Absence and abandonment of US residence

Roberto and Rosalie immigrated to the United States in May 2013 through the petition of their only son Carlos, who is in the military, and who lives in North Carolina. They have a comfortable life in the Philippines owning several fish ponds and rice lands in Bataan. They did not really want to migrate, but…

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Obama executive action: Provisional waiver

AMONG the series of executive actions on immigration which President Obama announced last 11/20/14 is the expansion of the use of provisional waivers of unlawful presence to include the spouses and sons and daughters of lawful permanent residents and the sons and daughters of US citizens. As you may be aware, only immediate relatives of…

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Mitch McConnell acknowledges that Congress cannot stop executive action

ALTHOUGH the Republican-dominated House of Representatives has passed a bill to reverse President Obama’s recently announced Executive Actions on immigration policy, it appears that the bill is already dead in its tracks. On Friday, January 16, 2015, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned House Republicans that he cannot make a “miracle” happen on Immigration.  In fact, McConnell…

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The February 2015 Priority Dates

The February 2015 Visa Bulletin provides more great news for Filipinos, as the priority dates in the various family and employment categories continue to move forward.  In fact, the priority date for workers has moved forward to January 1, 2014!! Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the…

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Update on work permits for Dapa applicants

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced that its administration will stop deporting certain undocumented parents of US citizens and parents of legal permanent residents.  These individuals will also be allowed to get work permits to enable them to work and get a driver’s license.  This program has been named as Deferred Action for Parental…

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The Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA)

Among the executive actions on immigration announced by President Obama last 11/20/2014 is the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability or DAPA. DAPA is a form of a prosecutorial discretion program to be administered by the Department of Homeland Security, through the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) which allows a qualified undocumented parent of a…

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Executive action expands immigration benefits

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced a series of executive actions that would benefit certain classes of aliens.  In the coming months, USCIS will come up with guidance in implementing these policies. DACA expanded Deferred Acton for Childhood Arrivvals (DACA) has been expanded to include individuals born prior to June 15, 1981 provided they…

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President Obama answers questions on executive action

On December 9, 2014, President Obama attended a Town Hall meeting in Nashville Tennessee, where he answered questions from those in attendance and further explained the benefits of his recent Executive Action (EA). The full transcript of that town hall meeting can be found on the Internet at http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/12/09/remarks-president-immigration-town-hall-nashville-tennessee. However, I will summarize some of…

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Starting the new year fresh with a divorce

TO many people, the New Year signifies a chance to have a fresh beginning.  People dispose of old personal items and clean out the closet in order to make room for the new.  The same line of thinking goes with getting rid of the spouse upon realizing over the holidays that your spouse is stuck…

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A wonderful Christmas gift for your family

An important part of Christmas is buying gifts for loved ones.  Filipinos are busy filling their balikbayan boxes with pasalubong, to send to their families “back home.”  The pasalubong may consist of clothes, food items, electronics, or other useful items, given as a way of “sharing one’s blessings.” In fact, on November 20, 2014, President…

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Immigration: New year, new hope

On November 20, 2014, President Obama unveiled a number of executive proposals, which will provide deportation relief to many hardworking immigrants, documented and undocumented.  The proposals are also aimed at clamping down on illegal immigration at the border and prioritizing enforcement efforts to remove dangerous felons and individuals who pose threat to national security and…

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The January 2015 Priority Dates

The January 2015 Visa Bulletin provides more great news for Filipinos, as the priority dates in the various family and employment categories continue to move forward. Each month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories….

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Buyer beware: Reform and immigration predators

ON November 20, 2014, President Obama announced a series of executive actions which will greatly benefit many individuals residing in the United States without proper documentation.  The main premise of the executive order is to promote family unity in the United States.  To meet this goal, President Obama has announced DAPA, which stands for “Deferred…

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Obama’s Executive Action

AFTER months of speculation as to what President Obama’s Executive Action would bring for immigration reform, President Obama delivered a speech last night announcing executive action that provides immigration relief to millions of undocumented persons in the US.  The focal point of the executive action is relief for undocumented parents of US Citizen children and…

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How to obtain custody and visitation rights for unmarried dads

ESTABLISHING parentage rights for Moms is a lot easier than establishing one for unmarried Dads. Moms can establish this by simply showing proof of her having given birth to the child. Family Code §7610. Establishing parentage rights, including custody and visitation rights, becomes more problematic with unmarried Dads because proving yourself as the biological father…

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Work authorization and relief from deportation for parents of US citizens and green card holder children

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced Executive Action (EA) concerning immigration. While there are many aspects or changes brought about by his announcement, one of those changes is the creation of a new “Deferred Action for Parental Accountability” (or DAPA), which is similar to the benefit he announced in 2012, Deferred Action for Childhood…

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DACA statistics: Philippines-5619; Mexico-627,142

Recently, the USCIS published 2014 statistics concerning filing of DACA applications, by the various countries. Although the Philippines has traditionally been one of the top-filing countries when it comes to immigration benefits, for some reason, Filipinos are not fully taking advantage of the marvelous immigration benefits presented through DACA. Those benefits include: • work authorization…

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The difference between old and new DACA

Many Filipino families are excited about President Obama’s announcement on November 20, 2014 concerning Executive Action (EA) which has, among other things, expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and now includes so many more young people. I know that when DACA first came out, many Filipinos were reluctant to come forward and apply. While…

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Obama delivers Thanksgiving offering to millions of immigrants

AFTER months of speculation as to what President Obama’s Executive Action would bring for immigration reform, President Obama delivered a speech last night announcing executive action that provides immigration relief to millions of undocumented persons in the US.  The focal point of the executive action is relief for undocumented parents of US Citizen children and…

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Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks

Thanksgiving is when people take a step back and reflect on all of the wonderful things and events to be grateful for, and to give thanks to those people who played such a key role in helping us achieve them. At this Thanksgiving, I would like to once again give thanks to all of the…

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President Obama to announce immigration relief for millions

The November elections have come and gone.  The Republican Party has regained control of Congress.  A passage of immigration reform seems more contentious than ever.  Many immigrant advocate groups continue to urge meaningful reform in our broken immigration system.  On November 12, 2014, the Obama Administration announced that it will unveil a comprehensive immigration plan…

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Republicans: You can’t deport 11 million people!

IT IS estimated there are over 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US. Many hard-lined Republicans believe the solution to our immigration problem is to deport everyone in the US who is out of status or undocumented. Even Mitt Romney, when running for president, believed that the undocumented should “self deport”, meaning voluntarily go back…

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