A SMALL study about “Post COVID Vaccination Syndrome (PCVS),” a very rare condition following vaccination that causes some neurologic symptoms, has recently hit the news media. The gullible and anti-vax people are quick to judge that the COVID-19 vaccines as a whole to are dangerous, and are ready to “throw away the baby with the bath water.”

Vaccines have literally saved billions of lives around the globe since the vaccine was first discovered by Edward Jenner in May 1796. Yes, there can be some side-effects and complications, but far too little compared to the deadly complications of viruses. And so with aspirin, antibiotics, sleeping pills, sedatives, weight loss drugs, etc. There is no drug on earth which has no possible side-effects! None!

Wisdom dictates that we weigh the health benefits of vaccines against the potential risk of using them. The issue is overwhelming in favor of the vaccines.

Millions experience long terms side-effects of viruses, while the long-term side-effects from vaccines are rare. There is 22.5 % incidence of Long Covid, a complication of the viral infection itself, not of the vaccine.

As for the “Post COVID Vaccination Syndrome,” science has yet to determine for certain whether the symptoms are caused by the virus itself on our body on the long-term or from the vaccine.

Each year, about 4 million deaths worldwide are prevented by childhood vaccination. More than 50 million deaths can be prevented through immunization between 2021 and 2030. A 2024 study reveals 154 million individuals (6 lives every 60 seconds) were saved globally since 1974, as reported by The Lancet. The introduction of vaccines is one of the greatest success stories in humankind.

Let us wait for the final word about PCVS before we go berserk and flood social media with fake information about the vaccines and kill millions at home and billions around the world in the future.

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Targeted mRNA vaccine, the same technology used in developing COVID-19 vaccines more rapidly, shows promise on early-stage pancreatic cancer patients in a clinical trial from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. This encouraging finding needs worldwide confirmation from independent clinical studies from other medical centers.

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Alarming number of measles cases (among unvaccinated) rising across the United States (100 cases so far in Texas and New Mexico alone) leads experts to recommend MMR or MMRV vaccination and Vitamin A for children, and adults who may need a booster for prevention. Measles is most dangerous among kids under five and has killed adults also.

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We now have a blood test (from a single blood draw) that screens for 50 different types of cancer. The question is whether it is worth the almost $1,000 cost. The test is termed the “holy grail” by the company named Grail, which calls the test, the Galleri test. This test screens cancer of the lungs, liver, ovary, besides leukemia and lymphoma, and rare ones like soft tissue sarcoma, by detecting cancer shed DNA from dying cells in the blood stream. Before this, we have the standard screening test for five cancers: breast, colorectal, cervical, lung and prostate.

The Galleri test is 99.5 percent accurate and has a false-positive rate of 0.5 percent. The Galleri test is certainly a most welcome development. Screening for early diagnosis is certainly better than any cure once cancer is diagnosed.

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A recent study published on January 6, 2025 in Nature Microbiology on 212,561 individuals showed that omnivores (meat and plant eaters) had more bacteria in their microbiome (in our guts) linked to increased risk for colon cancer and that markers more favorable to heart health were found among vegans’ microbiome and among those omnivores who ate more plant-based diet than meat. This study suggests that eating more plant-based foods is more beneficial in lowering cancer risk than cutting out meat altogether. It is recommended to limit red meat to 3 portions a week, about 300 grams (cooked). Meat the size of a deck of cards is about 85 grams (3 oz).

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Coca-Cola has recalled some of its drinks in Europe for concerns over higher levels of chlorate. Cola drinks contain phosphoric acid – this chemical is commonly used in garages for cleaning and etching concrete floors before applying paint or sealant. Phosphroic acid, rarely, can cause pulmonary edema (swelling of the lungs) among some people. I use Cola drinks to unclog my sink drains. Soft drinks, in general, is a poison to the body, increasing the risk for metabolic syndrome, especially among children. More and more people are staying away from soft drinks, which is a healthy trend. Nothing beats multi-stage (five or higher) reverse-osmosis filtered water.

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The FDA just reported that frozen supplemental shakes (Lyons ReadyCare and Sysco Imperial brands) sold to long-term care facilities were recalled due to Listeria outbreak that killed 11 people.

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Researchers discovered that the heavy lifetime use of cannabis (marijuana), psychoactive drugs derived from dried flowers and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plants, is associated with substantial adverse effects on the cognitive, memory, and motor function of the brain, besides addiction and higher risk of dementia. While medicinal marijuana is great, we do not really need cannabis as a recreational drug. Alcohol and tobacco alone are responsible for over 80 of our illnesses today, especially cancers. Why introduce more poisons?

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With understanding, tolerance, and compassion for our fellowmen around the world, who are actually our blood relatives having originated from a single set of Homo sapiens parents about 300,000 years ago in South Africa, we can achieve peace on earth.


The main objective of this column is to educate and inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle, to prevent illnesses and disabilities and achieve a happier and more productive life. Any diagnosis, recommendation, or treatment in our article are general medical information and not intended to be applicable to or appropriate for anyone. This column is not a substitute for your physician, who knows your condition well and who is your best ally when it comes to your health.

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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of Asian Journal, its management, editorial board and staff.

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Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, a Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, is an international medical lecturer/author, health advocate, medical missionary, newspaper columnist, and Chairman of the Filipino United Network-USA, a 501(c)3 humanitarian foundation in the United States. He is a recipient of the Indiana Sagamore of the Wabash Award in 1995, presented by then Indiana Governor, U.S. senator, and later a presidential candidate, Evan Bayh. Other Sagamore past awardees include President Harry S. Truman, President George HW Bush, pugilist Muhammad Ali, David Letterman, Astronaut Gus Grissom, distinguished educators, scientists, etc. (Wikipedia). Websites: philipSchua.com, FUN8888.com, and Today.SPSAtoday.com; Email: [email protected].

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