Remedios Jacobo Solero–Taeza: More than just a fashionista

Today’s women, aside from being smart and career-oriented, have amazingly transcended the boundaries of multi-tasking. They impressive juggle varying roles and accomplish much with such panache. Despite having their hands in full grasp of any given situation still they could afford to alot considerable time to serve and give back to the community.
A quintessential exponent of a tunnel-vision-woman, who hails from the verdant hills of the island province of Catanduanes in the Philippines is Remedios Jocobo Solero-Taeza (more popularly addressed as Medy). The now US-based lady is a permanent fixture in almost every Filipino-American event after having had incredibly metamorphosed into an ultra-modern risk-taker armed with ambitious goals, consistently driven and firmly committed. Medy’s remarkable involvement in various cause-oriented community organizations makes her a household name every time related events arise.
Medy’s defining trait is her being consistently stylish. Her wardrobe reflected her innate fashion sense. She has that distinct urbanized fashion savvy which could successfully mix-match classic and trendy pieces together without compromising its aesthetic form while effortlessly unleashing a completely fresh, eclectic idea, instead.
Gifted with a well-proportioned body frame, despite the years of motherhood and fast-paced daily routine, makes her a top choice in every fashion and ramp-trotting fundraiser event. Even without a towering height, Medy more than makes up for what she is short of, that certain skill and versatility in projection and a focused working attitude that make her different from the rest. One thing more, her being equipped with terpsichorean prowess all the more gave her an alluring grace and flexibility. Yes, Medy glides, not walk, when she does catwalks.
Medy’s personal fashion style, whether off-the-rock or branded items, effectively expresses her peculiar iconic image while simultaneously creating an empowered individuality that stands out in any crowd.
“It’s all about a woman’s practical fashion intuition coupled with confidence. Yes, a lot of it! Actually, my wardrobes are not really all couture,” she said, adding, “Majority are prêt-a-porter and stuff that caught my fancy along the way.
“But I’m not scared to experiment mix-matching them and finishing off with appropriate accessories. It’s actually my strategic formula for self-expression above anything else,” she also said.
But her notable social emergence was, at a time, marred by underhand schemes and wagging tongues with malicious intent. She knew her susceptibility to intrigues, but it couldn’t be denied that she was not prepared for such dilemma that created some sort of debilitating effect on her moral foundation and social status.
Though livid with anger, she was able to shrug it off leaving the indomitably unfounded rumor expunged by itself. More than anybody else, it was she who knows the truth and she doesn’t owe anybody any explanation. Her positive attributes and smart disposition in life enabled her to brave those inevitable “tides and tempests” that tried to ruin her and she ended up triumphant.
In her deliberate attempt to get away and dodge the hassles of city life, Medy found the luxurious resorts of the Bahamas a perfect paradise and instantly fell in love with the place. Having discovered a stress-free escape from reality, she took her much-needed respite when time permits. Medy had already enjoyed the exciting art cultures of Mexico, the enchanting sights of Honduras, the cosmopolitan culture and antiquated artifacts of Austria, the exotic thrill of Bermuda’s calypso and reggae music, and the tropical enticement of the Hawaiian Islands.
It is still hard to comprehend and be totally convinced that this social figure, fashion plate, and career woman is actually an epitome of a homemaker, a home engineer worth emulating. For aside from maintaining a homey atmosphere, Medy is also a kitchen wizard. While she could keep a warm dwelling ambiance she could also overwhelmingly produce mouth-watering, aromatic dishes out of her own kitchen recipes.
When away from the glitz and glam of social functions on a typical weekend, Medy is kept busy cooking for her kids. “Oh, how they love noodles, anything pasta! I almost run out of pasta recipe possible. They are really insatiably into it.”
Having been raised by her grandmother who taught her the rudiments of cooking and baking aside hailing from the Bicol Region where coconuts abundantly grow, unmistakably, Medy’s specialty would be anything with coconut milk, particularly seafood.
But wait ‘til you try her chicken macaroni salad. Everybody who has tasted her especially concocted pasta dish has only this to say: “Absolutely, the best yet!”
Medy’s motherly nature genuinely emanates from within her while singly raising her two sons: Michael Ian (23), who is in his last year in college, and Jean Gabriel, (17), who attends La Guardia Specialized Arts High School. Her two most precious possessions serve as the main source of her inspirations and the greatest motivating factor that consistently kept her driven.
“At this point in time, my main concern is the education of my kids. I want them to finish school, be employed, and get established. Only then when I will be completely at ease and consider things that could sustain me through the later years of my life,” she said.
But Medy’s care-free and happy-go-lucky facade could be deceiving. Beneath all her carefree ways lies a compassionate and munificent heart that beats for the needy. Having personally experienced and witnessed disheartening living conditions of typhoon victims, being from a coastal province located along the typhoon path, Medy knows the ordeals suffered by displaced and homeless people. This made her passionate about helping natural-calamity-battered victims in her home province.
In her own capacity, she has spearheaded donation drives aside from initially sharing whatever she could afford. During the latest harrowing devastation of Typhoon Ondoy (international code name: Ketsana) and super Typhoon Pablo (international code name: Bopha) that left behind a vast path of destruction and claimed hundred lives, Medy’s unprecedented concern was greatly manifested by way of her immediate response and candid action. Through her initiative and with the collective efforts of equally concerned Fil-Am citizens, her employer, the New York Palace Hotel, the Phil. Consulate Office, and the San Lorenzo Ruiz Chapel, they shipped several boxes of canned goods, clothing, toiletries, comfort needs, and medicine to flood-damaged areas.
There’s still one outstanding trait that Medy possesses but is rarely highlighted. That is her being pious and religiously practicing her faith. Aside from actively performing voluntary services at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Chapel, Medy is an ardent Marian devotee.
Imagine this multifaceted bundle of energy, who actually dreamed of being a nurse but opted to finish Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) from the University of the East. Ambitious and idealistic, Medy left for Japan in 1983 to seek for the proverbial greener pasture. While in the Land of the Rising Sun, she studied Japanese and taught English to support herself. Coming from a predominantly Catholic country, she brought along with her the faith that she has embraced and got actively involved in catechism and bible study classes and in the dissemination of Christian doctrine.
After five years, she went back to the Philippines only to be fascinated by the lure of New York City. In 1990, she flew to the US solely armed with a firm determination to succeed after defying all the odds. A baby-sitting job initially gave her the opportunity to struggle and survive in the Big Apple until she redeemed herself with a better employment at the New York Palace Hotel where she’s been working for the last fifteen years.
Hardworking, dedicated with a strong sense of camaraderie in the workplace, Medy’s endearing charms and exemplary service rightfully earned for her enviable recognitions such as Employee of the Month, Superstar of the Quarter, and a nomination to the Big Apple Star Awards.
Likewise, her exquisite beauty and appealing personality catapulted her to being recognized as Mrs. Philippines-America 2008 by the Federation of Philippine Societies in NJ, Inc.; Mrs. Bicolandia USA 2011; 2012 Glambassador Award from NaFFAA Region 1; and 2012 America’s Five Glamorous Fil-Am Women from the Philippine Hearts and Hopes Society, Inc.
Her beauty will once again be recognized when she reigns as Reyna Emperatriz on Sunday, May 26, at the 35th Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo of the Catholic Action of Mary of St. Mary Church Resurrection Parish in Jersey City.
Medy proudly holds prestigious posts while being actively affiliated with various Fil-Am community organizations. These include: External Vice-Pres. of Catanduanes Association USA, Treasurer of Bicolandia Association of Eastern Seaboard, Treasurer of Catanduanes International USA, Vice-Pres. for Operations of the Phil-Am Women Glambassadors of Hope, Secretary of Our Lady of Manaoag Societies of NY, Novena Leader at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Chapel, Special Awards Chair of the 2013 PAFCOM Friendship Ball & Coronation Night, Chair of the Ushers Committee of the Simbang Gabi sa Katedral 2010, Co-chair of the 2010 PIDCI Commemorative Program, Chair of San Lorenzo Ruiz Feast Orchids Ball & Dinner Dance, Co-chair of Diwa ng Kalayaan 2009, and Co-chair of the 2009 PIDCI Street Fair.
As if her tested leadership isn’t enough to prove her active community participation, Medy still finds time to support other associations even as a member foremost of which is the Ladies for Rizal.
It seems no amount of persuasion could convince Medy to stop her activities but as long as she enjoys what she’s doing while having that surreal feeling of something worthy inevitably comes with her every good deed, Medy could only thank her Creator for the gift of life with a valuable purpose.
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