What’s new: Tax cuts and jobs act (Part 2)
1. BLENDED Federal Income Tax Rate: For Corporations tax elected to use a fiscal year will pay a blended tax rate and not the 21% flat rate. The new rate…
1. BLENDED Federal Income Tax Rate: For Corporations tax elected to use a fiscal year will pay a blended tax rate and not the 21% flat rate. The new rate…
BEING audited by the IRS is dreaded by most taxpayers. My clients constantly asked which method increase their chances of getting audited. Let’s compare two methods of filing your tax…
THE clients are seniors who just stopped working two months ago. The husband is 75 and the wife is 71. They own a house with $140,000 in equity. Their unmarried…
THE California Fair Pay Act (a.k.a. the Equal Pay Act), enacted in October 2015, prohibits employers from paying employees less than those of the opposite sex for “substantially similar work,”…
I KNOW we’ve never met. But there’s a common fear that everyone shares when they’re in debt. As a bankruptcy attorney, I hear it from people who consult with me…
• PERSONAL exemptions: the personal exemptions for you, your spouse, and dependents are suspended. This line item may not even show on your 2018 Form 1040. • Credits for child…
Q: I WORK as a nurse at a hospital that has a strict policy of no unapproved overtime, and no going on breaks unless we are relieved by another nurse….
YES, definitely. Mistakes can get you audited by the IRS. Let’s discuss common mistakes that can get you into trouble. 1. Filing On Paper Paper-filed error rate is 21% compared…
ARE you struggling every month to pay your debts, especially your credit card bills? Are you always worried about not having enough left over for your mortgage, rent, food and…
I REPRESENTED a foreign company with a $250,000-claim for a 40-foot container of manufactured goods that it delivered to the debtor, a California company, on December 30, 2014. The debtor…
(Part 4) IN part 1: we defined 1) who are resident aliens, nonresident aliens or both, 2) who are exempt individuals, and 3) closer connection exception. In part 2: we…
Equal rights in parental leave benefits Q: I HAVE been working 4 years for a large company in Los Angeles. My wife just gave birth to our first child. When…
THE first senior is 73. He has been separated from his wife for 30 years but not divorced. So, for all intents and purposes, he is single because even if…
THE Internal Revenue Service currently audits less than 1% of tax returns annually, so your probability of attracting IRS audit is incredibly low. Taking deductions that are higher than average deductions…
Do you have old debts in the past that you haven’t paid and are wondering if the creditors can still come back now and collect from you after so many…
YOU have not filed your income tax returns for the current year and previous years because: 1) you decided you are not required to file? 2) You are a victim…
IRS scores tax returns for audit. The higher the score, the more likelihood that you’ll be chosen for audit. 1. Scoring system: The IRS uses a Discriminant Function System (DIF)…
THE client is a foreign company that has been doing business with a California company since 2012. The client is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of a certain kind…
DOUGLASs Troester worked as a shift supervisor of coffee giant, Starbucks Corporation. As shift supervisor, he performed store closing tasks where he transmitted daily sales, profit and loss, and store…
WHEN people are going through financial difficulty and are unable to pay their bills, their first reaction is often to ignore their debts and avoid contact with creditors. They think…
YOU may exclude from gross income gain from sale of principal residence under Internal Revenue Code Section 121. 1. You may be able to exclude gain of $250,000 or $500,000…
“Are you facing foreclosure and want to save your home? Chapter 13 will stop the foreclosure on its tracks and allow you five years to pay off the default while…
“AVisa workers come to work in the U.S. hoping to better their lives and their families’. They work hard, and are less likely to complain about substandard working conditions. There…
E-Filed Returns: • Electronic data are transmitted to a centralized Submission Processing Center. • Tax preparation software assigns a unique 14-digit Declaration Control Number to each return. • A unique…
I WAS counseling someone the other day in my office. He looked shocked and confused as we sorted through all the credit card statements on my desk and added up…
(Part 2) IN part 1: We defined 1) who are resident aliens, nonresident aliens or both, 2) who are exempt individuals, and 3) closer connection exception. In part 2: We…
THE client is 55 and single. He appears to have no problems to worry about. He is self-employed and makes about $5,000 monthly teaching people a special skill. He has no…
Q: AS a newly hired employee, I have seen discriminatory practices against women and older persons in the company. I reported these to upper management and I was told something…
THE classic “hobby loss” situation involves a professional or businessperson who starts Zumba classes, dog-breeding business or a farm. If the IRS determines that the Zumba, dog-breeding, or farm project…
BANKRUPTCY sure sounds like a scary word. And most people see it as an admission of financial failure. By declaring bankruptcy, they figure they are hitting rock bottom. But is…