Valentine combustion

Perhaps the heart is not just a sort of Valentine, nor just a beating thing in our chest that sustains life. It is also the wellspring of faith, hope and love—all the musings in the human heart—meanings, metaphors, even humor, which jumpstarts the imagination about its significance, as the most popular symbol. Would a heart-filled…

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An interfaith week reflection

I HAVE never attended a Jewish service in my entire life until last summer  when my friend Armando invited me to a Shabbat while spending a week-long of vacation in San Francisco and in the Bay Area. “Sure, I’ll go,” I responded quickly to Armando’s invitation. “I’ve always wanted to experience a Jewish service and…

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Light jogging is best for longevity

Vigorous running may do more harm than good. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that light jogging is best for longevity. Those who absolutely did not jog were just as likely to die as those who jogged strenuously and frequently, according to the study. Researchers examined 5,048 healthy…

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MAJORITY of Filipinos are sympathetic to the families of the 44 Philippine National Police-Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) troopers who were allegedly killed and slaughtered by members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its breakaway group Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). Since the massacre, the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) is undeniably in peril….

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Love quotes this Valentine

I CONFESS. I am a hopeless romantic. I love romantic comedies. I cry watching love stories — whether the ending is a happy or a sad one. Today is Valentines’ Day. Let me be cheesy and mushy. Here are some of the “kilig” love quotes I found in different sources that want to share with…

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The tale of 3 seniors who need bankruptcy relief

White House will hire 1,000 more employees to implement Obama’s immigration action The 3 seniors who need bankruptcy relief THIS must have been my pre valentine seniors’ week for bankruptcy relief. The first senior who comes to see me only owes $15,000 of credit card debt. She is a widow and 75 years old. She retired…

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Dream big! DACA program expands February 18

LAST month President Obama announced several executive actions which will provide deportation relief to many families, documented and undocumented.  The executive action will aim at securing our borders, making convicted and dangerous criminal offenders a priority for removal.  Under the new actions, hardworking and law abiding residents will be granted several benefits that will assist…

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Affordable Care Act (ACA – ObamaCare)

Premium Tax Credit for individuals and families IF YOU purchased health coverage from a state or the federal Marketplace and are eligible for the premium tax credit, file Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit, with your federal income tax return. If you previously chose to have advance payments of the premium tax credit paid directly to…

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Double-check your ‘fixed salary’ status – you may be owed back wages!

A CLASS of “Review Appraisers,” employed by Bank of America (BoA) through its subsidiary, Landsafe, recently obtained approval of a settlement for $5.8 million. The employees sued BoA for alleged overtime violations, itemaized wage statement violations, meal and rest period violations, waiting time penalties, and civil penalties against the employer. The employees, who primarily proofread…

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New rules for Section 212(C)

REVERSING what has been over 5 years of illogical jurisprudence Immigration Judges (“IJs”) and the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”), the US Supreme Court recently rejected the BIA’s decisions in Matter of Blake, 23 I&N Dec. 722 (BIA 2005), and Matter of Brieva, 23 I&N Dec. 766 (BIA 2005) which had held that §212(c) relief…

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LA Mayor, Homeland Security chief urge undocumented immigrants to ‘step forward’ 

Filipinos still awaiting TPS relief LOS ANGELES – Since President Barack Obama announced his executive action on immigration last November, hundreds of departments and organizations have been gearing up to implement the plans that are estimated to affect millions of undocumented residents living in the United States. Federal agencies such as the United States Citizenship and…

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SoCal could face water cutbacks

THE Metropolitan Water District is considering the limitation of deliveries and implementation of water rationing starting July 1, depending on statewide drought conditions. “Southland consumers have responded to the water conservation challenge this past year. We all, however, need to be prepared to take water saving to another level this summer if water-supply conditions don’t improve,”…

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2015 WHM battle cry: Fortifying women empowerment

In just a couple of weeks, the world will once again commemorate the triumphant symbolism of its female populace in connection with the international celebration of Women’s History Month. And yes, March is earmarked for this notable event. Recognizing the achievements of women has been a widespread scene in every community organization especially during this…

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SoCal could face water cutbacks

THE Metropolitan Water District is considering the limitation of deliveries and implementation of water rationing starting July 1, depending on statewide drought conditions. “Southland consumers have responded to the water conservation challenge this past year. We all, however, need to be prepared to take water saving to another level this summer if water-supply conditions don’t improve,”…

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LA Mayor, Homeland Security chief urge undocumented immigrants to ‘step forward’

Filipinos still awaiting TPS relief LOS ANGELES – Since President Barack Obama announced his executive action on immigration last November, hundreds of departments and organizations have been gearing up to implement the plans that are estimated to affect millions of undocumented residents living in the United States. Federal agencies such as the United States Citizenship and…

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Cerritos Fil-Am mayor seeking re-election

In the last four years, the city of Cerritos issued a historic high of 708 business licenses. It also posted a record year in sales with nearly $3 billion, which helped generate close to $30 million in sales tax. This money goes into the city’s general fund, which helps provide programs and services for Cerritos…

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Open wide the lines of communication

While medications are designed to make us feel better, in some cases their side effects can instigate a second, completely different, problem.  That’s why dentists encourage patients to “open up,” in more ways than one! If you have medical conditions, or if you are taking any medications, please make sure we’re aware of them at…

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The March 2015 priority dates

THE March 2015 Visa Bulletin provides more great news for Filipinos, as the priority dates in the various family and employment categories continue to move forward.  In fact, the priority date for workers has moved forward to June 1, 2014. Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the…

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Expanded DACA launch date on February 18, 2015

DACA Expansion: Revised Eligibility Requirements. Beginning February 18, 2015, the United States Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS) will begin accepting requests for expanded DACA. Many young individuals have already taken advantage of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which was introduced in 2012. While this does not provide a pathway to getting lawful…

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Did your marital status change, while under petition?

An immigrant parent can never have a married child under petition. If the beneficiary gets married before he or she gets a green card (or before the petitioner naturalizes), the petition is automatically void upon the marriage, even if the child was ‘single’ when the petition was filed. Change in a person’s marital status could…

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Lovemaking and health

Why is lovemaking good for us? Scientific evidence suggests that clean sex is good for us in more ways than one. Here are some of the dozen reasons why it is so. 1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Medical tests show that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes…

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