Vaseline: Is it safe?

ALMOST every home has Vaseline jelly or some other items with petroleum in it, like lip stick, lip moisturizer, other cosmetics, paint, shoe/leather polish, nylons, ink, roof shingles, etc. One of its famous forms is Vaseline jelly: a skin protector (shield), a very effective skin softener for flaky foot callouses and as protection against diaper…

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The Trump presidency – What happens next?

WITH the incoming Trump presidency, there is a lot of fear and a lot of questions and uncertainties on what happens to immigration policies and enforcement when he takes office in January 2017.   Mr. Trump’s campaign promises include banning Muslims;  building a wall along the US-Mexico border; and immediately detaining and deporting all the…

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‘ALTERNATIVE FACT’: More Americans voted for Trump than Clinton to be the 45th President of the United States

DONALD J. Trump won the presidency because more Americans voted for him is an “alternative fact”. A lie. A misrepresentation of the will of the citizens of America who casted their sacred vote in the November 8 presidential election. The truth as substantiated by election results data verified and confirmed by both Republicans and Democrats…

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Fresh start

A NEW dawn awaits as the United States is perceived to undergo dramatic changes in its political, economic and social arenas under Donald Trump’s presidency. The coming change is also expected to impact not just its people, but America’s relationship with other nations, including with the Philippines. Under the rapprochement between the U.S. and the…

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Inside Dante’s ‘Inferno’

The memory of what is irrevocably lost is the true meaning of Hell in The Divine Comedy. Dante Alighieri is considered as the Father of Italian Poetry. The poetry of the Comedy is immortal.  It is an unequaled phenomenon, as well as a brilliant work of art. Written in the vernacular (Italian) rather than in…

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$25 million payout in Trump University class action

Is non-admission of guilt the same as innocence? SONNY Low is a 71-year old San Diego resident, who took the free introductory Trump University seminar. Trump University persuaded Low to pay $1,500 in order to attend another seminar. During the second seminar, Low was told that he needed to have a mentor in order to succeed…

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Keep your hopes up in this uncertain time

QUESTION: I don’t know what to do. Trump will become president and I’m afraid he will deport everyone who is not here legally? What can I do? Answer: First of all, while the president certainly has a lot of power, he cannot simply order that 11 million people be deported. In fact, there are many…

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New California laws 2017

“ Workers in ‘substantially similar’ jobs but of different races or ethnicity will need to be paid equal wages.” (Part 2 of 2) TEXTING While Driving: Texting is already forbidden, but new law further prohibits drivers from using smartphones for other purposes while behind the wheel — unless they’re in hands-free mode. The state’s ban on…

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Once upon a press club

Once upon a time, there was a press club in the heart of a city where everyone lived in harmony. Photographers and writers were affable and comrades among themselves. They had a clubhouse in the midst of a hill — oh, so magnificent, almost celestial but not fancy or exclusive. It was famous for its…

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Showing off the beauty of the Philippines

THE Miss Universe pageant that reels off in the Philippines this January and will culminate in the final selection of winners in Metro Manila on January 30 is much more than just a contest among the world’s most beautiful women. It is a tug-of-war between two starkly contrasting images of our beloved country. On one…

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United States citizenship

MARIO, was admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) when he was 18 years old. Now he wants to apply for citizenship, but the application is asking about something called “selective service.” He doesn’t know what this is. Will this bar him from his application to become a U.S….

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Is your broken marriage really ‘fixed’?

IF a person is ever caught in a fi xed marriage (married solely to obtain immigration benefits), the consequences (or punishment) could be severe. A fixed marriage finding by the USCIS could result in a lifetime ban from ever having any other petition approved. For example, if a person was caught in a fixed marriage,…

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Superbug kills lady

Alarming news,  warning to all “PUBLIC health officials from Nevada are reporting on a case of a woman who died in Reno in September from an incurable infection. Testing showed the superbug that had spread throughout her system could fend off 26 different antibiotics.” “It was tested against everything that’s available in the United States…

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ASEAN at 50

THE Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is turning 50 years old this year. The 10-member organization will celebrate a milestone, from starting as a loosely constructed regional association at the height of the Cold War to becoming a stable organization that has overcome a myriad of challenges that have come its way. Perhaps the…

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Chapter 7 to discharge credit cards, loans

CLIENT is 64, a young senior. I say young because I consider seniors in their sixties as still active and robust. Except for more white hair, they still feel like they are 30. The problem with being in the sixties is that seventy is just around the corner. Now when one becomes 70, after ten…

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Disclosure of text messages, e-mails, and Facebook info of a spouse or significant other may constitute domestic violence

DOMESTIC violence is abuse perpetrated against a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, the mother or father of your child, your child.  Family Code Section 6211.  Abuse is not limited to the actual infliction of physical injury or assault. Family Code, § 6203(b). A court may issue an order enjoining specific…

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Gender equality: A winning fight for a women’s basketball coach

Mary Burns worked as the women’s basketball coach at San Diego State University (SDSU) for 16 years, and was considered the “winningest coach in SDSU women’s basketball history.”  However, during her tenure, Burns lodged several complaints to the school regarding unfair treatment of the women’s basketball program, because the school “prioritized men’s sports over women’s…

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Debt forgiveness without bankruptcy?

You’ve probably seen a lot of these ads: “Settle your debts for pennies on the dollar!”, “Reduce your debts legally without filing bankruptcy!” “Stop bill collectors now and pay them only what you can!”   Are all these just exaggerated claims? Or are any of these ads true? How can you protect yourself from being…

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Don Darryl Rivera: IN HIS OWN WORDS

HOW is it like being on Broadway? It’s so exciting here, there are so many opportunities. And to somehow represent the Filipino community on Broadway is really cool, too. Was it how you imagined it to be? And more. To make my Broadway debut in a principal role is really awesome. I keep saying it…

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The February 2017 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Do you have a stomach ulcer?

WHAT is a stomach ulcer? A stomach ulcer, also known as a gastric ulcer or peptic ulcer, as the second part of the name suggests, is a “wound, an open sore,” in the mucosa (inner wall) that penetrates the muscle layer of the stomach or of the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine…

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