Rx for e-addicts
LAST week, in this column, we dissected the anatomy, physiology, and psychological and social impact of electronic addiction, a relatively new condition on its way to officially being a medical…
LAST week, in this column, we dissected the anatomy, physiology, and psychological and social impact of electronic addiction, a relatively new condition on its way to officially being a medical…
Advances in science and technology bolster progress in almost all facets of human endeavor, making most (unfortunately, not all) people more comfortable, more efficient, and productive, not to mention other…
What is Sudden Cardiac Death? Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is a swift and unexpected death caused by a heart condition or mechanism, which may or may not be obvious. SCD…
Nineteen years ago, I wrote my article entitled “How to Prevent Cancer”, a serious topic I also discussed in my book, Let’s Stop “Killing” Our Children (www.philipSchua.com). A review on…
What is food poisoning? Food poisoning is a variety of illnesses caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria, toxins or chemicals. This is more common during holidays and summertime. The…
Q: What is Holiday Heart Syndrome? Prevalent during holidays, this symptom complex is mainly characterized by cardiac arrhythmias (heart rhythm irregularity), mostly due to alcoholic binges. The excitement brought on…
Around 71-72 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all water on this planet. The human body is between 50-75 percent…
THE Christmas season is upon us once more and feasting has already started. As we indulge and enjoy the food galore, it behooves us to stay away from foods that…
Twelve years ago, we wrote that drinking coffee reduced the risk for type II diabetes, based on a new study then (involving 42,000 healthy men and 84,000 health women from…
(Part 2 – conclusion) LAST week, we took our readers in a journey back to year 1628, almost 400 years ago, when blood circulation, as we know it today, was…
(Conclusion) Last week, we took our readers in a journey back to year 1628, almost 400 years ago, when blood circulation, as we know it today, was “discovered,” understood, and…
(Part 1 of 2) As the year comes to a close, allow me to take you back in time to revisit some of the great moments in medical science which…
What is Monkeypox? Monkeypox is a viral disease that is on the headlines today. It is characterized by pox lesions on the skin and is closely related to, but not…
Today, about 1.25 billion people smoke cigarettes, and one billion deaths from tobacco-related illness are expected, ten times more compared to the toll in the 20th century. The deadly habit…
At the 103rd Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) last week in San Diego, California, I met several surgeons from the Philippines who flew in to…
Except for infectious, congenital diseases, and rarer maladies, the most common major illnesses today are caused by four main risk factors, for which I have coined the acronym: TABA, which…
My wife, Farida, and I just returned to Las Vegas from an 11-day Japan Explorer Cruise on the Celebrity Millennium with some colleagues, claimed to be the largest cruise vessel…
What are renal calculi? Renal calculi (kidney stones) are chemical crystals that form into a hard salt solid structure that looks like and feels like a common stone we find…
For thousands of years, China has been known to be the capital of herbal medicine. Other countries like the Philippines have their own local regional version of treating diseases and…
What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes muscle aches and pain, tenderness, spasm, and stiffness, along with areas of the tendons and ligaments, and chronic fatigue. These tender…
IN the United States, one person is diagnosed with a stroke every 40 seconds. This dreaded and debilitating illness is so common it victimizes more than 2,000 individuals each day…
Nothing to date can dissolve kidney stones, in spite of various marketed herbal substances or “natural and home” remedy potion or pills that claim to be able to do so….
What is Chelation Therapy? Chelation Therapy is an accepted treatment for poisoning by many metals (like lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, etc.) and other toxic substances. These chelating agents “cleanse” the…
We do not need sleep False. While science cannot be certain that every animal sleeps, evidence says that most of those in the animal kingdom do. Sleep is very important,…
“…Anything less makes the man nothing but a selfish egocentric sperm donor and the woman only a cold and cruel human incubator.” Every child is a blessing from God, and…
While terrorism is holding peace hostage around the world today, a more rampant but under the radar killer is on the loose and becoming more widespread, wiping out lives, as…
Does aspirin protect us against cancer? Yes, according to clinical studies conducted on patients taking daily aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid) for conditions like arthritis, etc., or among heart patients taking aspirin…
What is “sore eyes”? Sore eyes, medically known as conjunctivitis, is a highly contagious infection of the eyes, commonly cause by an adenovirus. There are several serotypes of adenoviruses. The…
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warning on the use of tanning beds at home and at tanning salons: tanning increases the risk for melanoma, a…
Losing weight on a diet that is high in fat is dangerous for overall health. The risk of coronary heart disease has been found to be significantly higher among those…