Most bread, made of wheat, is loaded with lectins, which wreak havoc on our guts and digestion. Sourdough (fermented) and millet bread are lectin-free. Always read the labels and make certain they do not have glyphosate, a substance that is harmful to our digestive system.

To assist in harvesting wheat, many farmers use Roundup, which is a dangerous chemical. So, besides lectin in wheat, this toxic agent is an added reason why bread made of wheat is not healthy to consume.

Besides avoiding lectin, it is a good idea to consume gluten-free and anti-inflammatory food items like fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, cod, trout), broccoli, avocadoes, all berries, cherries, flaxseeds, olive oil, green tea, sweet potatoes, garlic, ginger, turmeric, pineapple, and walnuts.

Inflammatory foods include red meat, high-saturated fat foods, sugary items, like pastries, bibingka, cake, ice-cream, halo-halo, granola, nightshades (Solanaceae family) veggies (eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, paprika, pimentos) which aggravate arthritic pains. All soft drinks and alcoholic beverages likewise cause inflammation in the body.


Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family, which are inflammatory food items, with harmful lectins. Peeling off the skin and removing the seeds (where the lectins are found) make tomatoes safer to eat. Cooking also destroys lectin. Processed tomatoes (paste, sauces, etc.) are safe compared to fresh ones. The processing removes most of the lectins in them.

Peanut warning

Everybody thought peanuts were healthy to eat. Actually, peanuts contain the highest concentration of aflatoxin, a mold toxin that accumulates during storage. It also has a high level of harmful oxalates in them, conducive to kidney stone formation, thyroid disease and gut problems. Peanuts also has elevated level of inflammatory (5 to 120 times more) unhealthy omega 6, which worsens insulin resistance, heart disease, brain inflammation, and even increases the risk for cancer.

Fish and mercury

Large fish in general contain the highest mercury, like king mackerel, marlin, shark, swordfish, giant tuna. Tile fish and orange roughie are also high in mercury content. Mercury is harmful to the body, especially to the brain. The smaller fishes, like salmon, light tuna, cod, small mackerel, and trout have lower mercury in them. Wild-caught fish are healthier because farmed fish are loaded with antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals.

Alcohol alternative

There is a trend among youngsters today to stay away from alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, which are harmful to the body. The choice appears to be sparkling water, with or without carbonation. There are now a variety of sparkling water that is flavored, or low- and zero-calorie drinks. If this trend continues, together with the consumption of a plant-based diet, eating the least meat, we will certainly have a healthier generation.

Processed foods

Food items, popular in Deli shops, wich are processed are most unhealthy. Processed meats (sausages, hamburger, bacon, etc.) contain artificial flavoring, coloring, and preservative chemicals in them. Processed foods are linked to a higher risk of colon/pancreatic cancer, among other malignancies, and also elevated risk of cardiovascular illnesses, like heart attack and stroke.

Spinach – oxalates

Spinach, once thought to be a healthy veggie, is now known to contain 3-6 times the safe level of oxalates, a chemical responsible for calcium oxalate in kidney stones. Almonds are also high in oxalate and unhealthy omega-6 level. The healthier nuts are walnuts, macadamia, pistachios, pecan, hazelnuts and chestnuts. Nuts are part of a healthy diet.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also poses an increased risk for kidney stones. Among some people, lemon juices triggers migraine headache and worsens heartburn among persons with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), to cause irritation of the stomach, nausea and vomiting. Lemon juice can also trigger canker sores and wear down tooth enamel, leading to cavities.

Prebiotic confusion

For decades, people thought adding prebiotics to their medical regimen was enough. Studies have now shown that alone, prebiotic is not effective in preserving gut health. The recommendation now is to take capsules with pro-, pre- and postbiotic ingredients (3-in-one) to be truly useful in helping a healthy gut, with a balanced microbiome. Any imbalance in the microbiome contributes to higher risk of developing various illnesses.

Healthiest smoothies

The best ingredients for smoothies are all varieties of berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberry, blackberries, redberries), pineapple, (mango and papaya optional), avocado, broccoli, and celery. Using unsweetened pineapple juice (1 and 1/4 cup) at the base of a blender (popular travel blenders like Blend Jet, Hamilton, Magic Bullet, Ninja, etc.), and use a ratio of 1:1 in weight of those items above. To this, 2 scoops of collagen protein powder may be added. This is a complete healthy meal in itself for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, even without meat. These ingredients are good for everyone, especially for those with arthritis pains and those trying to lose weight. Diabetics must add this to their calorie-counting. Always consult with your physician or dietician before embarking on a diet change.

Vaping more deadly

Smoking e-cigarettes, or vaping, is more dangerous than smoking cigarettes. While tobacco contains around 7,000 toxic chemicals in them, and less in electronic cigarettes, studies have found that vaping is more prone to cause heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems. The change could be likened to jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

Wisdom and discipline contribute significantly to health and longevity.

The main objective of this column is to educate and inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle, to prevent illnesses and disabilities and achieve a happier and more productive life. Any diagnosis, recommendation, or treatment in our article are general medical information and not intended to be applicable to or appropriate for anyone. This column is not a substitute for your physician, who knows your condition well and who is your best ally when it comes to your health.

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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Asian Journal, its management, editorial board and staff.

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The main objective of this column is to educate and inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle to prevent illnesses and disabilities and achieve a happier and more productive life. Any diagnosis, recommendation, or treatment in our article are general medical information and not intended to be applicable to or appropriate for anyone. This column is not a substitute for your physician, who knows your condition well and who is your best ally when it comes to your health.

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Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, a Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, is an international medical lecturer/author, Health Advocate, newspaper columnist, and chairman of the Filipino United Network-USA, a 501(c)3 humanitarian foundation in the United States. He was a recipient of the Indiana Sagamore of the Wabash Award in 1995, presented by then Indiana Governor, US senator, and later a presidential candidate, Evan Bayh. Other Sagamore past awardees include President Harry Truman, President George HW Bush, Muhammad Ali and Astronaut Gus Grissom (Wikipedia). Websites:,, and; Email:

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