[OPINION] Vote and seal the victory for America: Fox News owner predicts a landslide win for Biden, whose lead over Trump widens

Former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump held conflicting town halls on Thursday night, October 15 in lieu of a 2nd presidential debate.

PRESIDENT Donald Trump gets more unhinged as Election Day draws closer. He has intensified his spreading not only of the virus, but of lies, misinformation, conspiracy theories just to get re-elected.

Trump continues to use and abuse the power, resources, and public trust accorded to the Office of the President of the United States, to divide the American people, weaken our democratic institutions and processes including our election, alienate our allies and destroy our leadership position in the global community while cozying up with dictators.

On the day when the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States has topped 8.04 million and the death toll has surpassed 218,000, and continues with an upward trajectory in infection rate, Trump, without shame, claimed the United States is on way to tremendous victory over COVID-19, and congratulated himself for doing a great job in handling the pandemic.

And despite being infected by the virus himself, along with his wife Melania and son Barron and many prominent members of his administration and the Republican Party, Trump never learned his lesson.

On the other hand, he has dailed up his rhetoric against public health measures that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, public health officials and scientists have been advocating for to mitigate the spread of the virus — wear mask, social distancing, washing of hands, avoid crowds, confusing the public with malicious lies he spews against all of these measures.

Without straightforward answers as to when he last tested negative, he dismissed isolation to protect other people from being infected, fought against a virtual debate and canceled when he could not get his way, and pushed to hold public rallies for his adoring fans.

Trump did not care if these crowded events would again be super-spreaders, with most people not wearing masks, elbow to elbow with each other. The president of the United States has no regard nor word of concern for his supporters, deemed by this showman as his props to feed his fragile and insatiable ego.

For this very reason, Trump’s influential supporter Rupert Murdoch, the man behind the conservative media empire that includes Fox News Cable and the New York Post, is “telling close associates he believes Joe Biden will win the election in a landslide,” the Daily Beast reported.

“The Australian-born billionaire is disgusted by Trump’s handling of COVID-19, remarking that the president is his own worst enemy, that he is not listening to advice about how best to handle the pandemic, and that he’s creating a never-ending crisis for his administration, according to three people who have spoken with Murdoch,” the outlet added.

Despite this projection, Murdoch’s media empire continues to help Trump.

“His New York tabloid has been doing everything in its power to help Trump’s re-election chances, publishing a screaming page 1 story on Wednesday under the headline, ‘Biden Secret E-Mails.’ The supposed ‘smoking gun’ emails purported to show that Hunter Biden had introduced his father to a Ukrainian businessman when he was vice president, though the Post relied on unverified documents given to them by Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani,” the article continued.

The report stated that “he [Murdoch] is now firmly of the mindset that the next president will be Biden, telling one associate, “after all that has gone on, people are ready for Sleepy Joe.”

Murdoch’s assessment is in congruence with the recent polls revealing a Biden victory. Facts as reported by Forbes:

Biden’s national lead has increased to 9.2 points on average in RealClearPolitics’ tracker, up from 6.1 points on September 29.

• On Thursday, another national survey found the former vice president ahead by double digits: Biden leads Trump nationally by 11 points (53%-42%), according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

• Battleground state polls have been on a slower trend towards the Democratic nominee: Biden’s average polling lead across 6 battleground states (Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and North Carolina) has increased from 3.6 points on September 29 to nearly 5 points on October 15.

• Polls released Thursday reflect Biden’s widening lead at the state level: a Monmouth University survey found Biden ahead 6 points in Arizona (50%-44) among registered voters, and a Civiqs/Daily Kos poll showed Biden up 5 in North Carolina (51%-46%).

Donald Trump lied and so Americans died because of the pandemic.

Trump lied and so the economy of the United States that the Obama-Biden Administration saved from the worst recession under the Republican Party’s leadership has suffered despite all the bragging Trump desperately claims, with more than 10 million Americans unemployed.

The U.S. economy has now been hit by the biggest economic contraction ever recorded and the highest unemployment rate in more than 80 years, the BBC reported.

It did not have to be this bad had Trump confronted the pandemic early on, instituted national safety measures to flatten the curve instead of rushing to open the economy. This only exacerbated the effect of the pandemic and made the recovery of our health and economy longer and harde

He lied because he was more obsessed about defeating his political opponents than COVID-19. He lied because he desperately needed to be re-elected, not to save America, but for the Office of the President of the United States to save him from all his legal and financial woes.

Trump is beneath the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States. He has proven in the past four years that he has failed us, did not live up to the job and responsibilities of being a true leader for ALL Americans. He failed to live up to the oath he took as President. He brings out the worst even among the good people of this country.

Fire Donald Trump.

Vote for Joe Biden for President, and save the life, dignity, democracy, and the soul of America and the American people.

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Gel Santos Relos has been in news, talk, public service and educational broadcasting since 1989 with ABS-CBN and is now serving the Filipino audience using different platforms, including digital broadcasting, and print, and is working on a new public service program for the community. You may contact her through email at [email protected], or send her a message via Facebook at Facebook.com/Gel.Santos.Relos.

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