THE nation’s health

Elections always affect our mental health, as individuals, personally, and as a nation. Voting with wisdom and common sense is the smartest and healthiest way to choose which candidates to vote for. Being strictly partisan and voting for one particular political party’s candidates, without analyzing what they stand for, their past record, performance, and accomplishments, and vision for the future, puts the entire nation in jeopardy. The health and well-being of our nation and our family’s future are in our hands.

We must not be blinded by hyperbole and empty promises. Let us NOT vote on the basis of political party affiliation only. Let us all vote wisely for the best policies that will be good for our country, its security, economy, international integrity, and global peace, and for our family’s safety, health, and prosperity. Let us vote with an open mind, open heart, and open eyes.

Let history judge us and portray us as people of intellect, wisdom, vision, and compassion, who love the world, our nation, and our family, and their integral mutual future together.


COVID and diabetes

Recent studies have shown that teenagers and adolescents were much more likely (more than 50 percent) to acquire type 2 diabetes “within 6 months of having COVID-19 (a respiratory infection), compared to kids of the same age who were diagnosed with other respiratory infections.”

Contrary to the misinformation that young people are not significantly affected by COVID-19, the new (2020-2022) clinical data among 63,602 patients aged 10-19 suggests a new prevention pathway, which is avoiding COVID-19 at all costs.

This finding reinforces the fact that COVID-19 is dangerous for any age group, and that, besides the new discovery above, Long COVID, a debilitating chronic aftermath of this viral infection, is simply devastating.


Physician negligence

An American physician in California, Tam Ky Nguyen, is “accused of gross negligence for attributing a stroke patient’s death to the COVID vaccine without any evidence, among other allegations; he faces potential disciplinary action by his state’s medical board.”

This is not an isolated case. There are misguided physicians and nurses who have not only refused to get the COVID-19 vaccines themselves but have publicly claimed the vaccines “are not safe.” This allegation, of course, has been proven wrong by the billions of COVID-19 vaccines given worldwide. The complications and deaths from COVID-19 infections are a hundred-fold higher compared to the fraction of 1 percent complication from the vaccines. The vaccines are safer than the COVID-19 infection. Listen to science not to the spreader of fake news and rumormongers

These obviously ignorant healthcare providers have done a great disservice not only to the people of this country but to all people around the world.


Eyeglasses warning

Progressive and multifocal eyeglasses have been found to be associated with a significant number (twice as likely) of tripping over obstacles on the floor and falls among seniors. Fractures and head injuries among seniors, especially those on aspirin or blood thinners, are a great risk factor for death in the age group.

“Falls for adults 65 and over is an urgent national public health crisis,” according to the American Public Health Association.

Those with single lens glasses (and a separate pair of reading glasses) are less likely to suffer these falls. Studies also show that cataract surgery reduces the incidence of falls. Talk to your ophthalmologists, not optometrists or opticians, about which lenses are best for you.


A1C is vital

A1C is a fundamental blood test to show the past 3-month average blood sugar level of a person with type 2 diabetes mellitus. While the fasting blood glucose test done by a lab, or the instant self-test (finger stick or one taken with a Dexcom needleless device), shows the real-time blood sugar level that day, A1C level shows how the patient managed his/her caloric intake and output (exercise), an average glucose level the previous 3 months. A1C level below 5.7 is normal; 5-7 to 6.4 is pre-diabetes; and 6.5 or higher (which translates to about 140 mg/dl blood sugar level) is Diabetes.

Untreated properly, diabetes could cause damage to the brain, kidneys, eyes, and nerves, generally including the heart and blood vessels, some leading to blindness, kidney failure requiring dialysis, and gangrene of the limbs necessitating amputation.

CDC recommends a baseline A1C level for everyone 45 and over and every 6 months for those with diabetes. Prevention is always better than a cure.


Contaminated tampons

The average woman uses between 11,000 to 15,000 menstrual tampons and pads throughout her lifetime. Tampons are used practically monthly, inserted into a very sensitive area that rapidly absorbs substances. Recent studies revealed trace quantities of 16 heavy metals, including lead, cadmium and arsenic, in 14 tampon brands in the United States and the United Kingdom. This has led to concerns about safety of menstrual products, especially in the long term.

To reduce the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome, the CDC recommends the use of lower absorbency tampons, to change the tampon every 4 to 8 hours, to wash the hands before and after inserting the tampons, and to consider the use of pads instead. Consult your gynecologist about this matter.


Coffee warning

A recent study presented at the ACC Asia 2024 in India last August revealed that “people who chronically consume high amounts (4 cups, 400 mg or more) of caffeine at least five days per week may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This was true even if the study participants were otherwise in good health.” A cup or two of regular coffee or tea a day has positive health benefits.

Warning: Any kind of soft drink is toxic to the body especially to young children and adolescents, damaging kidneys, harmfully increasing body acidity, and destroying body tissues. Soft drinks, with 50-60 mg phosphoric acid in them, are good and safe ONLY for unclogging sink drains, and, perhaps, cleaning car carburetors.

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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of Asian Journal, its management, editorial board and staff.

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Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, a Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, is an international medical lecturer/author, Health Advocate, newspaper columnist, and chairman of the Filipino United Network-USA, a 501(c)3 humanitarian foundation in the United States. He was a recipient of the Indiana Sagamore of the Wabash Award in 1995, presented by then Indiana Governor, U.S. senator, and later a presidential candidate, Evan Bayh.  Other Sagamore past awardees include President Harry S. Truman, President George HW Bush, Muhammad Ali, Astronaut Gus Grissom, scientists, and educators (source: Wikipedia). Websites:,, and; (“Where is My America?”); Email: [email protected].

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