Part II: Philippine Chamber Singers-LA’ s heart-cramping Original Pilipino Music overflows with love for country, family, friends and musical heritage

Part II of II Series “It is only with the heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Filipino kundiman [part of OPM] is the voice of yearning love in song, plaintive in its lyrical heartbeat and yet transcendent through melodic expressiveness. The kundiman…

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Only a third of Americans approve of the way Trump handled the Helsinki summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin

PRESIDENT Donald Trump has been touting about how successful his summit with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland was this week, saying on Twitter: ”So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki.” Trump must be referring to a third of Americans (32 percent) — mostly his…

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Trump goes on damage control after choosing to side with Putin over the US intelligence community on Russia’s interference in 2016 election

READING from a script, President Donald Trump attempted to clean up the mess he created during the joint press conference with Russia President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on Monday, July 16. This follows intense criticism from Republicans, Democrats, and our allies in the international community when Trump said he believed Putin’s denial over the…

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Philippine Chamber Singers-LA’ s heart-cramping Original Pilipino Music overflows with love for country, family, friends and musical heritage

(Part I of II series) “The only thing that makes life worth living is the possibility of experiencing now and then a perfect moment. And perhaps even more than that, it’s having the ability to recall such moments in their totality, to contemplate them like jewels.” – Paul Bowles, The Spider’s House In two series,…

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Revisiting Baguio City

Baguio City is one of the genuine tourism treasures of the Philippines. But for those of us who haven’t been to the City of Pines for years (especially those living overseas), the horror stories told about Baguio are enough to discourage any plans to make a trip. The only attraction left unspoiled, according to the…

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Trump embarrasses America in Europe: Will he now confront Putin over the new Mueller indictment against 12 Russians for meddling in our elections?

STATESMANSHIP seems to be an alien word in the Trump universe. His trip to Europe to meet with our allies and world leaders has yet again embarrassed most Americans, except, of course, his loyal fan base. He went to the NATO summit and acted “pa-macho” and treated the leaders of our allied countries like a…

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Trump’s new SC justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh advocated for sitting president to be immune from criminal investigation

PRESIDENT Donald Trump has just appointed a second Supreme Court Nominee on the second year of his presidency after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement in June. Less than three months before the consequential midterm elections that may swing the balance of power in Congress, Trump immediately nominated conservative Brett Kavanaugh, 53, on Monday, July…

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Gratuitous cruelty to children from the 45th US President’s zero tolerance policy met with national resistance and humanitarian initiatives

“Love is who you are. When you don’t live according to love, you are outside of being. You’re not being real. When you love, you are acting according to your deepest being, your deepest truth. You are operating according to your dignity.”- Richard Rohr, founder of the Center for Contemplation and Action in New Mexico,…

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Kababayan shares community college success story

LAST MIDWEEK, I shared with you through this column about the eye-opening experience I had when I attended the San Mateo Community College graduation here in Northern California. My own daughter Katrina was among the graduates as she decided to take this route before going to California State University to complete her bachelor’s degree without…

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Global Browning

The wedding of Prince Harry and bi-racial TV star, Meghan Markle, is a milestone in race relations as significant as the assumption of the U.S. presidency by half Black Barack Obama. The White supremacists who continue to cling to the fantasy nurtured by Adolf Hitler, fanned by American neo-Nazis and abetted by President Donald Trump…

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How major US news organizations reported the ouster of Philippine Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno to the world

U.S. NEWS organizations have carried the news about the ouster of Maria Lourdes Aranal-Sereno as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The NEW YORK TIMES reported to its global readers: “The Philippines’ highest court on Friday forced out its chief justice, removing a fierce critic of President Rodrigo Duterte and his brutal war against drugs, which…

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All Kuwait on the Middle Eastern front

No, this is not a new movie version of Erich Maria Remarque’s classic, All Quiet on the Western Front. It is an unsolicited suggestion for a movie on the dramatic rescue of abused overseas Filipino workers in Kuwait, in case the Department of Foreign Affairs wants to produce it and make a touchy diplomatic situation worse. Of course, I’m…

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Workers’ health, safety, and pay are among the casualties of Trump’s war on regulations — Economic Policy Institute

MAY DAY. May 1 is International Workers’ Day, a day when many countries around the world commemorate the working class of their nation. The “obrero” or workers and their supporters took to the streets to fight for workers’ rights, better working conditions and equitable pay. In the United States, this year’s commemoration is especially significant…

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Fil-Am lawyer’s advice to young undocumented immigrants after new federal judge’s ruling reinstates DACA

GOOD NEWS for qualified young undocumented immigrants: On Tuesday, April 24, U.S. District Judge John D. Bates called the Trump administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “virtually unexplained” and therefore “unlawful.” This will effectively resume the DACA program after President Donald Trump tried to shut down the Obama-era initiative…

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Possibilities for peace in the two Koreas

There is a clear focused movement in inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korean talks, prior to formal difficult negotiations among the heads of government, that hopefully could lead to eventual peace in the Korean Peninsula, long awaited by Asia and the global community. The news in the last few days is that CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who…

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Get well soon, Boracay!

BORACAY — consistently ranked as one of the best islands and beaches in the world, as it has been voted to the top many times by travelers worldwide. For me, Boracay is personal. This tropical paradise has been so much a part of my family’s history. That is why the news that Boracay will be…

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Poll: A majority of Californians back increase in deportation as some cities oppose California’s sanctuary state policy

CALIFORNIA, home to the biggest Filipino population in America, is divided, and so are kababayans in the Golden State, when it comes to the “sanctuary state” policy enacted into law by Governor Jerry Brown last year. The poll published by UC Berkeley’s progressive-leaning Haas Institute on Wednesday, April 18, revealed the paradox that while 70…

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Government of National Unity

After most of our God-centered thoughts during the last Holy Week, we felt there is need today for new initiatives for peace, renewal, and development in our country, and what immediately comes to mind is to revive our old proposal for a “Government of National Unity.” The other choice of other more extreme advisers is…

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