Making an immigration plan

Recent executive orders signed by President Trump, have sparked widespread discussion within the immigrant community. U.S. immigration laws and policy are centerstage. Much of what is being discussed within the immigrant community, although well intentioned, can often be misguided and misleading. In this current situation, having an immigration expert educate you so you can make…

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Trump would favor provisional waiver

A PROVISIONAL waiver can benefit certain people who are not eligible to adjust status in the U.S. These people include: • Crewmen without the benefit of section 245(i), which was a law that expired on April 30, 2001, allowing crewmen and others to still adjust status in the US if they were petitioned before that…

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Know your rights against pushy ICE Agents

QUESTION: I’m so afraid to open my door now. I’ve heard ICE agents are doing round-ups and just deporting people left and rights. What can I do? Answer: All people living in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, have certain U.S. Constitutional rights. If you are undocumented and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents knock…

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The April 2017 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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New enforcement memorandum by DHS Secretary John Kelly

WHAT is happening? On January 27, 2017, the President signed the Executive Order entitled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States” (Executive Order 13769) This Executive Order issued a 90-day travel ban on immigrants and non-immigrants from designated countries, a 120-day ban on U.S. refugee program, and an indefinite suspension of…

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Enhancing public safety in the interior of the United States

Executive Order 13768 ON January 25, 2017, President Trump issued one of his controversial executive actions on immigration, Executive Order 13768 entitled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States” which effectively places any undocumented individual in the United States at risk of deportation. The executive action directs the Department of Homeland Security…

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Can my removal be expedited?

QUESTION: I have heard that with Trump’s executive order and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo and with further items to be processed,  people are being thrown out of the country left and right. I am very afraid. What can I do? Answer: First of all, it is true that Trump is creating fear…

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What should I do if ICE comes to my home?

WITH the election of Donald Trump as president, and his pledge to fulfill his campaign promise of enforcing immigration laws (with news reports of immigration raids throughout the country), many people are anxious and\or terrified about their future in the US. Many of my clients have been calling asking whether they have to open the…

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What is meant by a ‘revocable living trust?

QUESTION: What is a ‘revocable’ Living Trust? Answer: A ‘revocable living trust’ for a single person (including a typical “survivor’s trust” that is revocable by the surviving settlor as described in) will provide for distributions to the settlor during the settlor’s lifetime. When a single settlor holds the revocation power and is also entitled to…

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The March 2017 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Muslim ban ordered unconstitutional

QUESTION: What has happened with this Muslim ban per the executive order? Answer: Just a few days ago, a U.S. District Court Judge ruled that it was unconstitutional and would cause irreparable injury and ordered a nationwide injunction on the execution of the the ban. In essence, this Judge gutted the executive order and all…

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DACA recipient taken into ICE custody

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have taken into custody a 23-year-old man brought to the US as a young child, but had applied for, and was GRANTED, Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA), with his work permit valid until 2018! This was one of the first times a DACA applicant has been taken into…

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Is Trump about to end DACA?

SINCE becoming president, Donald Trump has issued over 20 executive orders (EO) on a wide variety of topics and issues, including immigration. So far, there has not yet been an Executive Order concerning the future of Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA). However, there have been several draft or leaked memos, which eventually became executive…

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What is happening now in immigration?

IN the first two weeks of the Trump Administration and with a quick stroke of a pen, the country was swept up in a whirlpool of Executive Orders the tangled mangled web of which we are still trying to make sense. What is happening? What does it mean for me and my family? What’s going…

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What’s trending: Trump’s E.O.

Since its issuance on Jan. 27, 2017,  the Executive Order on immigration (Trump’s E.O.) has been dissected because it is a “travel ban” of nationals from seven specific countries ( Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Somalia) whose majority populations are Muslims. While the previous administration and Congress have characterized them as war-torn and…

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President Trump’s recent executive actions on immigration

SINCE President Trump’s inauguration last January 20, 2017, the President has issued three (3) executive actions on immigration, namely,  (1)  Executive Order 13769, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” issued on January 27, 2017;  (2) Executive Order 13768 ,“Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States” issued on…

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Applying for US citizenship in these turbulent times

PRESIDENT Trump appears to be executing on his “America First” agenda by executing executive orders in record pace with the intent of securing American interest.  However, these executive orders has affected certain rights of legal permanent residents and aliens residing in the United States.  As a green card holder, you are still considered an Alien…

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The Trump presidency – What happens next?

WITH the incoming Trump presidency, there is a lot of fear and a lot of questions and uncertainties on what happens to immigration policies and enforcement when he takes office in January 2017.   Mr. Trump’s campaign promises include banning Muslims;  building a wall along the US-Mexico border; and immediately detaining and deporting all the…

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Keep your hopes up in this uncertain time

QUESTION: I don’t know what to do. Trump will become president and I’m afraid he will deport everyone who is not here legally? What can I do? Answer: First of all, while the president certainly has a lot of power, he cannot simply order that 11 million people be deported. In fact, there are many…

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United States citizenship

MARIO, was admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) when he was 18 years old. Now he wants to apply for citizenship, but the application is asking about something called “selective service.” He doesn’t know what this is. Will this bar him from his application to become a U.S….

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Is your broken marriage really ‘fixed’?

IF a person is ever caught in a fi xed marriage (married solely to obtain immigration benefits), the consequences (or punishment) could be severe. A fixed marriage finding by the USCIS could result in a lifetime ban from ever having any other petition approved. For example, if a person was caught in a fixed marriage,…

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