[COLUMN] On processed foods and cancer
DID you know how many hotdogs are consumed each day in the United States alone? Roughly 633 hotdogs are eaten by Americans per second, or 37, 980 every minute, almost…
DID you know how many hotdogs are consumed each day in the United States alone? Roughly 633 hotdogs are eaten by Americans per second, or 37, 980 every minute, almost…
“MY eyes have seen the salvation of the Lord.” These were Simeon’s words in this Sunday’s (December 31) Gospel, upon seeing the Christ-Child in Mary’s arms as he was presented…
THE holidays may soon be behind us but their physical effects, among others, will linger a while. Medically speaking, it is actually a time for “damage control” for those of…
WHAT is Christmas Disease? This name does not have nothing to do with the Christmas season. Christmas Disease is a blood disease, also known as Hemophilia B or factor IX…
This year which will soon bid us farewell has given me great lessons and priceless experiences both physically, emotionally and spiritually at this time of my life. It is filled…
WE are filled with joy as Christmas approaches. In just a few hours, we will be celebrating the Christmas liturgies: the Vigil Mass and Midnight Mass. Mary accompanies us in…
You’ve heard it said, many times in many ways: loving yourself is essential in finding true happiness. And of course what better way to do that but by investing in…
WHAT is Christmas Disease? This name does not have nothing to do with the Christmas season. Christmas Disease is a blood disease, also known as Hemophilia B or factor IX…
“Who are you?” “What are you?” “Are you the Prophet?” “Who are you so we can give an answer to those who sent us?” These are the inquiries posed by…
WATER is vital to life. Without water, there won’t be life as we know it on earth. Our body is 50-75 percent water, averaging around 57 to 65 percent. Infants…
The overarching message of Advent is one of hope. However, hope can only emerge through the commitment and willingness of individuals to change their ways, to undergo a deeper conversion…
THE controversy about the increased risk of brain cancer and other health concerns among avid users of cellular phone is upon us once again. The internet is flooded with claims…
“Father, I love your article this Sunday, but I’m sorry that you have to write and remind us of the problems of the world all the time,” a concerned parishioner…
WHILE cardiovascular mortality rates the past decades have gone down, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has remained the leading cause of death in the United States. Several clinical studies have shown that…
ONE of the great advances in medical science is the discovery that Ultraviolet C (UVC) rays effectively kill bacteria, and neutralize viruses, fungi and molds. This has led to the…
God has created each of us for a purpose, grounded in Christian principles of knowing, loving, and serving Him. But He didn’t stop there; He has endowed us with many…
IS COVID-19 gone? No, COVID-19 is still with us. This fall, there is a rise in the number of cases and number of hospitalizations of this evolving virus. COVID-19 dangers…
It’s not only that we long for God; we also thirst for and seek His wisdom to guide us in all the challenges of our lives. We pray to God…
In 1936 when I was born, my parents knew I was a boy and that I was a he, for people then had common sense and accepted natural order. Today,…
(and finally rock those fall outfits you’ve been wanting to try) I will cut to the chase and say it now: sweating excessively is never pretty and you can do …
It’s the month of November when we experience the changing of seasons marked by the onset of cold weather, falling autumn leaves, and shorter days. If you’re like me, you’ll…
THE conflict in the Middle East is escalating and people around the world are anxious and fearful that this could accidentally lead to World War III, which could literally annihilate…
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) wrote the iconic lines that begin with “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” These words resonate with many people, as love is…
AS far as health is concerned, the majority, if not all of us, want the best health minus the sacrifices needed to achieve it effectively and safely. We want to…
WE warmly welcome our newly ordained auxiliary bishop, Most Reverend Albert Bahhuth, the Episcopal Vicar of the San Fernando Region, to our parish. It brings us great joy to have him…
MY wife, Farida, and I have just been on a river cruise on the Vikings to historic Rouen, Omaha Beach, Normandy, and Paris (where the Faculty of Medicine at the…
Greetings! I am blessed and happy to be back from leading a Holy Land pilgrimage. I am happy because my group and I arrived home safely after nearly being caught…
BETWEEN 300 to 400 physicians in the United States kill themselves each year, or about one a day. The rate of suicide is highest among anesthesiologists, general practitioners, psychiatrists, and…
TODAY’S column on food contains some data contributed by my classmate and wife, Farida I. Chua, MD, a retired Northwest Indiana pediatrician, an avid reader/researcher, and a fellow in our…
Focus: Rev. Pastor Adiel DePano and Legay Square in Santa Ana “The joy in loving is guaranteed by loving one another as Jesus loves us. God’s love goes round and…