Eric Bustamante: candid interpersonal rapport and effectual management skills sustain his banking headship

HAVING been raised, oriented, and constantly exposed to numbers, financial records, auditing, taxation matters, assets, liabilities, and other related accounting terms easily made Eric Bustamante embrace his father’s profession that provided him and his family with the comfortable amenities of life and good education.

Eric Bustamante…outstanding in every way

Christened Eric B. Bustamante, the fourth among the six of an all-male brood of Ernie and Emma Bustamante, young Eric had continuously observed what his father indefatigably did for a living while his dedicated mom fervently assisted the former. In his fledgling mind and formative years, being an accountant was a gratifying and sustainable job.

Although Eric’s three other brothers took different courses (the eldest is a Medical Technologist, the second is an Architect and Physical Therapy for the youngest) the rest of them opted to follow their father’s path… and there was no regret. 

When his Dad left for America during the early 80s on a job-related assignment, opportunities started to open doors for the entire family that made them migrate and try their respective career advancement in the country previously dubbed “The Land of Milk and Honey.”

“My brothers all settled in the US while I was having second thoughts since I was doing great in Manila as a Bank Manager,” Eric said as a self-justifying validation. “I wasn’t instantaneously lured to follow them not until my Dad requested me to join and assist him in his developing accounting firm he established in Brooklyn.”

A Bustamante family keep-sake during an out-of-town escapade

His father’s plea was something he couldn’t cast-off much less, ignore. Resigning from his job as Metrobank’s Cluster Head-Branch Senior Manager (handling 7 branches) was indubitably a difficult decision, with uncertainties ahead crowding his mind. Following moment of deep musings, Eric left with a heavy heart. After flying for 8,498 miles from across the Asian skies to the east coast of North America, Eric suddenly found a new homeland in July of 2012.

“The call of family was strong and irresistibly abiding. If at first, I was a bit worried with concerns about my own family’s future…now, I came to realize (that) my choice wasn’t at all regrettable,” Eric stated with a change of heart.

 But just after working for five years at their family-owned tax consultancy and accounting firm (together with his brothers Edwin and Eddie) an unexpected proposition landed on his lap, an offer hard to forgo.

“I was offered a managerial position at PNB (Philippine National Bank) New York City Branch,” Eric ardently related. “I was hesitant initially but since my background and foundation had been banking and management, I readily agreed to the terms and conditions with the blessing from my Dad, I promised him to still work with him whenever I’m free.”

PNB-NY Branch Manager Eric Bustamante (Center) with his staff.

Despite being copiously armed with tested managerial techniques and ably equipped with knowledgeable administrative procedures Eric’s new venture puts him in an acid test. He was met with an unanticipated quandary… an unforeseen dilemma that timely ensued upon his first week in office that fateful February in 2018.

“There seemed to have a mass resignation,” Eric recounted with bothersome tone. “Imagine we were only three left after majority of the staff filed their resignations one after the other… although they assured me that it had nothing to do with my management…that their leaving was actually earlier planned and filed ahead even before I came.”

A BSBA graduate from Philippine School of Business Administration, a consistent dean’s lister, academic excellence multi-medalist, and ace varsity chess player, Eric is innately persistent and persevering with analytical capability to face and handle adversity, He stood firm and prepared to straightforwardly address the bank’s perilous situation.   

He was certain that he would be able to defy glitches and hitches with a strong faith in his own capacity as leader. 

The charismatic banker during the recently concluded General Assembly at the Philippine Consulate.

“I had been triumphant over trials and challenges. I’m a positive thinker. I always put my heart in everything I do. I just needed the right time and be able to hire efficient and capable staff,” he spoke with conviction. 

Being a banking professional, having held notable positions in Far East Bank (1991 -1996) and Metro Bank (1996 – 2010) Eric has unquestionably experienced dealing with gargantuan pressure and repeatedly proven himself as an effectual problem-solver with excellent knowledge in team-building. As a persuasive communicator with an actively charismatic appeal as a team leader, Eric successfully filled-up every single vacant position in a matter of weeks and prides himself having to manage a prestigious financial institution outside of the Philippines with thirteen well-trained professional personnel. 

Eric brings out the voices and demands of crisis-affected employees to the forefront, whereby duly creating efficient means to resolve disputes and situational problems. 

He tries to break down the wall that divides and hinders the mutual co-existence in the workplace. 

If there’s but one thing that makes Eric feel confidently satisfied that would be having met his goals and objectives. “I’m not one who merely sits and savors the sweet smell of success. Actually, I’m more challenged to strive and attain a much better quality of service and performance,” Eric responded with unprecedented aspiration after receiving mounting congratulatory remarks especially from his big boss from the main office. 

Eric’s self-strategized formula in promoting marketing and the services his office offers was effectively met with enthusiasm… a refreshing approach very welcoming to potential clients. Projecting and ensuring a high level of customer service and instantly addressing ensuing problems and complaints made his one-year stint at PNB-NYC remarkably impressive. 

To plan ahead is to achieve complacency and Eric upholds the fact that envisioning is indeed creating a well-concrete future. “I plan to stay with my current job and make PNB the “Bank of Choice,” and later put up a business of our own…maybe,  a family clinic since my wife is a Registered Nurse, my daughter is taking up Medicine and my son is into Occupational Therapy,” he shared.

For comments and suggestions, please email to: [email protected].

2 thoughts on “Eric Bustamante: candid interpersonal rapport and effectual management skills sustain his banking headship

  1. To our brother Eric ! Congrats on your achievement! You made us so proud, you have proved your worth.
    It is a success, you truly deserved. It is an achievement you have truly earned. We congratulate you on your success.

    From The Bustamante’s

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