like a never ending battle. I’m getting down and don’t really know if I want to continue. Any help? Answer: Well, there have been some very good developments over the last year. First, there is DACA to allow people under 30 to…

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December nightmares . . .the bleakest Christmas

Just when the whole world is pre-occupied with the traditional holiday shopping and busy finalizing plans for the yuletide season, twenty six families together with their relatives and friends were suddenly thrown into an abysmal situation following a horrifying carnage that on the morning of Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT….

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December nightmares . . .the bleakest Christmas

Just when the whole world is pre-occupied with the traditional holiday shopping and busy finalizing plans for the yuletide season, twenty six families together with their relatives and friends were suddenly thrown into an abysmal situation following a horrifying carnage that on the morning of Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT….

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Chewing sugarless gum can help prevent cavities

THERE ARE LOTS OF REASONS people chew gum. For some, perhaps it’s just a long-standing habit. But ever since a man named Thomas Adams invented chewing gum back in 1870 it’s been used to freshen breath and relieve nervousness too. But did you know… Chewing Sugarless Gum Can Help Prevent Cavities! That’s right. Chewing sugarless…

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Colon cleansing scam

The Snake Oil racket of the 15th century pales in comparison to the billion dollar global health scams of today. Fueled by people’s everlasting search for the “Fountain of Youth” to stay younger and live longer, the obsession unwittingly drives gullible people to fall victims to the merchants of the modern “snake oils” of the…

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It’s that time again

It is coming again, a feeling familiar to us all. Walking around the metro, the lights and sounds are in full blast. There is a chill that mixes with the look of innate happiness exuded by people hurrying to get to the places where they ought to be. Parties are sprouting everywhere; a celebration of…

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L and E visas for entrepreneurs

THE debate over the United States economy and dearth of high-tech workers has spotlighted the H-1B professional working visa in the press. Congress raised the number of visas available in 1998, but INS probably still issued too many. While a powerful business lobby, with the support of large companies, has been very influential in obtaining…

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Once more, with feelings

The shock waves of  Manny Pacquiao’s loss to equally-prized fighter, Juan Manuel Marquez, still continues to be felt all over, especially in the Philippines. Even the Donaire win over Jorge Arce cannot erase some incidents surrounding Pacquiao’s loss. It has been weeks after the fight, but the aftershocks remain. One of this unfortunate incident was…

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Last-minute antagonists

AFTER weeks of excruciating debates, the Philippine Congress reached a verdict to pass the Reproductive Health (RH) bill on Dec. 17. Voting 13-8 in favor of the bill, the Senate approved Bill No. 2865 on its third and final reading. The House of Representatives meanwhile, voted 133-79 to pass the measure also on its third…

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Do you need to find a way out of debt?

IF YOU are searching for debt reduction solutions, no doubt you’ve been inundated with advertisements for various debt management programs, companies and solutions. The choices seem confusing to the average consumer. The truth is that every situation is different and what may work perfectly for others is not necessarily going to work the same way…

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Pepsi, Chevron and JP Morgan Chase Should Not Invest in Burma Unless they are Committed to the Burmese People

Consistent with President Obama’s historic visit to Burma (Myanmar) on November 19th and Burmese opposition leader Aung San SuuKyi’s call for responsible investments in Burma, the National Asian American Coalition (NAAC) met with U.S. Ambassador to Burma, Derek Mitchell, in Yangon, Burma, four days after the President’s visit. As one of our nation’s largest Pan…

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‘Follow your dream and make it happen’

FILIPINO fashionistas know all about Filipino-American clothing designer, Josie Natori and her iconic Natori brand. However, only few know how she accomplished the American Dream. Recently, Kiplinger Personal Finance Magazine named the 64-year-old Fil-Am designer as one of its “7 Self-Made Immigrant Millionaires.” The Philippine native was among the millionaires and one billionaire, Kiplinger featured…

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Employer time-shaving practice steals money from employees

NICODEMUS Plumbing, a company in Cypress, California was ordered to pay its 44 employees $858,840.20 in wages and $230,050 in fines for violations of California’s laws concerning overtime pay and record-keeping. The California Labor Commissioner’s office had investigated the plumbing contractor and found that the company failed to pay overtime to its employees. It accused…

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Avoid being suspected of marriage fraud

MARIA came to the United States 10 years ago after divorcing her husband in the Philippines. She came to the United States as a tourist, but decided to stay because she had high hopes of a fresh start. 10 years later, she finds herself in love with her boyfriend Joe. Joe proposes to Maria and…

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When to start receiving Social Security benefits

ANY individual who has worked and contributed to the FICA/Social Security System for 10 years (40 quarters) can start receiving Social Security Retirement benefits at age 67. You may elect to start receiving your SS benefits as early as age 62. You permanently lose about 30 percent of benefits if you retire early at 62….

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PINOYS, including those opposing the passage of the Reproductive Health (RH) bill, witnessed a metaphoric megalith transform when an overnight deliberation resulted to an actual outcome on December 11. Voting 113-104 in favor of the controversial RH bill, the Philippine House of Representatives turned the tide for the passage of the long-stalled measure. The bill…

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Because of you!

“ As we celebrate Gaudate Sunday this Third Week of Advent, let’s heed to the call of St. Paul in his Letter to the Philippians to “rejoice in the Lord”, to “have no anxiety at all, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving make your requests known to God!” A HOLLY Jolly Christmas!  This…

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The immigration bond

Question: My husband is in detention and deportation proceedings. Can he get out? Answer: For noncitizens and their families, nothing is more important than the noncitizen’s release from jail. These concerns can sometimes seemingly dwarf the larger issues of removability and relief. Every day, or every second, of detention only serves to increase the anxiety,…

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Lifetime ban for filing 'frivolous' asylum claim

Recently, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the deportation/removal of a person who had filed a “frivolous” asylum claim, in which the person had stated that he was persecuted in his home country, which turned out to be untrue. Now, even though his US citizen wife tried to petitioned him, he was banned for…

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