Are your finances out of control?

FOR a lot of people, financial concerns can be their number one cause of stress. We are living in difficult financial times and a lot of people are worried about how they can get by from month to month. But worrying doesn’t really solve anything. If you feel that your finances are out of whack,…

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USCIS is approving DACA applications quickly

THE USCIS has been approving applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and accompanying requests for work authorization in just 2-3 months on average, notwithstanding the enormous number of cases filed since the program was implemented on August 15, 2012.  DACA cam about pursuant to the Obama Administration’s promise to accord Deferred Action Status…

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Furutani welcomed as new LA Board of Public Works Commissioner

LOS ANGELES – An intimate reception was held on Tuesday, to welcome newly-appointed LA Board of Public Works Commissioner Warren Furutani. The event was hosted by the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council and the Asian Pacific American Leadership Project (APALP), with support for civic engagement from  Southern California Edison (SCE). Furutani, a former state…

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AA groups introduce new resource for city voters

LOS ANGELES – Asian American groups have made it easier for voters to follow and learn about candidates in the upcoming May 21 election for the City of Los Angeles. The Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC), in partnership with Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander organizations in Los Angeles, compiled responses from the…

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Where is Cezar Mancao?

AFTER Sen. Panfilo Lacson’s dramatic and controversial escape from the rule of law (only to resurface as if nothing happened), another high profile personality is now on the loose. This time, it’s Cezar Mancao — another important character in the unsolved mysterious double murder case of media consultant and publicist Salvador “Bubby” Dacer and his…

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‘Champions of Change’

ON MAY 6, 15 Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women will be honored as “Champions of Change” by the White House, in observance of AAPI Heritage Month. “The Champions of Change program was created as an opportunity for the White house to feature groups of Americans – individuals, businesses and organizations – who are…

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Natural-Born Komikero

LOOK at superstar comic book artist Leinil Francis Yu’s portfolio and you’d think he must have studied in the best art schools in the world. Fans and critics from around the world rave about his kinetic, dynamic pseudo-realistic style. For the past 15 years, Yu has worked for comic book giants Marvel and DC with…

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Troubled by debt? Seek comfort in Psalm 23

SUFFERING is part of the human condition. Adam and Eve introduced pain and suffering to mankind when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Adam blamed Eve for convincing him to partake of the fruit that would give them the knowledge of good and evil, so the tempter, the devil in paradise said to Eve. Before…

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How to avoid IRS audits in 2013

1. E-FILE. When you e-file, your chance of getting an error notice from the IRS is significantly reduced. Besides, it’s faster. Your refunds arrive sooner. 2. Check your occupation. Your occupation must be consistent with your income and expenses. A waiter without tip income is inconsistent. So is an investor with no dividend income, real…

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Protecting your rights under a disability insurance

A DISABILITY insurance policy pays benefits when you are unable to work because of injury or illness. This allows you to meet your financial obligations, such as mortgage payments, or medical bills, while unable to work. Disability policies usually pay a fixed amount for a set period of time, such as five years or up…

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Problems with ‘Quick Nevada divorces’ in immigration cases

It is a common situation specially within the Filipino community in California to listen to paralegal marketing about “Quick” Nevada divorces.  Since there is no divorce in the Philippines, many Filipinos come to the US still married to their spouse in the Philippines.  After settling in the US, some Filipinos in this situation end up meeting an American boyfriend or…

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Dream homes maybe more of an illusion

HOUSES may not be homes, but homes could certainly be houses people live in.  What happened in this previous housing crisis taught us an important lesson.  Economic and demographic changes may severely impact the value of houses when its time to sell.  We live now in an “Ideas Economy” with a shrinking industrial base and…

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Mother’s Day feature: Multi-faceted moms’ inevitable ordeals

There is something strange about the endearment and the magnetic force that attracts a child towards his mother compared to his father. The reason could be due to the biological relationship, literally from the umbilical tie that serves as a direct “line of connection” between them, having had sanguineous and mammiferous-based foundations. Mothers, generally, are…

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Mother’s Day feature: Multi-faceted moms’ inevitable ordeals

There is something strange about the endearment and the magnetic force that attracts a child towards his mother compared to his father. The reason could be due to the biological relationship, literally from the umbilical tie that serves as a direct “line of connection” between them, having had sanguineous and mammiferous-based foundations. Mothers, generally, are…

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On living in Spirit

WE all need guidance in our lives. We need wisdom to make right decisions, to act justly, and to live according to God’s law of love. For, indeed, there are times when we are at the crossroad of life, when we ask ourselves, “Am I doing the right thing? Will this bring peace, harmony, and…

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Should unhealthy soft drinks be banned?

In a previous column, I wrote that soft drinks, which I called “liquid candy,” cola or uncola, diet or regular, “are unhealthy for all of us, especially for children. Not only because the regular ones are loaded with sugar (high carb, super calories), but because of the other adverse effects all these soft drinks (without…

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May Day

THE first day of May commemorates International Workers’ or Labor Day around the world. Contrary to popular belief, May 1 is not entirely dedicated to today’s workers and their demands. This day is meant to remember those heroes who struggled, fought and even died, for the rights of workers that we enjoy today. As the…

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An unnecessary DACA filing (and denial)

Remember, the I-94 is a long form, and CBP tears off the lower portion of the I-94 and staples it to your passport. The longer portion is retained by CBP, and the information is entered in their database. Recently, a young person came to my office, brokenhearted, because she had filed for Deferred Action for…

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Making it count

COME the May 13 elections, we should be in the process of recovering from the assaults that were inflicted upon our senses. These assaults include the jingles that haunt our eardrums as they set camp there for the sake of recall. How about the primetime commercials with their taglines, scenes “in-action” and “here’s what I’ve…

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New (dis)information battleground

THE other night, a retrospective on the Watergate scandal that resulted in the resignation of President Richard Nixon was aired on US television. Among the interesting commentaries was the role that social media could have played in exposing Nixon and his White House cohorts much sooner, had the Internet phenomenon been available at the time….

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Looking back: The unfolding of the real estate crisis

I HAVE recently been following this website called, it has a lot of interesting topics about the real estate industry including a certain topics about homeowners in need of Mortgage Salvation thru Loan Modification. Now days, here are my thoughts on how our housing crisis is unfolding.  To observe the crisis we have been…

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