[COLUMN] Can bankruptcy fix your debt problems?

When debts spiral out of control, bankruptcy can become an invaluable financial recovery tool in getting you back on the right track. While it’s not for everyone, close to a million people every year find it to be their only hope of getting a fresh financial start. Debt problems can be the result of unemployment,…

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[COLUMN] Should women receive equal pay for equal work?

FOUR female Google employees believed it was unfair that male colleagues with similar qualifications were consistently paid more than them and other female counterparts.  This week, the San Francisco Superior Court approved an $118 million payment by Google to settle the discrimination claims of approximately 16,000 women. The class action lawsuit was brought under California’s…

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[COLUMN] Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?

IF you’ve made the decision to file bankruptcy to get a fresh financial start, here are some things to consider in choosing between Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Be aware, however, that your income and expenses have a lot to do with which chapter you will be able to file because the courts do consider…

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Here’s what to ask when saving for the unexpected.

Finances are different for everyone, and so are the life events we all go through. An emergency fund is your financial line of defense against life’s lemons. Although there are many financial rules of thumb, there is no “normal” way to handle your emergency fund. The bottom line: saving money is the first line of…

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[COLUMN] 3 different Chapter 7 cases

Family of 3: $40K credit cards owed Client no. 1 is so young. She is in her late 30s, less than 40s. I remember when I was that young, a young lawyer with a decade and a half of experience. Seems only yesterday. Yeah, time flies and waits for no man or woman. That is…

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[COLUMN] Part I: The basics of bankruptcy

Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution authorizes Congress to enact “uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies. Pursuant to this grant of authority, Congress enacted the “Bankruptcy Code” of 1978. This Code is codified as title 11 of the United States Code and has been amended several times since its enactment with…

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