Over the weekend, I decided to celebrate new friendships and of dreams coming true and invited new friends who have become dear to me. I made Chicken and Shrimp Linguini pasta both in creamy alfredo and tomato sauce, mixed spring salad with raspberry dressing and French Vanilla ice cream topped with Nutella and fresh strawberries.

I purchased new green table linens to match the Anthropologie outdoor set, made table cards out of small wooden boxes and lighted candles. It was a special time for sharing stories and having a giggle or two with my friends.

Three years ago, I remember how my relatively pleasant social life took a sudden change, when two of my girl friends relocated to different states—one to San Francisco and the other to Las Vegas, while another finally got pregnant. Having been left behind by two of them, with another rearranging her life’s priorities, I was heartbroken. I felt abandoned and I missed them terribly.

My friends are so much a part of my life and daily routine, being that we were always together and doing things side-by-side. I will always treasure our moments of partying in Hollywood or Sunset Blvd even on weekdays!

It would always be a night filled with laughter and major fun. We would dress up like models on the runway—sipping martinis and dancing all night long.

Cooking (being one of our favorite activities together) never fails to bring a smile to my face and it would make me walk down memory lane. It was always a grand event, each competing for the best dish award. With our table beautifully set using special dinnerware, candles, wine, soft-flowing music and flowers, our night would be spent enjoying great food, great conversation and, most of all, each other’s company.

They were my pillars of strength as I was one of theirs. From them I drew strength when I was faced with trials. They offered support in whatever way, shape, or form—without question.

If it was a financial need, they would go to the extent of selling the shirts off their backs to come up with the money. If it was emotional, their shoulders were always available for me to cry on, as long as I wanted, no matter if they start to look like wet rags. And if it was just a matter of needing an ear to listen to about my rants on life’s injustices thrown my way, they patiently listened—regardless whether they’ve already heard it a million times and could repeat it verbatim.

My life changed. The joy I experience when I’m in the company of these special friends is incomparable. It’s because our devotion to one another was forged from years of being together, weathering through all kinds of crisis, and coming out still intact , even stronger than before. Our friendship has been tried, tested, even weighed and not found wanting. They are my soulmates, a part of my family.

I understand that we have our own lives to live and that we can’t be together forever. I am comforted by the simple truth that no time or distance will ever change who we are to one another, and that if we are needed we will be there. It is important that we express what we like about them and serve them in thoughtful, unexpected ways.

From the moment you come into this world, you start meeting people. From then on, it will be endless. They become your friends and through the years you will gain some more and at the same time lose some. That’s a fact. However, each of us will find one or a few at some point who will mean much more to us than the rest. They will prove themselves to be real friends.

With them, you can be yourself. They will know the real you and accept you for who you are. No matter what happens, you know you can rely on them. If you commit mistakes, even in succession, they still will be there cheering you on to continue fighting. They are the ones who will love you unconditionally. Good friends are the ones around whom we like ourselves best because they have a way of bringing out the best in us.

You may know a thousand people, but remember that it only takes finding one person who will be true to you. That’s all you really need. Once you do, cherish that friendship because true friends are very hard to come by.

To Megan—my soul sister, thank you for being there when the risks I took didn’t turn out so well and for celebrating with me, every blessing I’m given.

And to Craig, my special friend, thank you for making me smile when I am feeling less than grateful for being single and for giving me moments of inspiration.


Elgin Zulueta is the Business Development Director for the International Academy of Film and Television / Bigfoot Entertainment. She finds simple pleasures in the daily grind and turns them into interesting topics for her column. Email her at Elgin.Zulueta@gmail.com and follow her on twitter @elginz.

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