It is difficult to be a woman.

You could get raped in a dark street. You have to make use of a pretty face to be accepted at first glance, and a shapely body to hide your intelligence. You hear nasty remarks if you sleep with someone you like.

Oh, but if I were a man. I’ll be a hellion. I’d be a rake.

I cannot imagine a better occupation of spare time than the seduction of a number of different women — depending on how much vitality you have, and how fond your are of the opposite sex.

Isn’t this theory, that this kind of sport is a sign of immaturity in men and disturbance in women, rather preposterous?

I’ve met matured, productive and distinguished women. If you’re a woman, it’s seduction by a number of different men that have trod the primrose path. And many wise women have, in their time, tasted the delights of compliance.

How is one to recognize and practice virtue, if one has not experienced its absence? What good is control if one has not endured the consequences of its lack thereof?

The church (a least in my unlamented years with the nuns) has done its best to discredit dilatory passion, which is probably why most men have a limited understanding of women and most women have suffered from this ignorance.

It is common knowledge that the domesticated man may be safe, but he is not exciting at all!

As a man, if I marry, I would prefer a woman who knows almost as much as I do.

I hasten to say “almost” because men like to teach and they have the edge of experience.

All great lovers articulate and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction.

Any man who knows this can prevail over a handsome, tongue-tied rival.

Young men can afford to be speechless blunderers, but if they want to exert attraction in later years, they better learn how to talk.

Remember John Keats’ “heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter” doesn’t always work.

Yet, I do not mean garrulity. Simply talk directly addressed to the woman, about the women.

Verbal attention is important as sexual attraction.  It is the knowledge of what to say and when.

It is also the knowledge of every facet of the woman herself, which must be reflected back to her in words.

For the woman, to love a man must be to love herself as “he” sees her. Oh, call it mutual narcissim but I think it is stronger in women than in men, and more demanding!

While general compliments are pleasant to hear, specific targeted endearment bears far greater fruit. For a man who remarks on the line of her chin or the shape of her eyes, a woman will do anything.

Here’s another heresy. If I were a man, having won a woman, I think that I would be tough with her, exacting deference to my masculinity and rebuffing aggressive in roads of all kinds.

I would never tolerate the loud or derisive voice or any efforts, private or public, to diminish my stature as a man.  I would exert this dominance because women expect and want it when they don’t get it, they are left with contempt for the man.

Gentle readers, this article is brought about by the ushering of winter madness — possessing idle minds.


E-mail Mylah at [email protected]

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