THE nobility, treasured peace, respect, and love of fellowmen and other Christian virtues that reigned over America after the second world war is now marred by extreme hate and violence from the liberal elements of our society, staining our soil with our own blood.

The radical shift in paradigm in the thinking and behavior of some of our own people, who had turned leftist, socialist, fascist, and terrorists, have severe health effects on our people and on our nation as a whole. The inordinate mental anguish and depression caused by this bitterness and hostility in our midst, some designed by our top politicians running for office and their socialist sponsors, have deep seated consequences on our body and psyche.

I am perplexed as to why even educated members of our society, from the Oval Office to Congress and to our people, could not agree, and are diametrically opposed on vital issues that are transparently clear: whether the borders are open or close; whether open borders allowing more than 10 million unvetted illegal trespassers, some of them rapists, child molesters, killers, drug smugglers, COVID-19 carriers, and terrorists, is a good or bad, right or wrong, policy; whether to allow illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote when the Constitution clearly confers this sacred right only to American citizens; and on other controversies, whose answers are lucidly obvious to the majority and the international community. The issues are so plain and the choice so obvious, even a 5th grader could instantly provide us with the right responses.

Why and how some people cannot discern red from yellow and green, or the truth from falsehood, right from wrong simply because they belong to one political party or the other baffles me to no end. Obviously, party affiliation twists and corrupts the mind, disabling some people from seeing and accepting the truth and the goodness in our opponents.

People on either side of the spectrum who are fanatics and bigots are blind to the naked truth, casting wisdom, objectivity, principles, compassion, and justice aside. They are causing confusion and havoc in America, robbing the people and the nation of peace and security, exacting a grave toll on our physical and mental health, especially on our children.

Preparing for the November 6, 2024, national elections, spotlighting the wonderful brilliance of democracy when the American people will once again express their free will in choosing their leaders though the ballot boxes peacefully, without coercion and violence, the whole world was stunned, appalled, and repulsed, by the cowardly attempt at assassinating President Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

The former president, at the podium at the rally in Butter, Pennsylvania, was uttering these words “take a look at what happens…” when shots rang out, one of the bullets grazing his right ear. He ducked instantaneously, signaling presence of mind, quick thinking, and agility. A few degrees turn of his head would have killed him on the spot. It was, indeed, a miracle, a divine intervention that saved President Trump.

Whether the bullets that missed his head by millimeters were the ones that killed Corey Comperatore, a Buffalo firefighter considered a hero, or injured the other two victims, no one knows yet. And neither do we know at this time the motive of the 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, PA, and if he had planned and acted alone in this contemptible act.

One thing is for certain, the false and dangerous narratives of the political enemies of Donald Trump, the liberal news and TV media and President Biden, who loudly proclaimed the former president deserved a bullet, to be a “bullseye” target on the crosshair, had to be terminated because Trump “is a modern Hitler”, that his election would mean the end of democracy, that he is an existential threat to the United States, that Trump would be a fascist dictator when elected and will refuse to leave office after his term, etc., had obviously played a significant role in inspiring TM Crooks to target President Trump.

Incendiary and disingenuous statements from either side not only disgust people who love this nation, who are intelligent and just, and who know the truth, but they also motivate criminal mentality and sinister behavior among mindless bigots, unhinged individuals, and demented fanatics.

For the health and survival of America as a people and as a nation and to regain the trust and respect of other nations around the world who are looking up to the United States as their powerful ally for political, economic, and moral leadership, America needs to heed the wake-up call amidst itself today. As the world leader, America should heal itself from within soon before it self-destructs in an Armageddon of our own doing, to the contemptuous cheers and joy of its four major foes around the globe.

As a people in this divided, confused, and volatile environment, we need to do some serious soul-searching to analyze ourselves individually and as a society, manage the anger within our heart, and motivate our fellowmen with our own Christian values to renew our faith in the goodness of man, to achieve understanding, compassion, and harmony in our nation.

People who blindly relegated their flawed priorities and misguided loyalty to any political party first, placing their allegiance to our Constitution, fellow Americans, our nation, and to the truth second, have long been leading the United States to the wrong path of guaranteed self-desecration and eventual cataclysm.

Personally, as a citizen of this once great nation, I grieve as I witness the gradual decay of America for at least the past half a century.

As I advocated in the Ode in my book on Amazon, “Where is My America,” which I dedicated to our beloved land of the brave and of the free:

“This madness must stop!”

“Where is my America of yesteryears, where godliness, respect for law and order, compassion, love of fellowmen, tolerance, and kindness abound, where ALL lives mattered and meritocracy valued, and when integrity and dignity were sacred, sometimes chosen more valuable than life?”

“I miss my America, land of the wise and the noble free, during its golden years of greatness, and the wonders of its tenderhearted souls.”

“In supplication, gripped by sadness, buoyed by a ray of hope, I pray for God to wake and shake us all from this repulsive and horrifying nightmare and bless us with wisdom, compassion, and care to fulfill our common aspirations and noble dreams as One, for America’s best eons yet to come.”

Let us all pause for a moment, take a good deep breath, look at the mirror, say a prayer for America, regroup as a nation, and start our healing…and allow God to bless the United States of America once again!

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The main objective of this column is to educate and inspire people live a healthier lifestyle to prevent illnesses and disabilities and achieve a happier and more productive life. Any diagnosis, recommendation or treatment in our article are general medical information and not intended to be applicable or appropriate for anyone. This column is not a substitute for your physician, who knows your condition well and who is your best ally when it comes to your health.

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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Asian Journal, its management, editorial board and staff.

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Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, a Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, is an international medical lecturer/author, Health Advocate, medical missionary, newspaper columnist, and chairman of the Filipino United Network-USA, a 501(c)3 humanitarian foundation in the United States. He is a recipient of the Indiana Sagamore of the Wabash Award in 1995, conferred by then Indiana Governor, later Senator, and then presidential candidate, Evan Bayh. Other Sagamore past awardees include President Harry Truman, President George HW Bush, Muhammad Ali, Astronaut Gus Grissom, renowned educators, scientists, and political and business leaders (Wikipedia). Websites:,, and; Email:

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