Part B – Business

THIS fiscal cliff legislation includes lots of tax changes; accordingly, I summarized the provisions for simple reading. Last week’s Part A dealt with individuals while this week’s Part B deals with business. Business depreciation and cost recovery provisions 50% Bonus Depreciation extended The Act extends the 50% first-year bonus depreciation for an additional year to…

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Changes in loan modification programs for 2013

Homeowners Bill of Rights IN JULY, California enacted the major pieces of legislation, which were introduced by Attorney General Kamala Harris. These provision, which will take effect January 1, 2013, will incorporate many of the provisions of the National Mortgage Settlement into California law and specifically will: 1) eliminate “dual tracking” of foreclosures during loan…

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Discharging income taxes in bankruptcy

MANY people have the mistaken belief that back due income taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy because a debt owed to the Federal and State government cannot be wiped out. That belief is wrong. Since 1966, bankruptcy law allows the discharge of debt to the IRS. However, there are rules that must be followed to…

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Have you depleted your savings to pay debts?

LIKE most people, you’ve worked hard and have done your best to pay all your bills on time.  But in life, at one time or another, all of us get into a situation where debt can be overwhelming. Money problems can easily overlap into other areas of our lives. Many people feel hopeless and powerless…

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Part A2 –Individuals

THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER RELIEF ACT OF 2012 Tax breaks for education expenses American Opportunity Higher Education Tax Credit extended The American Opportunity Credit, which can be worth up to $2,500 and can be claimed for up to four years of undergraduate education, was extended by the Act through 2017. College tuition deduction extended -This write-off,…

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Sibling rivalry in the family business

Comparison is a death knell to sibling harmony. – Elizabeth Fishel (Part 2) I WILL conclude my article related to sibling rivalry. Behavioural research have shown that emotion-based sibling rivalry is the struggle to gain attention and love from parents that was missing during childhood. The adult child’s actions and behaviors are directed toward gaining…

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Reduce stress by reducing your debt

DO you dream of simplifying your life, reducing your stress and regaining control of your financial future? Everyone dreams of living a debt-free life and yet we know that today, so many people are drowning in debt that they don’t even sleep well at night. If you are one of these people, perhaps you are…

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Part A1 – Individuals

THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER RELIEF ACT OF 2012 THIS fiscal cliff legislation includes lots of tax changes that could turn into a novel; accordingly, I summarized the provisions for simple reading. Even this condensed version is still long. In brief, the new law: – Cancels most other income tax increases that would have resulted in added…

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Do-it-yourself credit fix

LIKE most people, you’ve probably had your fair share of financial indiscretions: a few pricey shoes, a car bigger than what you really need, a few frivolous pieces of furniture, and an unused fitness club membership. An occasional splurge doesn’t hurt, but you might have gotten carried away at some point, spending more than you…

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Mediating mouth misery

If it’s knocked out, the first thing to do is find your tooth and, holding it by the crown, gently rinse off the root of the tooth with clean water. From oral irritations to dental disasters, your dentist is your best source of information on how to best soothe your dental distress. MOUTH SORES. Canker…

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Debt problems: Put family first

ARE your debt problems putting your family’s welfare at risk? No one ever wants to be in this situation but I see it every day in my work as a bankruptcy attorney. When you are overwhelmed with debt problems, the situation becomes even more challenging when you have a family that you are supporting. Your…

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Filipino teachers’ win is a victory for migrant workers

Why immigrant employees should fight for their rights IN December, just a few days before International Migrants Day, a federal jury ruled that a Los Angeles-based recruitment agency, Universal Placement International (“UPI”), and its owner, Lourdes Navarro, must pay $4.5 million to 350 Filipino teachers who were forced into exploitative employment contracts with UPI. The jurors found…

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10 tactics to survive an IRS audit

YOU have just received an invitation to the offices of the Internal Revenue Service. They want to examine your return. Don’t panic. All these years, you have stashed funds for a rainy day. This is a rainy day. Compose yourself. Then go to battle. Don’t be over confident though. I am just boosting your morale….

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Don’t keep debt problems to yourself

HAVE you ever faced a situation in your life where you needed help so badly but you were just too afraid or embarrassed to ask for it? Perhaps you felt confused and overwhelmed with the problem that you spent sleepless nights trying to figure out what to do. As a bankruptcy attorney, over the years…

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What to do if you are missing a Form W-2

YOU should have received Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) from your employer by now. If you did not, here are 10 tips to help you file: 1. Employers have until January 31 to furnish your W-2. 2. If you have not yet received your Form W-2, ask your employer when the W-2 was mailed….

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Can employees challenge employment documents they signed?

WE previously discussed the question of whether an employee’s signature to an independent contractor agreement binds the employee to the terms of that agreement. We noted that the law determines the worker’s status, not the parties’ agreement.  Even if there was such an agreement, workers who are treated as employees will not be bound by…

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New California news for 2013

Part B: Driving and motor vehicles Cell phones and texting while driving: ASSEMBLY Bill 1536 clarifies existing law by allowing drivers to dictate, send, or listen to text-based communications while driving as long as they use voice-operated, hands-free operation. This clarification makes the texting-while-driving ban consistent with current law that prohibits use of cell phones…

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