Do I need a premarital agreement before getting married?

IN the absence of a premarital agreement, the general community property presumption under California family code section 760 controls which provides “ ….all property, real or personal, wherever situated, acquired by a married person during the marriage while domiciled in this state is community property.”  Family Code §760.    This becomes a problem if you…

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Do I have a community property interest in a house which my spouse acquired before marriage?

GENERALLY, in California, property acquired by a spouse prior to marriage is considered separate property under family code section 770 while those acquired after marriage are considered community assets under family code section 760.  How do you characterize real property purchased prior to marriage but with the mortgage principal paid down using community income or…

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How to report immigration fraud 

MANY immigration consultants are legitimate and provide helpful services to immigrants, but there are also many dishonest and fraudulent immigration consultants and immigration assistance service providers who take advantage of vulnerable immigrant communities with elaborate schemes and false promises.  Some claim they are licensed attorneys, others adopt titles such as notario publicos or notarios and…

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April 2019 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment-based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date is…

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Maximizing recovery in personal injury cases

Under Howell v. Hamilton Meats & Provisions (2011) 52 C.4th 541,  the California Supreme Court ruled that persons who are injured and who are pursuing a personal injury claim cannot recover the full amount of medical bills incurred if an insurer paid a smaller, negotiated amount to the medical provider.  The Court’s ruling further limited…

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Just say no: Legal advice from the internet

“MY brother’s neighbor’s girlfriend’s uncle had the same exact case and it got approved and they did not use an attorney.”  I’ve heard this many times to have developed a well-curated response: Nothing. A person who has set out to hear only what s/he wants to hear can hear nothing else but what s/he wants…

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There could still be hope after a denial

Although there cannot be any “guarantees” of success, if your case was denied, you should consider consulting with an attorney, who can evaluate your situation, and determine if there is hope in overcoming that denial and assisting in helping you reverse the denial and your case approved. MANY people believe that once their case is…

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March 2019 priority dates

EACH month, the Visa Office of the State Department publishes, in the Visa Bulletin, the priority dates for that particular month, for the various family and employment based categories. A priority date is a person’s “place in line” for a visa, meaning immigrant visas (or green cards) would be available for persons whose priority date…

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Playing the waiting game: Processing delays at USCIS

CASE example: I-751 applications. In her article entitled “Agency Delays Enact the Administration’s Immigration Agenda” Sandra Feist examines the processing delays currently plaguing one particular application: the Removal of Conditions on Permanent Residence. She begins with a brief history of how the “conditional permanent resident status” came about: “In 1986, as part of President Reagan’s…

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Can I remarry my first spouse and petition her?

DEAR Atty. Gurfinkel: I divorced my Filipina spouse and married a U.S. citizen who petitioned me for a green card.  Unfortunately, things did not work out, and I divorced the U.S. citizen.  I just recently took my oath of U.S. citizenship. My first wife and I have rekindled our love and are thinking about getting…

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Can the family court deny a custodial mom’s enforcement of a child support order against dad when it was the grandparents who were actually taking care of the child?

“ Fam. Code, 3651, provides that, with certain exceptions, a support order may not be modified or terminated as to an amount that accrued before the date of the filing of the notice of motion or order to show cause to modify or terminate.” IN the case of In re Marriage of Wilson, the Mother…

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Permanent residence for crewmen

“ Under INA Section 245(c)(1), a person who enters the U.S. as a “crewman” is generally barred from adjusting his status to permanent residence.  However, analysis of this issue must begin with determining whether you are actually a “crewman,” who is barred from adjustment.” DEAR Attorney Tan, I entered the US in 1998 as a…

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Keeping up with immigration news

CHANGES in the selection process of H-1B petitions. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced this January 2019 “a final rule amending regulations governing H-1B cap-subject petitions, including those that may be eligible for advanced degree exemption.”  According to the final rule, “effective April 1, USCIS will first select H-1B petitions (or registrations, once the…

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