FR. ANDREW Chung’s words during his First Mass as a newly-ordained priest still ring in my ears: “New vestments, new chalice, newly ordained priest…These are all things that will fade away, and yet what we are reminded by the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord is that while most things fade away, the one thing that remains constant is God’s invitation to join Him in heaven, where nothing fades and we can be fully alive and truly one with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus shows us the way, the Spirit continues to guide, and we have the opportunity to be united with God in heaven. But before we do so our mission is to go and to teach all the nations, with the assurance that God is with us always, until the end of the world.”

Fr. Andrew connected well with the innermost longing of those attending his First Mass, which is to be with God in heaven. And Fr. Andrew has chosen a vocation to help people realize this longing. In priesthood he will show people the way to heaven “where nothing fades away.”

As a young priest, Fr. Andrew is full of joy, energy, passion, and idealism. His seminary training has prepared him well to accomplish this mission “to teach all nations” the way of the Gospel. Empowered by the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, he would assure himself that God is with him as he faces the challenges of ministry.

Fr. Andrew is a fresh face among priests; yet his “freshness” inspires us, priests who have been in service for many years. It reminds us of our own precious gift of priesthood and the true reasons why we followed this path of life.

We responded to the call of priesthood to serve God and his people. We wanted to serve the poor and the downtrodden, the young and the old. We wanted to bring all people closer to God, to build His Kingdom of love, justice and peace in this world.

On this Pentecost Sunday, we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all of us who serve the Church and on all citizens of the world.  We pray that we may all be instruments of peace and justice, that we may remind people of treasures that are eternal, and of God’s intimate desire for each of us to be with him in heaven, our true home.

We pray that many more young people may follow this “road less travelled” that Fr. Andrew has taken. May they be inspired to help people set their minds on things above and not merely on things of the world.  May many more young people sacrifice their lives to serve God and His people! Amen.

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Reverend Rodel G. Balagtas attended St. John Seminary in Camarillo, California and earned his Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri.  For twenty years, he has been in the parish ministry of large multi-cultural communities.  Since 2002, he has been the pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Los Angeles. Please email Fr. Rodel at [email protected].

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